Wavenumber-dependent transmission map.
The cell-pairs with strong transmission (Tij(E) > 0.5) at (A) E = 0.225, (B) E = 0.800, (C) E = 1.450, and (D) E = 3.875 (or the corresponding wavenumbers) are shown, respectively. The left panels represent the transmission coefficient between cells belonging to the cell-pairs with strong transmission at each E value as a heatmap. Here, the X and Y axes are the cell index, and the cell name corresponding to the cell index can be found in Table S1-3. The right panels display the cell-pairs of strong transmission at each E value as red bidirectional arrows of the same thickness on the network diagram. In the network diagram, the cell name is written inside the circle that stands for each node (for the body-wall muscles, the cell name is abbreviated as follows; ex) dBWML1 → dL1), and the color of the node stands for the cell type (Red: Pharynx cells, Orange: Sensory neurons, Yellow: Inter neurons, Green: Motor neurons, Light blue: Body-wall muscles, Purple: Other end organs, Magenta: Sex-specific cells). Edges indicated by black solid lines stand for the electrical synapses among the cells, and the thickness of the edges is proportional to our processed weight. In the network diagram, only 173 cells that belonged to the cell-pair with strong transmission at least once in positive E values are represented, and the remaining cells and the electrical synapses by them are omitted from display. The virtual nodes of our circuit are also omitted from the display.