(A) Phylogenetic tree of TTC26 in various ciliated organisms. All protein sequences were obtained from RefSeq (NCBI). The scale bar represents 0.1 substitutions per nucleotide site. (B) …
(A) Representative images of heart-looping orientations of control (Left: normal) and ttc26 knockdown (Right: reversed) fish at 2 dpf. myl7-GFP transgenic embryos were injected with control or ttc26 …
(A) Expression of TTC26 in control and ttc26 knockdown zebrafish. 3 dpf embryos were lysed with 1× SDS sample buffer and detected by Western blotting with TTC26 and actin antibodies. Control, AUG-MO …
(A) Sequences of the DYF13 gene (RefSeq accession: XM_001698717) in wild-type (CC125) and dyf13 mutant cells. Red underlines show places of mutations. A one-base substitution (c.57C >T) does not …
(A) Kymographs of GFP-tagged mouse TTC26 and IFT88 moving in cilia of mouse IMCD3 cells. These kymographs were assembled from Videos 7 and 8. Bars: 10 s (horizontal), 5 μm (vertical). (B) The mean …
(A) The sucrose density gradient fractions of wild-type flagella. Flagellar matrix was fractionated through a 10–25% sucrose density gradient. The sucrose density gradient fractions were separated …
(A) Kymographs of KAP-GFP in control and dyf13 mutant C. reinhardtii cells. These kymographs were assembled from Videos 9 and 10. Bars: 5 s (horizontal), 5 μm (vertical). (B) The mean IFT speeds of …
(A) Immunofluorescence images of wild-type and dyf13 mutant cells. The cells were stained with antibodies to acetylated tubulin (red) and IFT46, IFT70, and IFT122 (green). Bar: 10 μm. (B) Western …
(A) Elution patterns of inner-arm dyneins of oda1 single and oda1dyf13 double mutant C. reinhardtii cells. Inner-arm dyneins were extracted with high salt from outer-armless axonemes of oda1 and oda1…
(A) Elution patterns of outer-arm and inner-arm dyneins of wild-type and dyf13 mutant C. reinhardtii cells. The elution positions of each dyneins are indicated by αβ, γ (outer-arm), and a–g …
A dorsal view of the KV from a live control embryo at 8–10-somite stage. Fluorescent beads were microinjected into the KV. Images were collected at 5 fps for a total duration of 1 min. Playback is …
A dorsal view of the KV from a live ttc26 knockdown embryo at 8–10-somite stage. Fluorescent beads were microinjected into the KV. Images were collected at 5 fps for a total duration of 1 min. …
A dorsal view of the KV from a live control embryo at 8–10-somite stage. DIC imaging was performed on an inverted microscope with a high-speed camera. Images were collected at 1000 fps for a total …
A dorsal view of the KV from a live ttc26 knockdown embryo at 8–10-somite stage. DIC imaging was performed on an inverted microscope with a high-speed camera. Images were collected at 1000 fps for a …
DIC imaging was performed on an inverted microscope with a high-speed camera. Images were collected at 1000 fps for a total duration of 0.16 s. Playback is set at 20 fps (1/50 speed). The dyf13 …
DIC imaging was performed on an inverted microscope with a high-speed camera. Images were collected at 1000 fps for a total duration of 0.16 s. Playback is set at 20 fps (1/50 speed). The wild-type …
Images were collected at 10 fps for a total duration of 1 min. Playback is set at 20 fps (2 × speed). TTC26-GFP moves bi-directionally along the cilium. Orientation of cilia in these movies was …
Images were collected at 10 fps for a total duration of 1 min. Playback is set at 20 fps (2 × speed). IFT88-GFP moves bi-directionally along the cilium.
Images were collected at 20 fps for a total duration of 20 s. Playback is set at 20 fps (real-time speed). KAP-GFP moves toward the tip of flagella in the control fla3 mutant cell.
Images were collected at 20 fps for a total duration of 20 s. Playback is set at 20 fps (real-time speed). KAP-GFP moves toward the tip of flagella in the dyf13 mutant cell.
Images were collected at 20 fps for a total duration of 25 s. Playback is set at 20 fps (real-time speed). IFT27-GFP moves toward the tip of flagella in the control pf18 mutant cell.
Images were collected at 20 fps for a total duration of 25 s. Playback is set at 20 fps (real-time speed). IFT27-GFP moves toward the tip of flagella in the dyf13 mutant cell.
Results of proteomic analyses.
(A) List of identified IFT proteins from tandem affinity purification of TTC26. (B) List of identified proteins from 2D-DIGE proteomic analysis of wild-type and dyf13 mutant flagella. Ratios 1 and 2 indicate the fold change in protein abundance quantified in each spot, with negative ratio indicating a reduction in quantity relative to wild-type flagella in each experiment.