The effect of chemoegentic inhibition of ENvCA1-proj. neurons on the pretest and locomotion
(A) Frequency-current (FI) curve showing the effect of CNO on action potential number generated by current injection. Recording was made from hM4Di expressing ENvCA1-proj. neurons before and after bath application of CNO (100 nM). Black line indicates before and red line indicates after CNO application. Inset: Traces showing spike response to 100 pA (left) and 200 pA (right) current injection. Saline vs CNO; F (1, 4.77) = 0.38, p = 0.0329, two-way ANOVA. n = 4 neurons. N = 2 mice. (B) Same as in Fig. 8E, but for preference index in pretest. Median preference index: hM4Di mice (Saline vs CNO), 0.5 vs 0.5, p = 0.92; signed-rank test; tdTomato mice (Saline vs CNO), 0.48 vs 0.53, p = 0.227; signed-rank test. (C) Absolute change of preference index before and after CNO treatment in hM4Di and tdTomato mice. Median change of preference index: hM4Di mice 0.11 (N = 14); tdTomato 0.11 (N = 8). hM4Di vs tdTomato, p = 0.517, ranksum test. (D) Same as in B, but for preference index in familiarization session of novel object recognition test. Median preference index: hM4Di mice (Saline vs CNO), 0.49 vs 0.5, p = 0.28; signed-rank test (E) Plots comparing locomotor activity (distance moved and velocity) for hM4Di and tdTomato mice under two different treatments. Median total distance: Pretest, hM4Di mice (Saline vs CNO), 17.17 vs 19.10, p = 0.426; tdTomato mice (Saline vs CNO), 20.60 vs 17.98, p = 0.25; Sociability test, hM4Di mice (Saline vs CNO), 34.72 vs 33.51, p = 0.855; tdTomato mice (Saline vs CNO), 38.59 vs 35.76, p = 0.547, Discrimination test, hM4Di mice (Saline vs CNO), 16.55 vs 18.58, p = 0.0676; tdTomato mice (Saline vs CNO), 18.73 vs 20.60, p = 0.945, all signed-rank test. Median velocity: Pretest, hM4Di mice (Saline vs CNO), 5.98 vs 6.55, p = 0.391; tdTomato mice (Saline vs CNO), 7.14 vs 6.21, p = 0.383; Sociability test, hM4Di mice (Saline vs CNO), 6.01 vs 5.76, p = 0.808; tdTomato mice (Saline vs CMO), 6.78 vs 6.13, p = 0.313; Discrimination test, hM4Di mice (Saline vs CNO), 5.88 vs 6.57, p = 0.104; tdTomato mice (Saline vs CNO), 6.79 vs 6.99, p = 0.945. All signed-rank test. (F) Total time in interaction zones during discrimination test (familiar mouse interaction zone + novel mouse interaction zone). Median total time: (Saline vs CNO), 248.32 vs 294.37; p = 0.67, signed-rank test. (G) Time in interaction zones during pre test, sociability test, and discrimination test in hM4Di mice with saline or CNO treatment. Median time in interaction zone: Pretest, Saline (object (in right chamber) vs object (in left chamber)), 116.25 vs 120.26, p = 1, CNO (object (in right chamber) vs object (in left chamber)), 117.29 vs 120.2, p = 0.855; Sociability test, Saline (Mouse vs Object), 320.89 vs 161.2, p < 0.001, CNO (Mouse vs Object), 290.59 vs 189.75, p < 0.001; Discrimination test, Saline (Familiar vs Novel), 106.35 vs 138.71, p = 0.02, CNO (Familiar vs Novel), 113.1 vs 135.69, p = 0.1353. All signed-rank test.