Gordon Center for Medical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, United States;
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Alzheimer Centre Limburg, Maastricht University, Netherlands;
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Netherlands;
Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic Science and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea;
Techna Institute & Koerner Scientist in MR Imaging, University Health Network, Canada;
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Heidi IL Jacobs
Nikos Priovoulos
Benedikt A Poser
Linda HG Pagen
Dimo Ivanov
Frans RJ Verhey
Kâmil Uludağ
Dynamic behavior of the locus coeruleus during arousal-related memory processing in a multi-modal 7T fMRI paradigm
Behavioral performance on the face-name association task.
Individual hit rates, false alarms, bias scores for the recognition, recollection scores (raw and bias-adjusted) are provided for the neutral and emotional valence condition.
Autonomic tone and memory performance across the entire paradigm.
Individual ΔsAA, rMSSD values per task stage. The emotional memory scores provided for panel B show the proportion of adjusted emotional scores versus neutral scores as indicated in the methods.
Individual coherence values between locus coeruleus or reference BOLD and HRV per frequency are provided for each task stage in the paradigm. For panel E and F, the individual ΔsAA and median of maximum coherence between locus coeruleus or reference BOLD and HRV are provided.
Coherence and phase between time series of the locus coeruleus and medial temporal lobe clusters.
Individual coherence and phase values between the locus coeruleus and each cluster in the medial temporal lobe (amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex) are provided per task stage.
Structural locus coeruleus intensity and memory performance.
Individual locus coeruleus intensity values (entire locus coeruleus, rostral, middle and caudal) and emotional memory scores are provided. The emotional memory scores are calculated as the proportion of adjusted emotional scores versus neutral scores as indicated in the methods.
Behavioral results of the memory task for emotional and neutral valence.
Note: numbers provided are median and interquartile range (IQR). Differences between emotional and neutral stimuli were tested with a paired Wilcoxon test. All scores, except for the bias express %.
Emotional (Median (IQR))
Neutral (Median (IQR))
Recognition Hit Rate (Old faces)
53.33 (45.56, 61.11)
53.33 (44.44, 67.78)
Recognition Miss Rate (Old faces)
46.67 (38.89, 54.44)
46.67 (32.22, 55.56)
Recognition Correct Rejection Rate (New faces)
77.27 (65.91, 81.82)
86.36 (77.27, 90.91)
Recognition False Alarm Rate (New faces)
22.73 (18.18, 34.09)
13.64 (9.09, 22.73)
Recognition Hit Rate - Recognition False Alarm Rate
Task stages differences in sAA, rMSSD or LC BOLD variance.
Note: Linear mixed effects models with random intercept for each person and task stage as fixed effect. Estimates indicate the unstandardized beta-coefficients. P-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons using the False Discovery rate.
Relationship between frequency and coherence between LC and heart rate variability across the task stages (Spatially normalized pipeline).
Note: Linear mixed effects models with random intercept for each person, task stage, frequency and their interaction as fixed effect. Estimates indicate the unstandardized beta-coefficients. P-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons using the False Discovery rate.
Relationship between frequency and coherence between LC and heart rate variability across the task stages.
Note: Linear mixed effects models with random intercept for each person, task stage, frequency and their interaction as fixed effect. Estimates indicate the unstandardized beta-coefficients. P-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons using the False Discovery rate.
Relationship between frequency and coherence between LC and heart rate variability across the task stages (Fixed + Explicit Resp pipeline).
Note: Linear mixed effects models with random intercept for each person, task stage, frequency and their interaction as fixed effect. Estimates indicate the unstandardized beta-coefficients. P-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons using the False Discovery rate.
Relationship between frequency and coherence between LC and heart rate variability across the task stages (Fixed + Explicit Phys pipeline).
Note: Linear mixed effects models with random intercept for each person, task stage, frequency and their interaction as fixed effect. Estimates indicate the unstandardized beta-coefficients. P-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons using the False Discovery rate.
Task-related activation patterns during encoding and recollection and functional connectivity (FC) alterations across the task stages.
Note: Brain regions activated during encoding, recollection or functional connectivity differences across the conditions (Family-wise error corrected for multiple comparisons using TFCE at p<0.05). Coordinates are provided in 1 mm MNI-space.