Natural ITD statistics predict human auditory spatial perception

  1. Rodrigo Pavão  Is a corresponding author
  2. Elyse S Sussman
  3. Brian J Fischer
  4. José L Peña
  1. Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience - Albert Einstein College of Medicine, United States
  2. Centro de Matemática, Computação e Cognição - Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil
  3. Department of Mathematics - Seattle University, United States
4 figures and 1 additional file


Figure 1 with 1 supplement
ITD statistics of natural stimulus.

(A) Estimation of ITD mean and standard deviation over time in broadband signals filtered by human head-related impulse responses (HRIRs) and modeled cochlear filters. (1) Example HRIRs from sound …

Figure 1—figure supplement 1
Basis of ITD statistics and consistency across conditions.

(A) ITDrc (left) and ITDv (right) as a function of ITDs corresponding to azimuth locations from −90° to 90°, averaged across subjects, for three example signals: a 500 Hz tone (yellow) and two …

ITD statistics predict human ITD-change detection thresholds.

(A) Hypothesis (top) and null hypothesis (bottom) of an adapted neural code underlying human ITD discrimination. (B) Classic study by Mills, 1958 estimated the minimum azimuth change detection …

ITD statistics predict discriminability of spatial deviants indexed by MMN responses.

(A) Left, passive oddball sequence protocol, in which subjects listened to frequent ‘standard’ stimuli embedded with rare spatial ‘deviants’. In each condition, two tones were presented with the …

Classic models of neural properties underlying ITD discriminability and their potential for explaining encoding of ITD statistics.

(A) Distribution of internal delays replotted from Stern and Colburn, 1978, Figure 2b, which proposes a higher density of pairs of fibers encoding frontal ITDs. (B) The density of pairs of fibers …

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