Effects of spinal cord stimulation on postural control in Parkinson's disease patients with freezing of gait

Individual and mean values for % change of the outcome variables: time of gait, time of FoG, time of APA, amplitude (peak) of APA and the variables that describe reactive postural control - CoPap amplitude and CoMap amplitude.
(A) Individual mean curves of the body mediolateral displacement (APA) - thin lines; and the standard deviation (thick and transparent bands) for each stimulation parameter (OFF – gray, 60 Hz – red, 300 Hz – blue). (B) Graphs showing the individual mean values of % of change for each outcome variable in 60 and 300 Hz relative to the off condition. (C) Mean values and standard deviations of % change for each outcome variable (time of gait, time of FoG, time and amplitude of APA, CoP and CoM amplitude. Asterisks highlight significant effects for 60 and 300 Hz as compared to the off condition.

Representation of FOG based on spectral analysis and the step initiation task.
(A) Characterization of FoG based on spectral analysis. Schematic representation of a man representing the lumbar accelerometer as a small black box. The curve represents the vertical acceleration acquired during step initiation. The dotted square shows a 7.5 s window for the frequency analysis domain (normal gait in blue and freezing in red). (B) Spectral analysis of acceleration showing one band representing the locomotor period (0–3 Hz) and the FoG band (3–8 Hz). (C) FoG index showing the clinical threshold (>2 = FoG); FoG index is calculated by dividing the FoG band by the locomotor band (blue circle – power peak of normal gait; red circle – power peak of a period with FoG). (D) Representation of the step initiation task, showing the marker on the malleolus to detect the moment that the foot clears the floor. The sequence showed in D and E (1-4) shows: (1) beginning of the task, when the participant is in quiet standing (body weight balanced under the feet), preceding the step. (2) The red arrow shows body weight shifting toward the supporting leg (APA). (3) Once the body weight is shifted contralaterally, the moving leg can be released to take a step and finish the movement (4). The graphs showed in D and E represent the moment that each phase of the sequence 1-4) occurs: 1-quiet standing; 2- peak of APA; 3- step; 4-end of the movement. The red line represents the mediolateral force under the supporting leg, the dotted line is the displacement of the moving foot. The red line in D represents a defective mediolateral displacement of the body weight (APA), showing a relative smaller amplitude and longer APA compared to a normal APA displayed in E.
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- https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.37727.004