The female reproductive system, consisting of two ovaries, oviduct, uterus, seminal receptacle, and a pair of spermathecae and parovaria, was depicted in the cartoon. Two representative ovarioles …
(A–C) Hnt expression (red in A-C and white in A’-C’) in A/P-Hnt (A), high-Hnt (B), and low-Hnt (C) egg chambers. FC1 expression (FC1 Gal4 driving UAS-eGFP, FC1 > GFP) is shown in green (A–C) and …
(A–B’) Hnt (red in A-B and white in A’-B’) is expressed in posterior tip follicle cells (arrowheads) in youngest stage-14 egg chambers, which have faint FC1 (A) but no FC2 (B) expression (green). (C–…
(A–D) Hnt expression (green) in control (A) and hntRNAi (B–C) stage-14C egg chambers with FC1. FC1 expression (FC1 > RFP) is shown in red. Inserts are high magnification of Hnt expression in squared …
(A–H) Hnt expression (green in A-C and E-G) in stage-14A (A–D) and stage-14B (E–H) egg chambers with FC1 driving RFP (control, A and E) or hntRNAi (B–C and F–G). Quantification of Hnt expression is …
(A–B) Quantification of stage-14 egg chambers in virgin females before egg laying experiment. (A) is using FC1 Gal4, while (B) is using FC2-Gal4.
(A–D) Representative images show control (A) and hntRNAi (B–C) egg chambers with FC1 after three-hour culture with 20 μM OA. Quantification of OA-induced follicle rupture is shown in (D). (E–H) …
(A–C) Representative images show hntpeb/+ (A), hntpeb/hntXE81 (B), and hntpeb/hntEH704a (C) mature follicles after three-hour culture with OA. Mature follicles were isolated according to FC2 > RFP …
(A–C) Representative images show OA-induced Mmp2 activity (green) in control (A) and hntRNAi (B–C) egg chambers with FC1 after three-hour culture with OA. Egg chambers with posterior Mmp2 activity …
(A–H) Response of egg chambers isolated according to FC1 (A–D) or FC2 (E–H) to ionomycin-induced rupture in three hours. (A–C and E–G) Representative images show control (A and E) and hntRNAi (B–C …
(A–D) Intracellular Ca2+ depicted by GCaMP5G (green in A-C’) increase in response to ionomycin stimulation in both control (A–A’) and hntRNAi (B–C’) egg chambers with FC2 Gal4, although hntRNAi egg …
Mmp2::GFP (green in A-C and white in A’-C’) is highly expressed in posterior follicle cells of control stage-14 egg chambers (A–A’), but is weakly detected in posterior follicle cells of hntRNAi egg …
(A–B) Quantification of Oamb mRNA levels in hntRNAi egg chambers with FC1 (A) or FC2 (B) Gal4. (C–D) Quantification of egg chambers in response to OA-induced follicle rupture. hntRNAi and/or Oamb …
(A) The quantification of egg-laying capacity of females with FC1 driving hntRNAi and/or RREB-1 overexpression. (B–F) The quantification of OA-induced follicle rupture (B) in egg chambers with hntRNA…
(A–D) Quantification of OA-induced follicle rupture (A, C) and the egg-laying number (B, D) from females with FC1 (A–B) and FC2 (C–D) Gal4 driving hntRNAi and/or hntEP55 overexpression. (E–L) Hnt …
Hnt expression is shown in yellow (A–F) and white (A’–F’), and RREB1::GFP expression is shown in green (D–F) and white (D”–F”). (A–C) Hnt expression is detected in control follicle cells (A) and is …
Quantification of OA-induced follicle rupture is shown.
Hnt expression is shown in red with different intensity indicating different expression level. Mmp2 expression is shown in green and Oamb expression is shown in blue. OA stands for octopamine.
The egg laying, egg distribution within the reproductive tract, and egg-laying time of females with various genotypes.