Rtf1 regulates cryptococcal bisexual mating by facilitating H2Bub1 via the HMD domain.
(A) Immunoblot analysis of H2Bub1 in C. deneoformans wild-type XL280, rtf1Δ, and rtf1Δ/RTF1 strains. (B) Immunoblot analysis of H3K4me (including H3K4me1, H3K4me2, and H3K4me3) in C. deneoformans wild-type XL280, rtf1Δ, and rtf1Δ/RTF1 strains. (C) Colony morphology of cells during bisexual mating between indicated strains. The same volume of cells with opposite mating type at OD600 = 3 were mixed, and 3 μL of mixtures were spotted and cultured on V8 media for 2 days at room temperature in dark. (D) Schematic diagram of pheromone-dependent signaling pathway and transcript levels of genes involved in pheromone signaling. The mating cells were prepared and cultured on V8 media following the same protocol as the colony morphology assay. After 24 h, cells were collected for total RNA extraction and qPCR. (E) Domain structure of Rtf1 homologs in indicated eukaryotes. Cn, C. deneoformans, Ca, Candida albicans, Af, Aspergillus fumigatus, Fg, Fusarium graminearum, Nc, Neurospora crassa, Sp, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Sc, S. cerevisiae, Dm, Drosophila melanogaster, Hs, Homo sapiens. (F and G) Neighbor- joining tree of Rtf1 homologs and their corresponding HMD in indicated eukaryotes. (H) Schematic diagram of overexpressing constructs of Rtf1, HMD domain, and Plus3 domain. The constitutive promoter of TEF1 gene was used to drive gene expression. (I) Immunoblot analysis of H2Bub1 in strains expressing the indicated proteins. (J) Unisexual hyphal formation of indicated strains on V8 media.