Ezrin binds EGFR and regulates its activation.
A, Bubble plot representing the enrichment analysis of 530 DEGs performed in SILAC Phosphoproteomics data. Color and x axis represent minus logarithms of p Value. The size represents numbers of genes enriched in the indicated data. B, Physical interactions, obtained by GeneMANIA, highlight Ezrin and EGFR binding. C, Volcano plot of DEGs, with up-regulated EGFR and down-regulated MAP2 and ERBB2 (no threshold on Log2FC and 0.05 threshold on –Log10FDR). Legend: red dot, up-regulated gene; blue dot, down-regulated gene; grey dot, not significant gene. D,E Co-IP data for Ezrin-EGFR interaction. For the co-IP analyses, was used Ezrin antibody, conjugated with beads, and immunoblotted with EGFR antibody for WT and EZR−/− (D) and HeLa EZRT567D and EZRT567A (E) HeLa cells, respectively. Schematic representation of HeLa EZRT567D and EZRT567A co-IP (bottom). F, Confocal microscopy images showing EGFR (green) and EZR (red) co-localization on the membrane in HeLa WT cells (left) and magnified views of the regions are provided (right). Scale bar 10 µm (magnification 1 µm). Representative plots of co-localization profiles on the membrane between EGFR (green) and EZR (red). Data represent mean of EGFR-EZR colocalization spots ± SEM (n=3 experiments at least); G, Immunofluorescent labelling images of EGFR in HeLa WT and EZR−/− cells, observed by confocal microscopy. Scale bar 10 µm. H, Data represent fluorescence intensity ± SEM (n=3 experiments at least). Statistical test: unpaired t-test; I, Immunoblots and calculated levels (bottom) of HER3, pY845 EGFR, EGFR, pT222 MK2, MK2, pT180/pY182 p38 MAPK and P38 MAPK in HeLa WT and EZR−/− cells. Data are expressed as mean of pY845EGFR/EGFR, pT222 MK2/MK2 and pT180/pY182 p38 MAPK/P38 MAPK ratio ± SEM (n=3 experiments at least). GAPDH was used as loading control. Statistical test: unpaired t-test for pY845 EGFR; Mann-Whitney test for HER3, EGFR, pT222 MK2, pT180/pY182 p38 MAPK. Panel E created with BioRender.com.