SERBP1 is present in Tau aggregates.
A) Representative co-immunofluorescence of SERBP1 and Phospho-Tau (Thr231) in AD brain tissues. Merged channel is represented. DAPI was used to stain nuclei. Magnification 20x and white scale bar: 50 µm. Three different Insets selected from merged channels are represented in zoomed images as merged, SERBP1 (green) and Phospho-Tau (red). B) Representative PLA of SERBP1 vs. pTau in AD and aged-matched control brains (magnification 40x and white scale bar: 50µm). C) Percentage of positive area to PLA fluorescence in region of interests in AD and control brains (Ctr vs AD, *** p<0.001, paired t-test). D) Western blot showing SERBP1 expression in normal and AD brains and presence of oligomers. GAPDH and Tau oligomers immunoblot are shown. E) SERBP1 relative density in Ctr and AD brains, quantified as function of GAPDH (from immunoblot in D). (Ctr vs. AD, * p<0.05, paired t-test). F) Venn diagram shows overlap between proteins often identified in Tau aggregates and SERBP1 associated proteins identified in this study (top). Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis (Biological Processes) using ShinyGO (27) indicated that SERBP1-associated factors that are also present in Tau aggregates are implicated in ribosome biogenesis, translation, splicing and telome maintenance. FE = fold enrichment; FDR = false discovery rate. Datasets used to prepare the figure and detailed analyses are in Tables S1 and S9.