Brightness based homing model at four altitude layers in the environment (0.02 m, 0.15 m, 0.32 m, and 0.45 m) for the area around the artificial meadow (clutter). The rows show different parameters for the memorised snapshots (eight positions taken either outside or inside the meadow and either above the meadow, bird’s eye view, or close to the ground, frog’s eye views). A&B: Examples of panoramic snapshots in A from the bird’s eye view outside the clutter and in B frog’s eye views inside the clutter. The axes of the panoramic images refer to the azimuthal directions (x-axis) and to the elevational directions from the simulated bee’s point of view (y-axis, dorsal meaning upwards, ventral downwards, equatorial towards the horizon). C: Rendered layers of the environment for a comparison of the current view of the simulated bee. The layers are at 0.02 m(orange), 0.15 m (blue), 0.32 m(green) and 0.45 m (red) heights. D&E: The first column shows were the snapshots were taken in relation to the nest position (nest position in black, objects in red and snapshot positions indicated by coloured arrows). The other two columns show the comparison of memorised snapshot for two layers of the environment (0.02 m and 0.45 m as shown in C). The heatmaps show the image similarity between the current view at the position in the arena and the memorised snapshots taken around the nest (blue = very similar, white = very different). Additionally, white lines and arrows present the vector field from which the homing potential is derived. Red circles indicate the positions of the objects and the white dot indicates the nest position. The background colour of each column indicates the height of the current views that the snapshots are compared to. D: Memorised bird’s eye view snapshots taken outside (distance to the nest = 0.55 m) and above the clutter (height = 0.45 m) can guide the model at the highest altitude (red background) to the nest but fails to do so at the three lower altitudes. E: Memorised frog’s eye view snapshots taken outside (distance to the nest = 0.55 m) the clutter and close to the floor (height = 0.02 m) can only guide the model towards the center.