Methylphenidate enhances or impairs the cognitive control of Pavlovian bias depending on working memory capacity

  1. Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;
  2. Department of Psychiatry, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands;
  3. Biological Psychology of Decision Making, Institute of Experimental Psychology, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.
  4. School of Psychology, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom;
  5. School of Psychology and Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom;

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Mitul Mehta
    King's College London, London, United Kingdom
  • Senior Editor
    Jonathan Roiser
    University College London, London, United Kingdom

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


The authors use methylphenidate (MPH) administration after learning a Pavlovian to instrumental transfer (PIT) task to parse decision-making from instrumental influences. While the main effects were null, individual differences in working memory ability moderated the tendency of MPH to boost cognitive control in order to override PIT-biased instrumental learning. Importantly, this working memory moderator had symmetrical effects in appetite and aversive conditions, and these patterns replicated within each valence condition across different values of gain/loss (Fig S1c), suggesting a reliable effect that is generalized across instances of Pavlovian influence.


The idea of using pharmacological challenge after learning but prior to transfer is a novel technique that highlights the influence of catecholamines on the expression of learning under Pavlovian bias, and importantly it dissociated this decision feature from the learning of stimulus-outcome or action-outcome pairings.


While the report is largely straightforward and clearly written, some aspects may be edited to improve the clarity for other readers.

  1. Theoretical clarity. The authors seem to hedge their bets when it comes to placing these findings within a broader theoretical framework.

  2. Analytic clarity: what's c^2?

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


In this study, Geurts et al. investigated the effects of the catecholamine reuptake inhibitor methylphenidate (MPH) on value-based decision-making using a combination of aversive and appetitive Pavlovian to Instrumental Transfer (PIT) in a human cohort. Using an elegant behavioural design they showed a valence- and action-specific effects of Pavlovian cues on instrumental responses. Initial analyses show no effect of MPH on these processes. However the authors performed a more in-depth analysis and demonstrated that MPH actually modulates PIT in action-specific manner depending of individual working memory capacities. The authors interpret that as an effect on cognitive control of Pavlovian biasing of actions and decision-making more than an invigoration of motivational biases.


A major strength of this study is its experimental design. The elegant combination of appetitive and aversive Pavlovian learning with approach/avoidance instrumental actions allows to precisely investigate the different modulation of value-based decision making depending on the context and environmental stimuli. Important MPH is only administered after Pavlovian and instrumental learning, restricting the effect on PIT performance only. Finally, the use of a placebo-controlled crossover design allows within-comparisons between PIT effect under placebo and MPH and the investigation of the relationships between working memory abilities, PIT and MPH effects.


As authors stated in their discussion, this study is purely correlational and their conclusions could be strengthened by the addition of interesting (but time- and resource-consuming) neuroimaging work.
The originality of this work compared to their previous published work using the same cohort could also be clarified at different stages of the article, as I initially wondered what was really novel. This point is much clearer in the discussion section.
A point which, in my opinion, really requires clarification is when the working memory performance presented in Figure 2B has been determined. Was it under placebo (as I would guess) or under MPH? If it is the former, it would be also interesting to look at how MPH modulates working memory based on initial abilities.
A final point is that it could be interesting to also discuss these results, not only regarding dopamine signalling, but also including potential effect of MPH on noradrenaline in frontal regions, considering the known role of this system in modulating behavioural flexibility.

Reviewer #3 (Public review):

The manuscript by Geurts and colleagues studies the effects of methylphenidate on Pavlovian to instrumental transfer in humans and demonstrates that the effects of the drug depend on the baseline working memory capacity of the participants. The experiment used a well established cognitive task that allows to measure the effects of Pavlovian cues predicting monetary wins and losses on instrumental responding in two different contexts, namely approach and withdraw. By administering the drug after participants went through the instrumental and Pavlovian learning phases of the experiment, the authors limited the effects of the drug to the transfer phase in extinction. This allowed the authors to make inference about the invigorating effects of the cues independently from any learning bias. Moreover, the authors employed a within subject design to study the effect of the drug on 100 participants, which also allows to detect continuous between-subject relationships with covariates such as working memory capacity.

The study replicates previous findings using this task, namely that appetitive cues promote active responding, and aversive cues promote passive responding in an approach instrumental context, whereas the effect of the cues reverses in a withdraw instrumental context. The results of the methylphenidate manipulation show that the drug decreases the effects of the Pavlovian cues on instrumental responding in participants with low working memory capacity but increases the Pavlovian effects in participants with high working memory capacity. Importantly, in the latter group, methylphenidate increases the invigorating effect of appetitive Pavlovian cues on active approach and aversive Pavlovian cues on active withdrawal as well as the inhibitory effects of aversive Pavlovian cues on active approach and appetitive Pavlovian cues on active withdrawal. These results cannot be explained if catecholamines are just involved in Pavlovian biases by modulating behavioral invigoration driven by the anticipation of reward and punishment in the striatum, as this account can't account for the reversal of the effects of a valence cue on vigor depending on the instrumental context.

In general, I find the methods of this study very robust and the results very convincing and important. However, I have some concerns:

I am not convinced that the inclusion of impulsivity scores in the logistic mixed model to analyze the effects of methylphenidate on PIT is warranted. The authors do not show whether inclusion of this covariate is justified in terms of BIC. Moreover, they include this covariate but do not report the effects. Finally, it is possible that impulsivity is correlated with working memory capacity. In that case, multicollinearity may impact the estimation of the coefficient estimates and may inflate the p-values for the correlated covariates. Are the reported results robust when this factor is not included?

The authors state that working memory capacity is an established proxy for dopamine synthesis capacity and cite some studies supporting this view. However, the authors omit a recent reference by van den Bosch et al that provides evidence for the absence of links between striatal dopamine synthesis capacity and working memory capacity. The lack of a robust link between working memory capacity and dopamine synthesis capacity in the striatum strengthens the alternative explanations of the results suggested in the discussion.

Author response:

Public Reviews:

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


The authors use methylphenidate (MPH) administration after learning a Pavlovian to instrumental transfer (PIT) task to parse decision-making from instrumental influences. While the main effects were null, individual differences in working memory ability moderated the tendency of MPH to boost cognitive control in order to override PIT-biased instrumental learning. Importantly, this working memory moderator had symmetrical effects in appetite and aversive conditions, and these patterns replicated within each valence condition across different values of gain/loss (Fig S1c), suggesting a reliable effect that is generalized across instances of Pavlovian influence.


The idea of using pharmacological challenge after learning but prior to transfer is a novel technique that highlights the influence of catecholamines on the expression of learning under Pavlovian bias, and importantly it dissociated this decision feature from the learning of stimulus-outcome or action-outcome pairings.

We thank the reviewer for highlighting the timing of the pharmacological intervention as a strength for this study and for the suggested improvements for clarification.


While the report is largely straightforward and clearly written, some aspects may be edited to improve the clarity for other readers.

(1) Theoretical clarity. The authors seem to hedge their bets when it comes to placing these findings within a broader theoretical framework.

Our findings ask for a revision of theories regarding how catecholamines modulate the instantiation of Pavlovian biases of decision making. The reviewer rightly notices that we offer three neuroanatomical routes through which methylphenidate might have acted to elicit these effects. It is important to note, however, that the current study does not provide evidence that can disentangle these different hypotheses. Accordingly, these three neuroanatomical routes raise questions for future research.

Our findings ask for a revision of theories on how catecholamines are involved in instantiation of Pavlovian biases in decision making. The reviewer rightly notices that we offer three routes to modify current theory to be able to incorporate our findings. Briefly, these routes discuss a (i)modulation by catecholamines a striatal ‘origin’ of Pavlovian biases, (ii) catecholaminergic modulation of Pavlovian-biases through top-down control, primarily relying on prefrontal processes, and (ii) a combination of the two, where catecholamines regulate the balance between these frontal and striatal processes. Given the systemic nature of the pharmacological manipulation, we cannot dissociate between these three accounts. We believe that discussing these possible explanations of our data actually enriches our discussion and strengthen our recommendation in the ultimate paragraph to use pharmacological neuro_imaging_ studies to arbitrate between these options. In the revision, we will make this clearer.

Given the systemic nature of the pharmacological manipulation, we cannot dissociate between these three accounts. We believe that discussing these possible explanations enriches our Discussion and strengthens our recommendation in the ultimate paragraph to use pharmacological neuro_imaging_ studies to arbitrate between these options. In the revision, we will make this line of reasoning clearer.

(2) Analytic clarity: what's c^2?

C^2 seems a technical pdf conversion error problem: all chi-squares (Χ2) have been converted to C2. This will be corrected in our revision.

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


In this study, Geurts et al. investigated the effects of the catecholamine reuptake inhibitor methylphenidate (MPH) on value-based decision-making using a combination of aversive and appetitive Pavlovian to Instrumental Transfer (PIT) in a human cohort. Using an elegant behavioural design they showed a valence- and action-specific effects of Pavlovian cues on instrumental responses. Initial analyses show no effect of MPH on these processes. However the authors performed a more in-depth analysis and demonstrated that MPH actually modulates PIT in action-specific manner depending of individual working memory capacities. The authors interpret that as an effect on cognitive control of Pavlovian biasing of actions and decision-making more than an invigoration of motivational biases.


A major strength of this study is its experimental design. The elegant combination of appetitive and aversive Pavlovian learning with approach/avoidance instrumental actions allows to precisely investigate the different modulation of value-based decision making depending on the context and environmental stimuli. Important MPH is only administered after Pavlovian and instrumental learning, restricting the effect on PIT performance only. Finally, the use of a placebo-controlled crossover design allows within-comparisons between PIT effect under placebo and MPH and the investigation of the relationships between working memory abilities, PIT and MPH effects.

We thank the reviewer for highlighting the experimental design as a strength for this study and the suggested improvements for clarification.


As authors stated in their discussion, this study is purely correlational and their conclusions could be strengthened by the addition of interesting (but time- and resource-consuming) neuroimaging work.

We employ a pharmacological intervention within a randomized placebo controlled cross-over design, which allows for causal inferences with respect to the placebo-controlled intervention. Thus, the reported interactions of interest include correlations, but these are causally dependent on our intervention.

Perhaps the reviewer refers to the implications of our findings for hypotheses regarding neural implementation of Pavlovian bias-generation. Indeed, based on our data we are not able to arbitrate between frontal and striatal accounts, due to the systemic nature of the pharmacological intervention. Indeed, as we discuss, we agree with the reviewer that neuroimaging (in combination with for example brain stimulation) would be a valuable next step to identify the neural correlates to these pharmacological intervention effects, to dissociate between frontal and striatal drives of the effects. In our planned revisions, we will try to clarify this point, as per our reply to reviewer 1.

The originality of this work compared to their previous published work using the same cohort could also be clarified at different stages of the article, as I initially wondered what was really novel. This point is much clearer in the discussion section.

As recommended, in our planned revisions, we will bring forward the statements that clarify the originality of the current experiment.

A point which, in my opinion, really requires clarification is when the working memory performance presented in Figure 2B has been determined. Was it under placebo (as I would guess) or under MPH? If it is the former, it would be also interesting to look at how MPH modulates working memory based on initial abilities.

We will also clarify that working memory span was assessed for all participants on Day 2 prior to the start of instrumental training (as illustrated in figure 1A). Importantly, this was done prior to ingestion of the drug or placebo (which subjects received after Pavlovian training, which followed the instrumental training). This design also precludes an assessment of the effects of MPH on working memory capacity.

A final point is that it could be interesting to also discuss these results, not only regarding dopamine signalling, but also including potential effect of MPH on noradrenaline in frontal regions, considering the known role of this system in modulating behavioural flexibility.

We indeed focus our Discussion more on dopamine than on noradrenaline. Our revision will follow up on the suggestion of the reviewer to include discussion about the effects of MPH on noradrenaline and behavioural flexibility (and the recommendation, in future studies, to use a multi-drug design, incorporating, for example, a session with the drug atomoxetine, which modulates cortical catecholamines, but not striatal dopamine).

Reviewer #3 (Public review):

The manuscript by Geurts and colleagues studies the effects of methylphenidate on Pavlovian to instrumental transfer in humans and demonstrates that the effects of the drug depend on the baseline working memory capacity of the participants. The experiment used a well established cognitive task that allows to measure the effects of Pavlovian cues predicting monetary wins and losses on instrumental responding in two different contexts, namely approach and withdraw. By administering the drug after participants went through the instrumental and Pavlovian learning phases of the experiment, the authors limited the effects of the drug to the transfer phase in extinction. This allowed the authors to make inference about the invigorating effects of the cues independently from any learning bias. Moreover, the authors employed a within subject design to study the effect of the drug on 100 participants, which also allows to detect continuous between-subject relationships with covariates such as working memory capacity.

The study replicates previous findings using this task, namely that appetitive cues promote active responding, and aversive cues promote passive responding in an approach instrumental context, whereas the effect of the cues reverses in a withdraw instrumental context. The results of the methylphenidate manipulation show that the drug decreases the effects of the Pavlovian cues on instrumental responding in participants with low working memory capacity but increases the Pavlovian effects in participants with high working memory capacity. Importantly, in the latter group, methylphenidate increases the invigorating effect of appetitive Pavlovian cues on active approach and aversive Pavlovian cues on active withdrawal as well as the inhibitory effects of aversive Pavlovian cues on active approach and appetitive Pavlovian cues on active withdrawal. These results cannot be explained if catecholamines are just involved in Pavlovian biases by modulating behavioral invigoration driven by the anticipation of reward and punishment in the striatum, as this account can't account for the reversal of the effects of a valence cue on vigor depending on the instrumental context.

In general, I find the methods of this study very robust and the results very convincing and important. However, I have some concerns:

We thank the Reviewer for highlighting the robustness of the methods and the importance of the results. We are glad to shortly address the concerns here and will incorporate these in our planned revision of the manuscript.

I am not convinced that the inclusion of impulsivity scores in the logistic mixed model to analyze the effects of methylphenidate on PIT is warranted. The authors do not show whether inclusion of this covariate is justified in terms of BIC. Moreover, they include this covariate but do not report the effects. Finally, it is possible that impulsivity is correlated with working memory capacity. In that case, multicollinearity may impact the estimation of the coefficient estimates and may inflate the p-values for the correlated covariates. Are the reported results robust when this factor is not included?

With regard to the inclusion of impulsivity we first like to mention that this inclusion in our analyses was planned a priori and therefore consistently implemented in the other reports resulting from the overarching study (Froböse et al., 2018; Cook et al., 2019; Rostami Kandroodi et al., 2021), especially the study with regard to which the current report is an e-life research advance (Swart et al., 2017). Moreover, we preregistered both working memory span and impulsivity as potential factors (under secondary measures) that could mediate the effects of catecholamines (see The inclusion of working memory span was based on evidence from PET imaging studies demonstrating a link with dopamine synthesis capacity (Cools et al., 2008; Landau et al, 2009), whereas the inclusion of trait impulsivity was based on evidence from other PET imaging studies showing a link with dopamine (auto)receptor availability (Buckholtz et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2009; Reeves et al., 2012). Although there was no significant improvement in BIC for the model with impulsivity compared with the model without impulsivity, we feel that we should follow our a priori established analyses.

We can confirm that impulsivity and working memory were not correlated in this sample (r98=-0.16, p=0.88), which rules out multicollinearity.

Most importantly, results are robust to excluding impulsivity scores as evidenced by a significant four-way interaction from the omnibus GLMM without impulsivity (Action Context x Valence x Drug x WM span: X2 = 9.5, p=0.002). We will report these findings in the revised manuscript.

The authors state that working memory capacity is an established proxy for dopamine synthesis capacity and cite some studies supporting this view. However, the authors omit a recent reference by van den Bosch et al that provides evidence for the absence of links between striatal dopamine synthesis capacity and working memory capacity. The lack of a robust link between working memory capacity and dopamine synthesis capacity in the striatum strengthens the alternative explanations of the results suggested in the discussion.

We agree with the Reviewer that the lack of a robust link between working memory capacity and dopamine synthesis capacity in the striatum, as measured with [18F]-FDOPA PET imaging is lending support for the proposed hypothesis incorporating a broader perspective on Pavlovian bias generation than the dopaminergic direct/indirect pathway account (although it is possible that the association will hold in a larger sample when synthesis capacity is measured with [18F]-FMT PET imaging, which is sensitive to a different component of the metabolic pathway). We will indeed incorporate in our planned revision the findings from our group reported in van den Bosch et al (2022).

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation