Interactions between respiratory oscillators in adult rats

  1. Robert TR Huckstepp
  2. Lauren E Henderson
  3. Kathryn P Cardoza
  4. Jack L Feldman  Is a corresponding author
  1. University of California, Los Angeles, United States
9 figures


Transfection of neurons in preBötC and pFL.

(A) Localization of preBötC viral injections. Transverse view of medulla at Bregma -12.7 mm, green circle shows location of AlstR-GFP expressing neurons. Dashed blue box indicates location of …
Hyperpolarizing preBötC neurons reduced ventilation and induced active expiration, but eventually resulted in apnea.

(A) Effect of Alst application to left preBötC (unilateral, first red arrow and dashed line) then right preBötC (bilateral, second red arrow and dashed line); gray arrow and dashed line mark onset …
Hyperpolarizing preBötC neurons leads to quantal slowing of breathing and burstlet-like activity in ∫DiaEMG.

(A) Burstlet-like activity in airflow and ∫DiaEMG traces (red arrows). (B) Traces at different time points (top to bottom ranging from -5 to +10 min) after Alst infusion showing burstlet-like …
Alst in absence of AlstRs does not affect breathing.

(A) Effect of Alst application to left preBötC (unilateral, first red arrow and dashed line) then right preBötC (bilateral, second red arrow and dashed line). (B) Expanded traces from A, indicated …
CNO in absence of HM3DRs does not affect respiration.

(A) Effect of CNO applied to ventral surface (pink shaded area). (B) Expanded traces from A, indicated by shaded epochs (i-–ii): (Bi) Activity at rest. (Bii) Activity in presence of CNO. (C) …
Depolarizing pFL neurons elicits active expiration.

(A) Effect of CNO applied to ventral surface (pink shaded area). (B) Expanded traces from A, indicated by grey shaded epochs (i-ii): (Bi) Activity at rest. (Bii) Activity in presence of CNO. (C) …
Hyperpolarizing preBötC neurons leads to apnea, and loss of active expiration even with activation of pFL.

(A) Integrated traces from a single experiment showing effect of Alst injection to left preBötC (unilateral, first red arrow and dashed line) then right preBötC (bilateral, second red arrow and …
Following apnea, in presence of CNO, active expiration only returns after inspiratory activity returns.

(A) Integrated traces from one experiment showing effect of removing rat from ventilator (dark grey shaded area), in presence of CNO (pink shaded area), following induction of apnea by …
Developmental and state-dependent changes in coupling between pFL and preBötC.

Functional connections of undetermined connectivity are indicated as broken lines. As pFL neurons are excitatory (Onimaru et al., 2008; Thoby-Brisson et al., 2009) and lack inhibitory markers (Ellenb…

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