(A) γd neurons labeled by MB607B-GAL4. (B) 3D reconstruction of γd neurons labeled by MB607B-GAL4 (purple) in the entire MB (yellow). Arrow indicates atypical dendritic protrusion of the γd neurons. … see more
(A) Subsets of KC types labelled in GAL4 lines and the resulting learning defects in the behavioral screen using UAS-shits1. Expression levels (represented in the gray scale) are determined as … see more
(A–B) Main output and input sites labeled by Syt::GFP (green) and DenMark::mCherry (red) are differentially localized to the dorsal γ lobe and the vAC (arrow). The MB lobe (A) and main calyx (B) are … see more
(A) VPN-MB1 neurons labeled by MB425B-GAL4. (B) A single VPN-MB1 neuron, generated by heat shock flip out, connects the medulla and the central brain. (C) VPN-MB2 neurons labeled by MB334C-GAL4. (D) … see more
Yellow: entire MB. (A) Blue: MB425B-GAL4. (B) Green: MB334C-GAL4. Scale bar: 50 µm.
(A–C) The DC0 antibody highlights KCs including the γd neurons labeled by MB419B-GAL4. (D and E) The γd dendrites overlap with the processes of VPN-MB1 (MB425B-GAL4) (D) and VPN-MB2 (MB334C-GAL4) (E)… see more
(A–A”) Double labeling of VPN-MB1 (MB425B-GAL4, red) and KCs (R13F02-LexA for labeling most KCs, green) reveals overlap in the vAC (arrows). (B–B”) Double labeling of VPN-MB2 (MB334C-GAL4, red) and … see more
(A) OPNs labeled by GH146-GAL4 are not required for visual color conditioning (one-way ANOVA, p>0.05), n = 8. (B–C) VPN-MB1 (MB425B-GAL4; B), but not VPN-MB2 (MB334C-GAL4; C), are required for color … see more
(A and B) MB425B-GAL4 (A) and VT008475-GAL4 label VPN-MB1 and similar VPNs that do not extend to the vAC (arrows). Scale-bars represents 50 µm. (C) Blocking output of neurons labeled by VT008475-GAL4… see more
(A) MB331C-GAL4 labels MBON-a1 (arrows) in addition to VPN-MB2. (B) MB310C-GAL4 labels MBON-a1 (arrows) but not VPN-MB2. Scale-bars represents 50 µm. (C) Blocking output of neurons labeled by MB310C-… see more