Sleep need-dependent responses of AMPA/NMDA ratio and silent synapses in motor cortex. A) Examples of AMPA currents at -90 mV holding potential and NMDA currents at +50 mV holding potential are shown for: control sleep (CS), 6 h of sleep deprivation (SD) and 4 h of sleep deprivation followed by 2 h of recovery sleep (RS). Traces (100msec duration) are scaled to the NMDA current for comparison (NMDA current measured @ 40msec after AMPA peak current). B) Examples of successes (black) and failures (red) at -90 mV (left, AMPA) and +50 mV (right, NMDA) after minimal stimulation of excitatory inputs to motor cortex pyramidal neurons are shown; Top row: CS sleep, middle row: SD and bottom row: RS (Cal. 10pAX20msec). Rate of failures (% of all stimuli delivered) for AMPA EPSCs (blue) and NMDA EPSCs (red) in the three conditions (+/-sem). C), D) Average (+/-sem) AMPAR and NMDAR EPSC responses (unmatched) and failure rates, respectively, for each sleep condition. E), F) Matched AMPA/NMDA EPSC response and AMPA/NMDA failure rate ratios, respectively, are shown for the three conditions (N=1 cell/slice, 2-3 slice/animal, 3 animals/condition).