(A) Localization of preBötC viral injections. Transverse view of medulla at Bregma -12.7 mm, green circle shows location of AlstR-GFP expressing neurons. Dashed blue box indicates location of …
(A) Effect of Alst application to left preBötC (unilateral, first red arrow and dashed line) then right preBötC (bilateral, second red arrow and dashed line); gray arrow and dashed line mark onset …
(A) Burstlet-like activity in airflow and ∫DiaEMG traces (red arrows). (B) Traces at different time points (top to bottom ranging from -5 to +10 min) after Alst infusion showing burstlet-like …
(A) Effect of Alst application to left preBötC (unilateral, first red arrow and dashed line) then right preBötC (bilateral, second red arrow and dashed line). (B) Expanded traces from A, indicated …
(A) Effect of CNO applied to ventral surface (pink shaded area). (B) Expanded traces from A, indicated by shaded epochs (i-–ii): (Bi) Activity at rest. (Bii) Activity in presence of CNO. (C) …
(A) Effect of CNO applied to ventral surface (pink shaded area). (B) Expanded traces from A, indicated by grey shaded epochs (i-ii): (Bi) Activity at rest. (Bii) Activity in presence of CNO. (C) …
(A) Integrated traces from a single experiment showing effect of Alst injection to left preBötC (unilateral, first red arrow and dashed line) then right preBötC (bilateral, second red arrow and …
(A) Integrated traces from one experiment showing effect of removing rat from ventilator (dark grey shaded area), in presence of CNO (pink shaded area), following induction of apnea by …
Functional connections of undetermined connectivity are indicated as broken lines. As pFL neurons are excitatory (Onimaru et al., 2008; Thoby-Brisson et al., 2009) and lack inhibitory markers (Ellenb…