Establishing Coculture Models to Molecularly Dissect JAM Mediated Adhesion.
(A) Diagram of the conditional detection of JAM specific contacts using two pH sensitive fusion proteins expressed in apposed CGNs and glia: JAM-C-pH and LAMPshade Violet (LSV)-SNAPtag Ligand (-STL). (B) Representative time series of contact formation between JAM-C-pH in a CGN and JAM-B-SNAP on a glial cell acquired using AiryScan Microscopy with a 63x 1.4NA objective. Images shown are 0.5 gamma adjusted sum projections of pixel reassigned z-stacks captured every 7 minutes. Channels are shown split into single channel grayscale images and merged in color. Scale bar = 10 µm (C) Enlarged view of JAM-C-pH to JAM-B-SNAP contact site. Scale bar = 10 µm (D) Representative FRAP images corresponding to: i.) gamma adjusted initial max projections of GPI-2xBFP, JAM-C-pH, and LSV-STL labeled JAM-SNAP multichannel images ii.) JAM-C-pH immediately after photobleach, and iii.) JAM-C-pH at max recovery at 32 seconds. An inset is provided for JAM-C-pH to JAM-C-SNAP to show signal overlap. The orange box in ii.) is the photobleached area, and the orange triangles in iii.) points to local recovery. (E) Trace of normalized JAM-C-pH fluorescence for the data shown in (D). Statistical significance is represented by standard convention: ns p>0.05, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001, and **** p<0.0001. (F) Comparison of Mobile Fraction calculated for adhesion to JAM-C on CGNs, JAM-B on glia, JAM-B on glia treated with Latrunculin A, JAM-B on glia after washing away Latrunculin A. Technical replicates from at least 2 biological replicates are plotted as individual points within violin plots. Statistical comparison is performed using Wilcoxon Rank Sum Tests compared to JAM-B on glia. (G) Diagram of experimental setup to detect adhesion events for secondarily dissociated JAM-C-pH replaced CGNs plated on monolayers of JAM-C-SNAP expressing CGNs or JAM-B-SNAP replaced glia. (H) Representative orthoslice views of CGN JAM-C-pH adhesion to LSV-STL labeled glial JAM-B-SNAP fluorescence acquired by lattice lightsheet microscopy detection through a 50x 1.0NA objective. Orthoslice views of deskewed and deconvolved light sheet timelapses were selected to visualize the cross-sections of two CGNs as they contact JAM-B-SNAP expressing glia at a 30 second intervals. The axial position of the images was manually registered over time, and JAM-B-SNAP fluorescence was photobleach corrected using histogram equalization between time points. Images are gamma adjusted by 0.75 to highlight low fluorescence signal for both JAM-C-pH and JAM-B SNAP. Gray arrowheads are used to point out the observed first instance of JAM-C-pH to JAM-B-SNAP contact formation.