S-HsfA4c is similar to S-HsfA2 and represents a new HSF.
(A) Schematic diagrams of HsfA4c splice variants and their RT‒PCR splicing analyses in two-week-old Arabidopsis plants under heat stress. The YLS8 gene served as a loading control. gDNA, genomic DNA control. The asterisk indicates the in-frame stop codon. S-HsfA4c binding to the HRE was verified by Y1H (B) and EMSA with bacterially expressed and purified His6-S-HsfA4c (C). (D) Thermotolerance of the 35S:GFP vector control and 35S:S-HsfA4c-GFP overexpression (S-HsfA4c-OE) lines. (E) Two T-DNA HsfA4c insert-knockdown mutants (hsfa4c-1 and hsfa4c-2) confirmed by RT‒qPCR (Student’s t test, *P <0.05; top) and thermotolerance analyses (bottom). For thermotolerance analyses, the survival rates of the seedlings under heat stress are shown. (F) Representative images of the subcellular localization of S-HsfA4c-GFP in Arabidopsis root cells treated without (normal) or with heat stress (42°C for 1 h). DAPI, 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; nuclei staining). Scale bar, 40 μm. DAS, days after sowing.