(A) Schematic of the preparation, showing a tungsten microelectrode array implanted into the trigeminal ganglion of a head-fixed mouse, whilst a metal pole is presented in one of a range of …
Extracellular potential recorded from the same single unit during both anaesthetized and awake epochs. Spikes belonging to the cluster of the target unit are shown by black triangles. Inset shows …
Axial () and lateral () force components at the whisker base were calculated, in each video frame where there were whisker-pole contacts, as follows (Pammer et al., 2013). First, the point of …
(A) Schematic of the Generalized Linear Model (GLM). (B) For an example unit, whisker angle (top panel), whisker curvature change (middle panel) and simultaneously recorded spike train (bottom …
(A) Angle GLM prediction performance is robust to addition of quadratic stimulus-dependence. Prediction accuracy (PCC) for standard angle GLM (same data as Figure 2D of main text) in comparison to …
(A) Two example time series for simultaneously measured whisker angle, bending moment, lateral force and axial force (see Materials and methods). Red bars indicate episodes of whisker-pole contact. (…
Stimulus filter, history filter and bias term of curvature-based GLMs for two units (A, B), fitted as described in Materials and methods. Both units had negative history filters (in the 2 ms …
(A) Mean response of an example whisking-sensitive unit to whisking amplitude, computed during non-contact episodes (dark green, shaded area shows SEM) with regression line (black). Inset shows …
For each whisker-sensitive unit, an acceleration tuning curve was estimated (Figure 3B). Tuning to positive (negative) acceleration was quantified by the slope of a regression line fitted to the …
(A) Whisker angle (top) and whisker curvature change (bottom) time series, due to passive, trapezoidal stimulation of C2 whisker in an anaesthetized mouse, estimated as mean over 10 repetitions. …
The data of Figure 4 show a strong correlation between whisker angle and whisker curvature during passive stimulation of the whisker. To test whether this correlation might make curvature-tuned …
(A). Four video frames taken during trapezoidal, passive whisker stimulation with whisker tracker solutions overlaid (coloured lines). (B) Curvature change (left) and corresponding tracker solutions …
At the start of the video, the pole is out of range of the whiskers. The whisker tracker solution for the principal whisker of the recorded unit is overlaid in red. White dots represent spikes; …