10 figures, 6 videos, 1 table and 1 additional file


Design of novel tdTomato-V5-GCaMP6f fusion probe ‘Salsa6f’ and characterization in living cells.

(A) Several genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators were screened in vitro in HEK 293A cells, by co-transfecting with Orai1/STIM1 and measuring Ca2+ influx after thapsigargin-induced store depletion. …

Generation of a Salsa6f transgenic mouse line targeted to the Rosa26 locus.

(A) Transgenic targeting vector for Salsa6f, inserted between Rosa26 homology arms and electroporated into embryonic stem cells. CAG Pr: cytomegalovirus early enhancer/chicken β-actin promoter; …

Cd4-Salsa6f mice show normal immune cell development and expression.

(A) Experimental design to target expression of Salsa6f in Cd4 cells. (B) Cd4, Cd8 and double-positive cells gated on tdTomato (Salsa6f+ cells) from thymus. (C) Histograms showing percent of Salsa6f+

Figure 4 with 1 supplement
Functional responses of Cd4-Salsa6f T cells in vitro.

(A) Representative histogram showing cell trace violet (CTV) dilution in Cd4Cre (dark grey), Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) (blue), and Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) (red) T cells at 72 hr following stimulation with αCd3/28 …

Figure 4—figure supplement 1
Differentiation of Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) T cells into Th1 and iTregs.

Representative dot plots showing differentiation of Cd4+ T cells from Cd4Cre and Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) mice into Th1 cells (top panel) and iTregs (bottom panel) after 4 days of stimulation with αCd3/28 …

Single-cell Salsa6f calcium signals in T cells.

(A) Confocal images of Ca2+ signals in activating Cd4+ T cells from Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mice, after two day stimulation on plate bound αCd3/28 antibody, showing merged green (GCaMP6f) and red …

Figure 6 with 1 supplement
Probe characterization and calibration of [Ca2+] in Salsa6f T cells.

(A) Confocal images of a naive T cell from a Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mouse. Upper panel: tdTomato (left) and GCaMP6f (right) fluorescence intensity in Ca2+-free Ringer solution. Lower panel: same cell …

Figure 6—figure supplement 1
Comparison of GECI localization in Cd4 T cells from Salsa6f mouse and PC::G5-tdT mouse.

(A,B) Confocal images of Cd4+ T cells purified from a Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mouse (A) or a Cd4-5GtdT mouse (B), showing merged red and green; cells imaged at the same laser and PMT settings; scale bar = …

Figure 7 with 1 supplement
Ca2+signals in two day activated Cd4+ T cells from Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mice in response to store-depletion, TCR stimulation and stimulation by Yoda1.

In all panels, average Salsa6f G/R ratios are shown on the left, and representative single-cell traces are shown superimposed on right. Experiments were done in standard Ringer solution (A) or in …

Figure 7—figure supplement 1
Store-operated Ca2+entry and Piezo1 activation in T cells from Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mice.

Average (left panel) and representative single-cell responses (right panel) to (A) TG-induced SOCE in naive T cells (n = 96 cells), (B) solution exchange with media alone in 2-day activated T-cells …

TCR induced Ca2+ signals in T cell subsets from Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mice.

Average (left) and representative single-cell Ca2+ traces (right) from confocal time-lapse microscopy showing changes in Salsa6f green/red (G/R) ratio in naive T cells (A), 5-day differentiated Th17 …

Figure 9 with 2 supplements
Lymph nodes from Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) mice exhibit cell-wide and subcellular Ca2+signals.

(A) Median filtered, maximum intensity projection of a red channel image from a single time point of an explanted lymph node from a Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) mouse. (B) Green channel image corresponding to A

Figure 9—figure supplement 1
Imaging lymph nodes of Cd4-Salsa6f homozygous mice.

Cre-mediated expression of Salsa6f in Cd4 T cells reveals endogenous T cell labeling in lymph node. (A) Two-photon images of explanted lymph node from Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) mouse at various depths …

Figure 9—figure supplement 2
Subtraction of red channel fluorescence improves detection of Salsa6f Ca2+signals.

(A, B) Median filtered, maximum intensity projection of a red channel image from a single time point of an explanted lymph node from a Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) mouse. Panel A is enlarged and cropped from …

Subcellular Ca2+signals map to different regions of motile, adoptively transferred Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) T cells.

(A) Histogram of green channel pixel intensities from a representative region of a time-lapse image series of Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) T cells in a wild-type lymph node after adoptive transfer. Vertical …



Video 1
Calcium readout of Salsa6f probe in HEK cells.

HEK 293A cells transfected with Salsa6f, first washed with 0 mM Ca2+ followed by 2 μM ionomycin in 2 mM Ca2+; scale bar = 20 µm, time shown in hr:min:s. Images were acquired at 15 s interval and …

Video 2
Single-cell readout of activation in transgenic T cells by Salsa6f.

Cd4 T cells from Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mice were plated on activating surface coated with anti-Cd3/Cd28. Images were acquired at 5 s interval and played back at 15 frames per second. This video …

Video 3
T cell Ca2+response to Ca2+store depletion by thapsigargin (TG).

Video of maximum intensity projection images of 2-day activated T cells from Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mouse plated on poly-L-lysine. Scale bar = 20 µm, time shown in hr:min:s. 2 μM TG in Ca2+-free Ringer’s …

Video 4
Activated T cell Ca2+responses to TCR stimulation.

Video of maximum intensity projection images of 2-day activated T cells from Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mouse plated on anti-Cd3/28-coated coverslip. Scale bar = 20 µm, time shown in hr:min:s. Time interval …

Video 5
T cell Ca2+response to shear and Yoda1.

Video of maximum intensity projection images of 2-day activated T cells from Cd4-Salsa6f (Het) mouse plated on anti-Cd3/28-coated coverslip. Scale bar = 20 µm, time shown in hr:min:s. Time interval …

Video 6
Lymph nodes from Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) mice exhibit cell-wide and subcellular Ca2+signals.

Time shown in hr:min:s; images were acquired at 5 s intervals. Play back speed = 50 frames per second. Red channel is turned off after beginning to facilitate visualization of green signals. Video …



Key resources table
Reagent type (species) or resourceDesignationSource or referenceIdentifiersAdditional information
Recombinant DNA reagentSalsa6fThis paperFusion of GCaMP6f to tdTomato
via a V5 epitope linker
Recombinant DNA reagentGt(ROSA)26Sor5’-pCAG-
AttP-Gt(ROSA)26Sor3’ cassette
This paperSalsa6f inserted into a
bGHpA-NeoR cassette.
Transgene (mouse)Gt(ROSA)26SorpCAG-FRT-LSL-
This paperAllele with the above
cassette targeted to
the ROSA26 locus.
Transgene (mouse)Gt(ROSA)26SorpCAG-FRT-LSL-
This paperSame as above with
Neomycin cassette deleted
Strain, strain background (mouse)LSL-Salsa6f (F1), LSL-Sals6f (Hom)This paperSalsa6f transgene
targeted to Rosa26
locus in JM8.N4 mouse
embryonic stem (ES)
cells. Positive chimeras
bred to R26ΦC31o
mice to produce LSL-
Salsa6f F1 founders
and homozygotic LSL-
Salsa6f (Hom) mice.
See Materials and
methods for details.
Strain, strain background (mouse)Cd4-Salsa6f (Het),
Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom)
This paperLSL-Salsa6f (Hom)
mice crossed to Cd4Cre
mice to produce
heterozygotic and
homozygotic Salsa6f-
Cd4Cre mice
(designated as Cd4-
Salsa6f ± and Cd4-
Salsa6f+/+ in the paper).
Strain, strain background (mouse)Cd4Cre mice C57BL/6JJackson #017336
Strain, strain background (mouse)C57BL/6JJackson #000664
Cell line (human)HEK293AInvitrogen (#R705-07)
Transfected construct (synthetic)Salsa6fThis papersee above for Salsa6f gene
Transfected construct (synthetic)G-GECO1, B-GECO1,
GCaMP6f, GCaMP6m, GCaMP6s
Antibodyanti-mouse IL-4, IL17A-APC
(clone TC11-18H10.1), IFN-Pacific
Blue (clone XMG1.2)
AntibodyFoxp3-PE (clone FJK16s)ThermoFisher Scientific
AntibodyαCd3 and αCd28Invivogen
AntibodyαCd3 and αCd28
coated dynabeads
LifeTechnologies Corp.
Peptide, recombinant proteinrecombinant human TGFβ1Tonbo Biosciences
peptide, recombinant proteinrecombinant mouse IL-12,
IL-23, IL-1β, TGFβ
Peptide, recombinant proteinrecombinant human IL-2BioLegend
Commercial assay or kitEasySep mouse naïve
Cd4 T cell isolation kit
Stem Cell Technologies
Commercial assay or kitEasySep mouse Cd4 T
cell isolation kit
Stem Cell Technologies
Chemical compound, drugCell trace violet, eFluor 780ThermoFisher Scientific
Chemical compound, drugIonomycin, Thapsigargin,
Retinoic Acid, PMA
Sigma Aldrich
Chemical compound, drugGhost dye 780Biolegend
Chemical compound, drugFura2-AM, Fluo-4 AMThermoFisher Scientific
Software, algorithmImageJ/FijiNIH
Software, algorithmIMARISBitplane
Other35 mm glass chamberLabTek, ThermoFisher Scientific
OtherRPMI cell culture mediumLonza

Additional files

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