(A) Illustration of transgenic and viral strategy used to selectively label L5 neurons that project to the inferior colliculus and MGB (left) or L6 neurons that project to the MGB (right). Cell body …
(A) Illustration of the strategy to activate neurons in ACtx L6 that project to the MGB (L6 CT). (B) Illustration of optogenetic approach to isolate L5 ACtx neurons with axons that innervate the IC …
Source data for Figure 2.
(A) Four noise-evoked current source density plots (CSD) from recordings at different cortical depths. The CSD’s have been positioned to resemble the global CSD patterning of sinks and sources over …
(A) A schematic showing the idealized separation between phototagged CF or CT neurons and their local neighborhoods (left). Bars represent an ideal d’ of ∞, since knowledge of the indivisible …
(A) Example FRAs from a broadly-tuned L5 CF neuron (top) and a narrowly tuned L6 CT neuron (bottom). (B) Example PSTHs from a long-latency L5 CF neuron (top) and a short-latency L6 CT neuron (bottom)…
Source data for Figure 3.
(A) Significant correlation between sparsity and bandwidth parameters. Dotted line represents a linear fit to the data. (B) No significant correlation between latency and bandwidth. (C) No …
(A) Scatter plot of tuning parameters for both CF/CT cell-types, with the optimal SVM hyperplane. (B) Scatter plot of tuning parameters for L5/L6 cell-types, with the optimal SVM hyperplane. (C) …
Source data for Figure 4.
(A) Snippets of DRC-evoked neural activity with corresponding model predictions for an example L5 CF (top) and L6 CT neuron (bottom). Predictive powers for the model fits are shown on the right. (B) …
Source data for Figure 5.
(A) Scatter plot of signal and noise powers for CF/CT neurons. Histograms show the marginal distributions along the corresponding axes. Filled/non-filled bars represent neurons that had signal …
(A) Schematic of the 32-channel recording probe alongside PSTHs corresponding to each recording site. A 1 ms laser pulse (vertical blue lines) to the axon terminals for L5 CF (left) and L6 CT …
Source data for Figure 6.
(A) Schematic illustrating the four recorded cell-types and the cross-covariance approach. (B) An example cross-covariance function highlighting the temporal interaction between a L6 CT↔FS pair. (C–D…
Source data for Figure 7.
Supplemental tables detailing sample sizes, parameter values, and firing rates.
Supplemental Table S1. Summary table detailing sample sizes and parameter values for all sensory characterization comparisons (Figures 3–5). Supplemental Table S2. Summary table detailing sample sizes for all connectivity comparisons (Figures 6–7). Supplemental Table S3. Summary table detailing firing rates evoked by all presented stimuli.