Ocular biomarker profiling after complement factor I gene therapy in geographic atrophy secondary to age-related macular degeneration

  1. Gyroscope Therapeutics Ltd, A Novartis Company, United Kingdom
  2. Translational Research, Ophthalmology, BioMedical Research, Novartis, United Kingdom
  3. Pharmacokinetic Sciences, Translational Medicine, BioMedical Research, Novartis, United Kingdom
  4. Clinical Development, Global Drug Development, Novartis, United Kingdom
  5. Biomarker Development, Translational Medicine, BioMedical Research, Novartis, United Kingdom
  6. Biostatistics, Global Drug Development, Novartis, United Kingdom
  7. Cell and Gene Therapies, TRD, Novartis, United Kingdom
  8. Ophthalmology, Translational Medicine, BioMedical Research, Novartis, United Kingdom
  9. Bioscience Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
  10. Sunderland Eye Infirmary, Sunderland, United Kingdom
  11. Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology and Oxford Eye Hospital, NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Moussa Zouache
    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Lois Smith
    Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


This study analyzed biomarker data from 28 subjects with geographic atrophy (GA) in a Phase I/II clinical trial of PPY988, a subretinal AAV2 complement factor I (CFI) gene therapy, to evaluate pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Post-treatment, a 2-fold increase in the vitreous humor (VH) FI was observed, correlating with a reduction in FB breakdown product Ba but minimal changes in other complement factors. The aqueous humor (AH) was found to be an unreliable proxy for VH in assessing complement activation. In vitro assays showed that the increase in FI had a minor effect on the complement amplification loop compared to the more potent C3 inhibitor pegcetacoplan. These findings suggest that PPY988 may not provide enough FI protein to effectively modulate complement activation and slow GA progression, highlighting the need for a thorough biomarker review to determine optimal dosing in future studies.


This manuscript provides critical data on the efficacy of gene therapy for the eye, specifically introducing complement FI expression. It presents the results from a halted clinical trial, making sharing this data essential for understanding the outcomes of this gene therapy approach. The findings offer valuable insights and lessons for future gene therapy attempts in similar contexts.


No particular weaknesses. The study was carefully performed and limitations are discussed.

I have just some concerns about the methodology used. The authors use the MILLIPLEX assays, which allow for multiplexed detection of complement proteins and they mention extensive validation. How are the measurements with this assay correlating with gold standard methods? Is the specificity and the expected normal ranges preserved with this assay? This also stands for the Olink assay. Some of the proteins are measured by both assay and/or by standard ELISA. How do these measurements correlate?

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


The results presented demonstrate that AAV2-CFI gene therapy delivers long-term and marginally higher FI protein in vitreous humor that results in a concomitant reduction in the FB activation product Ba. However, the lack of clinical efficacy in the phase I/II study, possibly due to lower in vitro potency when compared to currently approved pegcetacoplan, raises important considerations for the utility of this therapeutic approach. Despite the early termination of the PPY988 clinical development program, the study achieved significant milestones, including the implementation of subretinal gene therapy delivery in older adults, complement biomarker comparison between serial vitreous humor and aqueous humor samples and vitreous humor proteomic assessment via Olink.


Long-term augmentation of FI protein in vitreous humor over 96 weeks and reduction of FB breakdown product Ba in vitreous humor suggests modulation of the complement system. Developed a novel in vitro assay suggesting FI's ability to reduce C3 convertase activity is weaker than pegcetacoplan and FH and may suggest a higher dose of FI will be required for clinical efficacy. Warn of the poor correlation between vitreous humor and aqueous humor biomarkers and suggest aqueous humor may not be a reliable proxy for vitreous humor with regard to complement activation/inhibition studies.


The vitrectomy required for the subretinal route of administration causes a long-term loss of total protein and may influence the interpretation of complement biomarker results even with normalization. The modified in vitro assay of complement activation suggests a several hundred-fold increase in FI protein is required to significantly affect C3a levels. Interestingly, the in vitro assay demonstrates 100% inhibition of C3a with pegcetacoplan and FH therapeutics, but only a 50% reduction with FI even at the highest concentrations tested. This observation suggests FI may not be rate-limiting for negative complement regulation under the in vitro conditions tested and potentially in the eye. It is unclear if pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties in aqueous humor and vitreous humor compartments are reliable predictors of FI level/activity after subretinal delivery AAV2-CFI gene therapy.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


The manuscript by Hallam et al describes the analysis of various biomarkers in patients undergoing complement factor I supplementation treatment (PPY988 gene therapy) as part of the FOCUS Phase I/II clinical trial. The authors used validated methods (multiplexed assays and OLINK proteomics) for measuring multiple soluble complement proteins in the aqueous humour (AH) and vitreous humour (VH) of 28 patients over a series of time points, up to and including 96 weeks. Based on biomarker comparisons, the levels of FI synthesised by PPY988 were believed to be insufficient to achieve the desired level of complement inhibition. Subsequent comparative experiments showed that PPY988-delivered FI was much less efficacious than Pegceptacoplan (FDA-approved complement inhibitor under the name SYFORVE) when tested in an artificial VH matrix.


The manuscript is well written with data clearly presented and appropriate statistics used for the analysis itself. It's great to see data from real clinical samples that can help support future studies and therapeutic design. The identification that complement biomarker levels present in the AH do not represent the levels found in the VH is an important finding for the field, given the number of complement-targeting therapies in development and the desperate need for good biomarkers for target engagement. This study also provides a wealth of baseline complement protein measurements in both human AH and VH (and companion measurements in plasma) that will prove useful for future studies.


Perhaps the conclusions drawn regarding the lack of observed efficacy are not fully justified. The authors focus on the hypothesis that not enough FI was synthesised in these patients receiving the PPY988 gene therapy, suggesting a delivery/transduction/expression issue. But beyond rare CFI genetic variants, most genetic associations with AMD imply that it is a FI-cofactor disease. A hypothesis supported by the authors' own experiments when they supplement their artificial VH matrix with FH and achieve a significantly greater breakdown of C3b than achieved with PPY988 treatment alone. Justification around doubling FI levels driving complement turnover refers to studies conducted in blood, which has an entirely different complement protein profile than VH. In Supplemental Table 5 we see there is approx. 10-fold more FH than FI (533ug/ml vs 50ug/ml respectively) so increasing FI levels will have a direct effect. Yet in Supplemental Table 3 we see there is more FI than FH in VH (608ng/ml vs 466ng/ml respectively). Therefore, adding more FI without more co-factors would have a very limited effect. Surely this demonstrates that the study was delivering the wrong payload, i.e. FI, which hit a natural ceiling of endogenous co-factors within the eye?

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation