RMSD comparison (all numbers have units of Å) for AlphaFold2 predicted scFv structures compared to reference crystal structures, A) 2or9 (Myc) and B) 1frg (HA), respectively. The loops of the scFv more closely mimic the crystal structure when the epitope peptide is present. The backbone also undergoes subtle changes during docking that make it slightly more similar to the crystal structure. These structures were aligned by identifying the framework residues in all structures, then aligning the framework region Cα with the Kabsch algorithm (48, 49). Specifically excluded from this process were the heavy and light CDR loops of the structures, as well as the flexible linker structure that connects the heavy and light chains due to the inherent floppy, unstructured nature of this region. After aligning the framework regions of the AlphaFold2 predicted structures and the crystal structures (2or9 and 1frg respectively), an RMSD of these Cα was calculated and is reported as the first column ‘BB Cα RMSD’. Without further alignment, loop placement was analyzed with an all backbone RMSD by calculating the RMSD between the C, Cα, N, and O along the backbone of all residues in the scFv that were not used for the framework superimposition. This RMSD is reported in the second column as ‘Loop all backbone RMSD’. Finally, to investigate peptide predicted placement and potential scFv:epitope interactions, an all-atom RMSD was calculated between the crystal structure and the AF2 predicted peptide structure (no additional alignment). Because the apo structure lacks a peptide position, this is only reported in the ‘Docked’ category and is in the 3rd column labeled ‘Epitope all atom RMSD’. One script was written for each scFv (Myc and HA), and can be found in the Zenodo deposition of our data (https://zenodo.org/records/10884181) because this analysis is not a key part of PAbFold. Briefly this analysis reveals that all three HA scFv variants have predicted framework regions and loop regions in the apo structures that closely match the reference structure (0.56-0.58 Å and 1.21-1.39 Å). Accordingly, when the cognate epitope peptide is present, it can be placed with relatively high accuracy for all three scFvs (3.1-3.2 Å), with only small changes in the loops (1.39 Å to 1.25 Å, 1.32 Å to 1.26 Å, and 1.21 Å to 1.27 Å). In contrast, the apo structures for the three Myc scFvs have a much higher deviation in the loop regions (2.87 to 3.06 Å). When the epitope peptide is added, there is significant motion in the loops consistent with an “induced fit” description. In the two chimeric Myc scFvs (Myc-15F11 and Myc-2E2) the final loop RMSD is reduced to 1.51-1.61 Å, and the epitope peptide is successfully predicted (2.45-2.68 Å). However, despite a lower apo-state loop RMSD (2.87 Å), the loop RMSD for the wild-type Myc scFv only drops to 1.75 Å, and the epitope peptide placement does not match the experimental structure (6.69 Å). This is consistent with the failure of the wild-type Myc scFv AlphaFold2 predictions in main text Figure 2.