Rudhira depletion deregulates developmental endothelial TGFβ signaling.
(A) KEGG pathway map indicating TGFβ pathway genes from KEGG database that are deregulated upon rudhira depletion in mouse embryonic yolk sac, based on [14]. Genes were mapped based on fold change in rudhira-/- yolk sacs in comparison to control to understand pathway regulation. Green: downregulated, Red: upregulated. Blue circles indicate affected genes or processes known to be affected upon Rudhira depletion, from earlier studies. (B) NS and KD SVEC cells, transfected with constitutively active TGFβRI for 24h, were analyzed for Smad2 phosphorylation by Immunoblotting. Graph shows the quantitation of pSmad2/Smad2 levels (N= 3 independent experiments). (C, D) Control (NS), rudhira knockdown (KD) and rescued KD (KD + Rudhira-2A-GFP) cells were kept untreated or treated with TGFβ and used for various assays, as indicated. (C) Immunoblot for Smad2/3 and pSmad2. Graph shows the quantitation of pSmad2/Smad2 levels (N= 3 independent experiments). (D) qRT-PCR analysis of mmp9 and pai1, known Smad2/3 targets in ECs (N= 3 independent experiments). (E, E’) Immunostaining for phosphorylated Smad2/3 in control and rudhira conditional knockout (rudhCKO) embryos at E10.5. Boxed region in the embryonic heart in (E) marking the endocardium and the myocardium are magnified in (E’) (N= 3 embryos for each genotype). White dotted line indicates the endocardium. Graph shows the quantitation of pSmad2/3 levels (N= 3 independent experiments). Statistical analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA .(A, B, C, D) and student’s t-test (E). Error bars indicate standard error of mean (SEM). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. Scale bar: (E) 100 µm; (E’) 20 μm.