(A) The slx9-1 allele does not complement the slow growth of slx9∆ cells. Top: SLX9, slx9∆, and slx9-1 cells were spotted in 10-fold dilutions on SD-plates and grown at the indicated temperatures …
(A) slx9-1 genetically interacts with factors involved in 40S pre-ribosome export. slx9-1 is synthetically lethal with mex67∆loop, mtr2∆loop116-137, or yrb2∆ and strongly synthetically enhanced with …
(A) The basic patch of RanQLGTP contributes to Slx9 binding. GST-Slx9, GST-Yrb1, or GST-Kap123 immobilized on GSH-Sepharose was incubated with buffer alone or 2 µM Ran (His6-RanQLGTP, His6-RanQLGTPRK…
(A) Rio2 and Ltv1 export complex formation requires their C-terminal NESs. Top: the positions of the Rio2 and Ltv1 NESs are shown. Hydrophobic residues in these NESs are highlighted in red. Bottom: …
(A) GST-Rio2 was immobilized on GSH-Sepharose and incubated with buffer, 2 µM His6-RanQLGTP, or 0.5 µM Slx9 (+1). After washing, the GST-Rio2:Slx9 complex was incubated with 2 µM His6-RanQLGTP (+2). …
(A) Flow chart depicting the experimental setup to assemble a Rio2:Slx9:RanQLGTP:Crm1 complex. Immobilized GST-Rio2 was sequentially incubated with Slx9 (red), RanQLGTP (purple), and Crm1 (green). …
(A) Rio23G does not interact with Crm1 in the presence of RanGTP. Top: schematic depicts the positions of mutations proximal to the NES (399-EEN-401-GGG) in the Rio23G. Hydrophobic amino acids of …
Top: schematic of Rio2 highlighting the triple A mutation (399-EEN-401-AAA, brown) proximal to the NES. Hydrophobic amino acids of the NES are red and mutated amino acids are brown. Bottom: …
(A) slx9∆ and slx9-1 do not genetically interact with rio2∆NES. A RIO2 shuffle slx9∆ strain was transformed with the indicated combinations of empty, WT, or mutant plasmids and spotted in 10-fold …
(A) rio2-nmd3NES is not synthetic lethal with mex67∆loop or mtr2∆loop116-137. Strains were spotted in 10-fold serial dilutions on 5-FOA (SD) plates and grown at 30°C for 2–4 days (B) The Nmd3-NES …
Comparison of Coomassie staining and Western blot signals of Slx9 and Slx9-1 proteins. 0.5 µM Slx9 or 0.5 µM Slx9-1 were separated on SDS-PAGE (top panel) and either stained with Coomassie or …
Yeast strains used in this study.
Plasmids used in this study.