Real-time transcriptomic analysis between HEK293 and HeLa using NanopoReaTA.
A. Experimental strategy. RNA was isolated from HEK293 and HeLa cells, the dscDNA library was prepared which included sample barcoding and adapter ligation. Samples were loaded and sequenced using a PromethION R10 flow cell. NanopoReaTA was activated shortly after sequencing initiation and data was collected 1hr, 2hr, 5hr, 10hr, and 24hr post-sequencing initiation. B-D Differential gene expression 1-hour post-sequencing initiation between HEK293 and HeLa samples. Selected data plots showing sample-to-sample distance plot (B), pPCA (C) and volcano plot (D) 1hr-post sequencing initiation. E-G. Differential gene expression 24-hours post-sequencing initiation between HEK293 and HeLa samples. Selected data plots showing sample-to-sample distance plot (E), Principal component analysis (PCA) (F) and volcano plot (G) 24-hours post-sequencing initiation. H. Five-way Venn diagram showing the differentially expressed gene overlaps between the distinct collected time points. I. Validation of identified differentially expressed genes through Harmonizome database (Rouillard et al. 2016). For this analysis, we utilized “HPA Cell Line Gene Expression Profiles” (Uhlén et al. 2015). Among the DEGs (identified at the 24-hours time point), 35 genes were found to be enriched in HEK293 and depleted in HeLa, while 41 genes showed enrichment in HeLa and depletion in HEK293.