Histological comparisons of hypertrophied and normal lips of cichlids among lakes, focusing on proteoglycan-rich loose connective tissue. (A,B). Examples of typical cichlids with hypertrophied lips (A, Haplochromis chilotes) and normal lips (B, H. sauvagei). The lower jaw and lip are highlighted by black squares. (C) Phylogenetic relationships among cichlids from Lake Victoria, Lake Malawi, and Lake Tanganyika. (D–O) The midline of the lips, based on the lower dentary bone of the lower jaw (marked by asterisks), in cichlids from Lake Victoria (D,E, H. chilotes with hypertrophied lips; F,G, H. sauvagei with normal lips), Lake Malawi (H,I, Placidochromis milomo with hypertrophied lips; J,K, Maylandia lombardoi with normal lips), and Lake Tanganyika (L,M, Lobochilotes labiatus with hypertrophied lips; N,O, Tropheus moorii with normal lips) were sectioned in sagittal, and stained with AB: Alcian blue (D, H, L, F, J, and N), or VG: Van Gieson (E, I, M, F, J, and N). Each section is shown with the dorsal side up and the anterior side to the right. The area surrounded by dotted lines shows proteoglycan-rich tissue (stained dense blue by AB) or collagen-rich tissue (stained dense red by VG). Each species showed mutually exclusive staining by AB and VG, and AB-positive (proteoglycan-rich) tissues were commonly enlarged in hypertrophied lips among the cichlids from all three lakes with statistical significance. Scale bars are 1mm.