Effect of complete and partial removal of connectivity structure and of minimal perturbation of synaptic weights.
(A) Average coefficient of variation in networks with fully unstructured connectivity. The dashed line marks the same measure in a structured network.
(B) Mean firing rate in E (top) and I neurons (bottom) in networks with partial removal of connectivity structure in recurrent connectivity. Partial removal of connectivity structure is achieved by limiting the permutation of synaptic connectivity to neuronal pairs with similar tuning.
(C) Same as in B, showing the coefficient of variation of spiking activity.
(D) Same as in B, showing the average net synaptic current, neural correlate of the average E-I balance.
(E) Same as in B, showing the correlation coefficient of synaptic currents, neural correlate of the instantaneous E-I balance.
(F) Encoding error in networks with partially unstructured recurrent connectivity, relative to the encoding error of the structured network (dashed line). From left to right: we perturb synaptic weights in E-I, I-I, I-E and in all three recurrent connectivities at once.
(G) Same as in F, showing the metabolic cost on spiking in E and I populations, relative to the metabolic cost in the structured network (dashed line).
(H) The RMSE (top) and the normalized metabolic cost (green) and average loss (black) average firing rate (bottom) in E and I cell type, as a function of the strength of perturbation of the synaptic connectivity.
(I) Average firing rate (top) and the coefficient of variation (bottom) as a function of the strength of random perturbation of all recurrent connectivities.
(J) Target signals, E estimates and I estimates in three input dimensions (three top rows), spike trains (fourth row) and the instantaneous estimate of the firing rate of E and I populations (bottom) in a single simulation trial, with significant perturbation of recurrent connectivity (perturbation strength of 0.5, see Methods). In spite of a relatively strong perturbation, the network shows excellent encoding of the target signal. Other parameters are in Table 1. This figure is related to the Fig. 3 in the main paper.