TrpA1+ cells in the gut are enteroendocrine cells concentrated in a portion of the intestine bordering the blocked bacteria.
Confocal fluorescent pictures of the anterior portions of L3 larval intestines to detect; longitudinal and transversal muscles concentrated in actin (F, G, H and H’), TrpA1+ cells producing RFP (A, A’, B, C, C’’ and F), GFP-bacteria (B, G and H), Dh31+ cells (C’, C’’, D and E), Pros+ cells (D and E) and nuclei with DNA staining (A, A’, B, C’’, D, E and G).
In B, D, E, G, H and H’; animals were previously fed for 1h with a mixture containing bacteria and yeast with Bt (B, D and E) or Ecc (G, H and H’). When present, the white star indicates the anterior part of the intestinal portion shown, the arrows point to TARMs and the > symbols point to TrpA1+ cells. The empty squares in A and H with dashed lines correspond to the portion of the image magnified in A’ and H’, respectively. Scale bar in A, B, F, G and H represents 500µm, in A’, C, D, E and H’ represents 100 µm.