ROL-6::wrmScarlet accumulates in the ER of sma-3 mutants
ROL-6::wrmScarlet (magenta) and VIT2ss::oxGFP::KDEL (an ER marker, shown here in yellow) shown separately (a-d, g-j) or merged (e-f, k-l) in either (a-f) wild type or (g-l) a sma-3 mutant. (a,c,e,g,i,k) shows the interface between the cuticle and the hypodermis, as visualized by SIM super resolution microscopy. (b,d,f,h,j,l) shows the hypodermal layer at a focal plane centered around the nuclear envelope. In wild type, most ROL-6::wrmScarlet is delivered into the cuticle. In sma-3 mutants, lower levels of ROL-6::wrmScarlet are present in the cuticle and rapidly bleached under the SIM laser even under low power, whereas abundant ROL-6::wrmScarlet colocalized with the ER VIT2ss::oxGFP::KDEL marker (yellow). We noted that ER reticulation in sma-3 was thinner and skeletonized compared to wild type, perhaps suggesting reduced secretory throughput. (m) Quantification of ROL-6::wrmScarlet fluorescence in the hypodermal layer of tunicamycin treated versus untreated nematodes. (n) Mean body length of L4 animals (normalized to untreated) for tunicamycin treated versus untreated nematodes. (m,n) Dots indicate the values for individual animals. Asterisks over pairwise comparison bars indicate a student t test (****P<0.0001). The bar indicates 5 microns.