LADs shift towards nuclear interior but peak-within-valley (p-w-v) fiLADs shift towards the nuclear lamina and replicate later after LMNA/LBR double knockout (DKO). (A)
Comparisons over Chr1 left arm between: (Top to bottom) LMNB1 DamID signals in wildtype (wt) K562 cells, parental clone expressing CRISPR Cas9 fused to a destabilization domain, LBR knockout (KO) clone, LMNA KO clone, and LBR/LMNA DKO clone. Black box at right end of plots shows centromere region. (B) Comparisons between wt (blue tracks) and DKO (orange tracks) over left arm Chr1 for: (Top to bottom) LMNB1 DamID, 2-fraction Repli-seq (Early / Late (E/L) ratio, and LMNB1, MKI67IP, and SON TSA-seq. Rectangles highlight specific domain classes in wt K562 defined by comparison of cell types (see text and Fig. 4) (LADs, red; p-w-v fiLADs, orange; v-fiLADs, blue). Also shown are “DKO fLADs” (green rectangles), a domain class defined as wt iLADs, not previously defined by cell type comparisons, which become LADs in the DKO; (C) Numbers of LADs in DKO that arise from wt LADs, p-w-v fiLADs, and v-fiLADs, and “DKO fLADs” which arise from wt iLADs; (D) Fraction of wt LADs, p-w-v fiLADs, and v-fiLADs that are LADs in DKO; (E) No trend in LAD gene expression changes as a function of increased or decreased nuclear lamin association: scatterplot of gene expression differences (log2-ratio FKPM, y-axis) versus differences in LMNB1 DamID (x-axis). Only active LAD genes are shown (blue, upregulated; red, downregulated; grey, no change); (F) Generation of a matched set of iLAD genes. LAD genes are expressed at lower expression levels than iLAD genes (left panel). To compare LAD and iLAD genes, we selected a matching set of iLAD genes with similar gene expression to the set of LAD genes (right panel). This was repeated 100 times for a robust result; (G) Fractions (y-axis) of differentially expressed genes in iLADs (grey) versus LADs (black) (defined in wt cells) in LBR KO (left), LMNA KO (middle), or DKO (right); (H) (Left) Differences in E/L Repli-seq ratios (y-axis) versus changes in LMNB1 TSA-seq for individual genomic bins corresponding to LADs in wt and/or DKO cells. Curve fitting through data points reveals a trend for later DNA replication timing for LAD genomic bins which shift closer to nuclear lamina in DKO; (Right) Scatterplot showing log2-ratios of gene expression levels (y-axis) versus changes in LMNB1 TSA-seq for individual genes in LADs within wt and/or DKO cells. No consistent trend for changes in gene expression in DKO versus wt cells is observed; (I) Scatterplot comparing mean changes over chromosome domains in E/L 2-fraction Repli-seq (DKO – wt) (y-axis) versus changes in LMNB1 Dam-ID (DKO – wt) (x-axis) further supports trend towards later DNA replication timing for LADs, p-w-v fiLADs, and v-fiLADs which show increased association with nuclear lamina in DKO (similar to Fig. 5H comparing E/L Repli-seq to LMNB1 TSA-seq).