Mapping of the native DNA G4 through the G4-hemin-mediated proximal biotinylation
A, Immunofluorescence staining of the HEK293 cells treated with indicated conditions using the Alexa Fluor 647 labelled recombinant streptavidin (Strep-647). Nuclei were stained with the Hoechst33342. Scale bar, 50 µm. Bio-An, Biotin-aniline; H2O2, Hydrogen peroxide.
B, Schematic of the HepG4-seq procedure. SA-scFv, the recombinant fusion protein of mSA and anti-GP41 Single Chain Fragment Variable (scFv); GP41-pG-Tn5, the recombinant fusion protein of the GP41 tag, protein G and Tn5.
C, Top: Heatmap showing the signal of BG4-seq, HepG4-seq and maxScores of PQS ±1.5kb around the center of peaks identified by HepG4-seq in HEK293 cells. Color scales represent the density of the signals. Bottom: Profile plot showing the average signal of HepG4-seq reads ±1.5kb around the center of peaks and the average maxScores of PQS calculated by pqsfinder at the same positions. HepG4 rep1/rep2, two biologically independent HepG4-seq replicates in HEK293 cells; Non rep1/rep2, two biologically independent non-label negative control replicates in HEK293 cells.
D, Representative genome browser tracks showing HepG4-seq (red), non-label negative control of HepG4-seq (yellow), and PQS (black) signals in HEK293 cells along the indicated genomic loci.
E, Distribution of HepG4-seq signals in HEK293 cells in different gene features.
F, The top enriched motifs on the HepG4-seq peaks in HEK293 cells.
G, Immunofluorescence staining of the HEK293 cells treated with DMSO, ML216 (25 µM), or NSC617145 (3 µM) using the Alexa Fluor 647 labelled recombinant streptavidin. Nuclei were stained with the Hoechst33342. Scale bar, 50 µm.
H, Heatmap showing the HepG4-seq signals ±1.5kb around the center of peaks identified in HEK293 cells treated with DMSO, ML216 (25 µM), or NSC617145 (3 µM). Color scales represent the density of the signals. I, Profile plot showing the average signal of HepG4-seq reads ±1.5kb around the center of peaks identified in HEK293 cells treated with DMSO, ML216 (25 µM), or NSC617145 (3 µM). The p values (ML216 v.s. DMSO; NSC617145 v.s. DMSO) were calculated using the Mann-Whitney test.
J, Representative genome browser tracks showing the HepG4-seq signals in HEK293 cells treated with DMSO, ML216 (25 µM), or NSC617145 (3 µM) along the indicated genomic loci.