(A) Estimation of ITD mean and standard deviation over time in broadband signals filtered by human head-related impulse responses (HRIRs) and modeled cochlear filters. (1) Example HRIRs from sound …
(A) ITDrc (left) and ITDv (right) as a function of ITDs corresponding to azimuth locations from −90° to 90°, averaged across subjects, for three example signals: a 500 Hz tone (yellow) and two …
(A) Hypothesis (top) and null hypothesis (bottom) of an adapted neural code underlying human ITD discrimination. (B) Classic study by Mills, 1958 estimated the minimum azimuth change detection …
(A) Left, passive oddball sequence protocol, in which subjects listened to frequent ‘standard’ stimuli embedded with rare spatial ‘deviants’. In each condition, two tones were presented with the …
(A) Distribution of internal delays replotted from Stern and Colburn, 1978, Figure 2b, which proposes a higher density of pairs of fibers encoding frontal ITDs. (B) The density of pairs of fibers …