Body side-specific control of motor activity during turning in a walking animal

7 figures


Differences between inside and outside middle leg (ML) activity in the intact tethered stick insect that is turning on the slippery surface.

(a) Significant difference between the periods of inside (orange) and outside (yellow) turning of the front (striped) and middle (solid) leg, and no significant differences between the periods of …
Figure 2 with 1 supplement
Influence of local load stimuli on mesothoracic motor activity during outside turning.

(a) Mesothoracic pro- and retractor activity (2nd and 3rd row, resp.) before, during and after a front leg outside walking sequence (FL stance begin marked in top row event channel) and simultaneous …
Figure 2—figure supplement 1
Distribution of response amplitudes of retractor MNs to CS stimuli throughout the FL step cycle during outside steps from all 13 animals, normalized to the activity in the 100ms preceding the CS stimulus.

Retractor activity mostly increased over already ongoing retractor activity without any phase preference.
Figure 3 with 1 supplement
Influence of local load stimuli on mesothoracic motor activity during inside turning.

(a) Mesothoracic pro- and retractor activity (2nd and 3rd row, resp.) before and during a front leg inside walking sequence (front leg [FL] stance begin marked in top row event channel), and …
Figure 3—figure supplement 1
Distribution of response amplitudes of retractor MNs to CS stimuli throughout the FL step cycle during inside steps with retractor activation from all 13 animals (note that 9a and 9b constitute data from two files from one animal).

Maximum retractor activation in a time window of 150 ms after CS stimulation was normalized to the average maximum response during control stimulations.
Motor output of the protractor and retractor coxae motor neuron pools in the deafferented mesothoracic ganglion during front leg inside and outside stepping.

(a) Flexor EMG recording of the front leg (FL, top trace, black) together with simultaneous recording of ipsilateral mesothoracic protractor and retractor nerve activity (2nd and 3rd row, resp., …
Figure 5 with 1 supplement
Motor output of the protractor and retractor coxae motor neuron pools in the deafferented control, and while the mesothoracic ganglion was superfused with a pilocarpine solution during front leg (FL) inside stepping in split-bath configuration.

(a) Traces show the time with and without FL activity (top trace) together with simultaneous mesothoracic protractor and retractor nerve recordings (2nd and 3th row, resp.) ipsilateral to the FL, in …
Figure 5—figure supplement 1
Effect of unilateral transsection of the connective between the pro- and mesothoracic ganglion during inside stepping of the ipsilateral front leg (FL).

Left panel: Activity in the mesothoracic ganglion during FL inside steps in the intact animal. Right panel: Activity in the mesothoracic ganglion during FL inside steps in the same animal after …
Motor output of the protractor and retractor coxae motor neuron pools in the deafferented control and when the mesothoracic ganglion was superfused with a pilocarpine solution during front leg (FL) outside stepping in split-bath configuration.

(a) Traces show the time with and without FL activity (top trace) together with simultaneous mesothoracic protractor and retractor nerve recordings (2nd and 3th row, resp.) ipsilateral to the FL, in …
Summary of the observed effects on mesothoracic motor output and potential sources for the influences.

(a) Effects observed in the mesothorax ipsilateral to the INSIDE front leg. (b) effects observed in the mesothorax ipsilateral to the OUTSIDE front leg. Note that solid lines mark demonstrated …

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