Microglial PR phagosomes in the outer retina assessed with ex vivo confocal imaging. (A) En-face images of outer ONL in a DAPI-stained CX3CR1-GFP mouse 3 days post-laser-injury (top row). Microglia have infiltrated deep into the ONL and several PR phagosomes were identified. White arrows indicate locations for a single microglia (i), PR (ii) and PR phagosome (iii). These locations were expanded and displayed below. Microglia exhibited a heterogeneous nuclear staining pattern while PR nuclei exhibited homogenous DAPI fluorescence pattern. PR’s displayed this pattern regardless of whether they were within a microglial phagosome or not. Top scale bar = 20 µm, bottom scale bar = 2 µm. (B) A finely-sliced (0.1 µm step size) outer retinal z-stack of DAPI-stained CX3CR1-GFP retina was used to quantify the average nuclear volume for infiltrated microglia (n = 14 nuclei) and PR’s (n = 20 nuclei) for the same lesion site presented in A. On average, microglia had a statistically significant (p < 0.001) nuclear volume that was >3x that of PR’s. These measurements allowed us to discriminate microglial somas from PR phagosomes. Error bars display mean + 1 SD. (C) Cross sections of DAPI-stained outer retina in CX3CR1-GFP mice for 1, 3 and 7 days post-laser injury (n=3 mice). 3 representative planes (X-Z) through the lesion are displayed for each time point. Microglia form PR phagosomes within the ONL and microglial processes were seen extended into the PR inner/outer segment layer. Arrows label various morphological features seen at lesion sites: microglial somas (yellow), diving microglial process (violet), PR phagosome (red), microglial inner/outer segment process (cyan). Scale bar = 20 µm.