Genetic Inactivation of the β1 adrenergic receptor prevents Cerebral Cavernous Malformations in zebrafish

  1. Department of Medicine, University of California San Diego, USA

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Richard White
    University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Senior Editor
    Richard White
    University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Reviewer #1 (Public review):


This work seeks to provide genetic evidence for a role for beta-adrenergic receptors that regulate heart rate and blood flow on cavernous malformation development using a zebrafish model, and to extend information regarding beta-adrenergic drug blockade in cavernous malformation development, with the idea that these drugs may be useful therapeutically.


The work shows that genetic loss of a specific beta-adrenergic receptor in zebrafish, adrb1, prevents embryonic venous malformations and CCM in adult zebrafish brains. Two drugs, propranolol and metoprolol, also blunt CCM in the adult fish brain. These findings are predicted to potentially impact the treatment of human CCM, and they increase understanding of the factors leading to CCM.


There are minor weaknesses that detract slightly from enthusiasm, including poor annotation of the Figure panels and lack of a baseline control for the study of Klf2 expression (Figure 4).

Reviewer #2 (Public review):


Previously, the authors developed a zebrafish model for cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) via CRISPR/Cas9-based mosaic inactivation of the ccm2 gene. This model yields CCM-like lesions in the caudal venous plexus of 2 days post-fertilization embryos and classical CNS cavernomas in 8-week fish that depend, like the mouse model, on the upregulation of the KLF2 transcription factor. Remarkably, the morpholino-based knockdown of the gene encoding the Beta1 adrenergic receptor or B1AR (adrb1; a hemodynamic regulator) in fish and treatment with the anti-adrenergic S enantiomer of propranolol in both fish and mice reduce the frequency and size of CMM lesions.

In the present study, the authors aim to test the model that adrb1 is required for CCM lesion development using adrb1 mutant fish (rather than morpholino-mediated knockdown and pharmacological treatments with the anti-adrenergic S enantiomer of propranolol or a racemic mix of metoprolol (a selective B1AR antagonist).


The goal of the work is important, and the findings are potentially highly relevant to cardiovascular medicine.


(1) The following figures do not report sample sizes, making it difficult to assess the validity of the findings: Figures 1B and D (the number of scored embryos is missing), Figures 2G and 3B (should report both the number of fish and lesions scored, with color-coding to label the lesions corresponding to individual fish in which they where found).

(2) Figure 4 has a few caveats. First, the use of adrb1 morphants (rather than morphants) is at odds with the authors' goal of using genetic validation to test the involvement of adrb1 in CCM2-induced lesion development.

Second, the authors should clarify if they have validated that the tnnt (tnnt2a) morpholino phenocopies tnnt2a mutants in the context in which they are using it (this reviewer found that the tnnt2a morpholino blocks the heartbeat just like the mutant, but induces additional phenotypes not observed in the mutants).

Third, the data in Figure 4E is from just two embryos per treatment, a tiny sample size. Furthermore, judging from the number of points in the graph, only a few endothelial PCV cells appear to have been sampled per embryo. Also, judging from the photos and white arrowheads and arrows (Figure 4A-D), only the cells at the ventral side of the vessel were scored (if so, the rationale behind this choice requires clarification).

Fourth, it is unclear whether and how the Tg(kdrl:mcherry)is5 endothelial reporter was used to mask the signals from the klf2a reporter. The reviewer knows by experience that accuracy suffers if a cytosolic or cell membrane signal is used to mask a nuclear green signal.

Finally, the text and legend related to Figure 4 could be more explicit. What do the authors mean by a mosaic pattern of endothelial nuclear EGFP intensity, and how is that observation reflected in graph 4E? When I look at the graph, I understand that klf2a is decreased in C-D compared to A-B. Are some controls missing? Suppose the point is to show mosaicism of Klf2a levels upon ccm2 CRISPR. Don't you need embryos without ccm2 CRISPR to show that Klf2a levels in those backgrounds have average levels that vary within a defined range and that in the presence of ccm2 mosaicism, some cells have values significantly outside that range? Also, in 4A-D, what are the white arrowheads and arrows? The legend does not mention them.

Given the practical relevance of the findings to cardiovascular medicine, increasing the strength of the evidence would greatly enhance the value of this work.

Author response:

Thank you for your thoughtful and constructive feedback on our manuscript. We greatly appreciate your recognition of the strengths in our work, particularly regarding the genetic evidence demonstrating the role of beta-adrenergic receptors in cavernous malformation (CCM) development and the therapeutic potential of beta-blocker drugs.

We acknowledge your concerns and have addressing them to improve the clarity and rigor of our study. Specifically:

For Reviewer 1:

(1) Figure Annotation: We will enhance the annotation of the figure panels to provide clearer and more detailed descriptions, ensuring that each panel is easily interpretable and contributes effectively to the overall narrative of the study.

(2) Baseline Control for Klf2 Expression: We will include this control (klf2 expression in control Morpholino-injected embryos) in our revised figures and text to provide a more complete context for the changes in klf2 expression observed in response to genetic loss of adrb1 in ccm2 morphants and ccm2-CRISPR embryos.

For Reviewer 2:

(3) Sample Sizes in Figures 1, 2, and 3: We agree that reporting sample sizes is crucial for the transparency and reproducibility of our findings. For Figures 1B and D, as well as Figures 2G and 3B, we will update the figure legends to include the number of embryos and adult fish in which lesions were scored.

(4) Figure 4 Concerns: Use of adrb1 Morphants: We will note that the adrb1 morphant shows similar hemodynamic changes to the adrb1 mutant and that the morphants did not prevent the mosaic klf2 expression in ccm2 CRISPR embryos. Thus supporting our conclusion that protection from CVP cavernomas in the adrb1 mutant are not due to altered hemodynamics blocking mosaic klf2 expression.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation