Model robustness with other motion types.
a-b: Example tracks and corresponding distributions used to determine the type of motion for aTrack and Randi (41). aTrack uses the difference between the likelihood assuming super-diffusion and the likelihood assuming sub-diffusion (bottom-left). To classify tracks using Randi, we used the estimated anomalous diffusion coefficient. The accuracy is the fraction of correctly labeled tracks in a data set composed of 5,000 sub-diffusive or superdiffusive tracks and 5,000 Brownian tracks. Classifications were done using the thresholds that best divide the distributions. a: Analysis of tracks with 200 time steps following fractional Brownian motion with anomalous coefficients of 0.5 (subdiffusive), 1 (diffusive), and 1.5 (superdiffusive). b: Analysis of tracks with 200 time steps following our motion model. Confined tracks: diffusion length d = 0.1 µm, localization error σ = 0.02 µm, confinement force l = 0.2, fixed potential well. Brownian tracks: d = 0.1 µm, σ = 0.02 µm. tracks in both directed and diffusive motion: d = 0.1 µm, σ = 0.02 µm, directional velocity v = 0.1 µm·Δt−1. Directed tracks: d = 0. µm, σ = 0.02 µm, v = 0.1 µm·Δt−1, angular diffusion coefficient 0.1 Rad2·s−1. c: Analyzing tacks confined by hard boundaries using aTrack. A simulated track with 200 time points diffusing on disks of different sizes. Top panel: Log likelihood difference Lc − LB and fraction of significantly confined tracks (likelihood ratio lB/lc < 0.05) depending on the confinement radius. Middle panel: Estimated confinement depending on the true confinement radius. Bottom: estimated confinement radius depending on the track length. Blue areas: standard deviations of the estimates.