(A) 13 complete tetrads were generated by crossing qrt1 in a Col background to qrt1 in a Ler background, and then using single pollen tetrads from the F1 hybrids to fertilize a Cvi male sterile …
For each tetrad, all five chromosomes of all four offspring are shown (chromosome one to five, top to bottom). The four offspring genomes of one tetrad are plotted one above the other. Black lines …
For each DH line, all five chromosomes are shown, chromosome one to five (top to bottom). Black lines depict peri-centromeric regions.
(A) Short read alignments of Ler against the reference sequence at position 13,957,178 on chromosome 1. Individual reads are shown as blue lines, while mismatches between reference sequence and …
Short read alignments are shown in colors according to the respective genome, if they cannot be uniquely assigned to one unique parent they are shown in grey. At type-1 markers, the expected allele …
Observed allele frequencies (AFs) were derived from allele counts (based on short read alignments) at the respective marker loci. AFs at type-1 markers (homozygous alleles) are shown in red, AFs at …
NCO–GC frequency was assessed using different marker sets. Marker sets with more stringent filtering showed a lower frequency of putative NCO–GCs, which indicates that filtering reduces the …
Bar charts show the number of NCO–GC detected per offspring plant using different marker set generated with different filter stringencies in each subsequent step (top to bottom). Quality score …
(A) Upper panel shows, analogous to Figure 2B, the location of transposed DNA between the two parental lines Ler and Col. Thin blue and red lines indicate co-linear sequences. Green thick lines show …
From a minimal coverage threshold of 10 onwards, the observed frequency of putative NCO–GC does not majorly change. This is in contrast to the minimal coverage requirement for the tetrad sample …
(A) The percentage of confidently aligned positions within the resequencing of Ler was used as proxy for local sequence similarity. The percentages at COs were compared to a background distribution …
(A) The GC content was calculated for 67 conversion tracts (including 500 bp of flanking sequence, top) and compared to a background distribution of 5,000 equally sized random locations sampled from …
(A) Two sequence motifs (poly-A and CTT/GAA) were found significantly enriched at recombination sites after searching for over-enriched motifs using MEME. We established background frequency …
(A) Read number. (B) Number of crossovers per tetrad and DH line and chromosome. (C) CO location. (D) NCO location and extent within the tetrad samples. (E) CO location in DH lines. (F) Exact loci of CO and extent of associated GC in tetrad samples. (G) Converted markers within COCTs in tetrad samples. (H) Converted markers within NCOCTs in DH lines.
(A) Initial marker list used for an initial genotyping of the tetrad samples. (B) Filtered marker list used to genotype tetrad samples. (C) High quality marker list used to genotype DH samples. (D) Primer pairs used for verification of NCOs in tetrad offspring. (E) Primer pairs used for verification of NCOs in DH lines. (F) Primers used for the verification of transposed DNA on chromosome 3.
Includes a visualization of the exact makeup of 71 COs identified in the tetrad samples, for which sufficient sequencing information was available. The colored areas indicate the number of short read alignments for each of the positions as indicated on the x-axis. Red and blue areas refer to regions that descended from Col-0 and Ler, respectively. Grey areas cannot be assigned to either of them. Vertical lines indicate sequence differences between the parental genotypes and have the respective genotype indicated next to them. Within the CO sites (between the outer borders of both grey areas) the polymorphism data are based on hand curated short read alignments and local assemblies. Outside the flanking markers the polymorphisms encompass the marker used for reconstructing the recombinant chromosomes only. Note each tetrad sample contains one recombinant chromosome and one that is derived from the Cvi parent. The Cvi alleles are not indicated in these plots.