Figures and data

Summary of the ANI and number of variants found between each sample and its donor genome.

Median alignment-based read identity (x-axis) for each sample (points) stratified by basecalling model (colours) and read type (y-axis). The Qscore is the logarithmic transformation of the read identity, Q = −10 log10 P, where P is the read identity.

The highest F1 score for each sample (points), stratified by basecalling model (colours), variant type (rows), and read type (columns). Illumina results (green) are included as a reference and do no have different basecalling models or read types. Note, longshot does not provide indel calls.

Precision and recall curves for each variant caller (colours and line styles) on sequencing data basecalled with the sup model, stratified by variant type (rows) and read type (columns) and aggregated across samples. The curves are generated by using increasing variant quality score thresholds to filter variants and calculating precision and recall at each threshold. The lowest threshold is the lower right part of the curve, moving to the highest at the top left. Note, Longshot does not provide indel calls.

Impact of variant density and repetitive regions on Illumina variant calling. Variant density is the number of (true or false) variants in a 100bp window centred on a call. a and b) the distribution of variant densities for true positive (TP), false positive (FP) and false negative (FN) calls. The y-axis, percent, indicates the percent of all calls of that decision that fall within the density bin on the x-axis. Illumina calls, aggregated across all samples are shown in a, while b shows Clair3 calls from simplex sup-basecalled reads at 100x depth. c) impact of repetitive regions on the F1 score (y-axis) for Clair3 (100x simplex sup) and Illumina. The x-axis indicates whether variants that fall within repetitive regions are excluded from the calculation of the F1 score. Points indicate the F1 score for a single sample.

Relationship between indel length (y-axis) and homopolymer length (x-axis) for false positive (FP) indel calls for Clair3 100x simplex fast (top left), hac (top right), and sup (lower left) calls. Illumina is shown in the lower right for reference. The vertical red line indicates the threshold above which we deem a run of the same nucleotide to be a ‘true’ homopolymer. Indel length is the number of bases inserted/deleted for an indel, whereas the homopolymer length indicates how long the tract of the same nucleotide is after the indel. The colour of a cell indicates how many FP indels of that indel-homopolymer length combination.

Effect of read depth (x-axis) on the highest SNP F1 score, and precision and recall at that F1 score (y-axis), for each variant caller (colours). Each column is a basecall model and read type combination. The grey bars indicate the number of samples with at least that much read depth in the full read set. Samples with less than that depth were not used to calculate that depth’s metrics. Bars on each point at each depth depict the 95% confidence interval. The horizontal red dashed line is the full-depth Illumina value for that metric, with the red bands indicating the 95% confidence interval.

Effect of read depth (x-axis) on the highest indel F1 score, and precision and recall at that F1 score (y-axis), for each variant caller (colours). Each column is a basecall model and read type combination. The grey bars indicate the number of samples with at least that much read depth in the full read set. Samples with less than that depth were not used to calculate that depth’s metrics. Bars on each point at each depth depict the 95% confidence interval. The horizontal red dashed line is the full-depth Illumina value for that metric, with the red bands indicating the 95% confidence interval.

Computational resource usage of alignment and each variant caller (y-axis and colours). The top panel shows the maximum memory usage (x-axis) and the lower panel shows the runtime as a function of the CPU time (seconds) divided by the number of basepairs in the readset (seconds per megabasepairs; x-axis). Each point represents a single run across read depths, basecalling models, read types, and samples for that variant caller (or alignment). s=seconds; m=minutes; MB=megabytes; GB=gigabytes; Mbp=megabasepairs.