Correcting for physical distortions in visual stimuli improves reproducibility in zebrafish neuroscience

  1. Timothy W Dunn  Is a corresponding author
  2. James E Fitzgerald  Is a corresponding author
  1. Duke University, United States
  2. Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, United States


Breakthrough technologies for monitoring and manipulating single-neuron activity provide unprecedented opportunities for whole-brain neuroscience in larval zebrafish1–9. Understanding the neural mechanisms of visually guided behavior also requires precise stimulus control, but little prior research has accounted for physical distortions that result from refraction and reflection at an air-water interface that usually separates the projected stimulus from the fish10–12. Here we provide a computational tool that transforms between projected and received stimuli in order to detect and control these distortions. The tool considers the most commonly encountered interface geometry, and we show that this and other common configurations produce stereotyped distortions. By correcting these distortions, we reduced discrepancies in the literature concerning stimuli that evoke escape behavior13,14, and we expect this tool will help reconcile other confusing aspects of the literature. This tool also aids experimental design, and we illustrate the dangers that uncorrected stimuli pose to receptive field mapping experiments.

Data availability

No data were collected for this theoretical manuscript.

Article and author information

Author details

  1. Timothy W Dunn

    Duke Forge, Department of Statistical Science, Duke University, Durham, United States
    For correspondence
    Competing interests
    The authors declare that no competing interests exist.
  2. James E Fitzgerald

    Computation and Theory, Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, United States
    For correspondence
    Competing interests
    The authors declare that no competing interests exist.
    ORCID icon "This ORCID iD identifies the author of this article:" 0000-0002-0949-4188


Duke Forge

  • Timothy W Dunn

Duke AI Health

  • Timothy W Dunn

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

  • James E Fitzgerald

National Institutes of Health (U01 NS090449)

  • Timothy W Dunn
  • James E Fitzgerald

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.


© 2020, Dunn & Fitzgerald

This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License permitting unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.


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  1. Timothy W Dunn
  2. James E Fitzgerald
Correcting for physical distortions in visual stimuli improves reproducibility in zebrafish neuroscience
eLife 9:e53684.

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Further reading

    1. Neuroscience
    Yanqi Liu, Pol Bech ... Carl CH Petersen
    Research Article

    Long-range axonal projections of diverse classes of neocortical excitatory neurons likely contribute to brain-wide interactions processing sensory, cognitive and motor signals. Here, we performed light-sheet imaging of fluorescently labeled axons from genetically defined neurons located in posterior primary somatosensory barrel cortex and supplemental somatosensory cortex. We used convolutional networks to segment axon-containing voxels and quantified their distribution within the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas Common Coordinate Framework. Axonal density was analyzed for different classes of glutamatergic neurons using transgenic mouse lines selectively expressing Cre recombinase in layer 2/3 intratelencephalic projection neurons (Rasgrf2-dCre), layer 4 intratelencephalic projection neurons (Scnn1a-Cre), layer 5 intratelencephalic projection neurons (Tlx3-Cre), layer 5 pyramidal tract projection neurons (Sim1-Cre), layer 5 projection neurons (Rbp4-Cre), and layer 6 corticothalamic neurons (Ntsr1-Cre). We found distinct axonal projections from the different neuronal classes to many downstream brain areas, which were largely similar for primary and supplementary somatosensory cortices. Functional connectivity maps obtained from optogenetic activation of sensory cortex and wide-field imaging revealed topographically organized evoked activity in frontal cortex with neurons located more laterally in somatosensory cortex signaling to more anteriorly located regions in motor cortex, consistent with the anatomical projections. The current methodology therefore appears to quantify brain-wide axonal innervation patterns supporting brain-wide signaling.

    1. Neuroscience
    Jun Yang, Hanqi Zhang, Sukbin Lim
    Research Article

    Errors in stimulus estimation reveal how stimulus representation changes during cognitive processes. Repulsive bias and minimum variance observed near cardinal axes are well-known error patterns typically associated with visual orientation perception. Recent experiments suggest that these errors continuously evolve during working memory, posing a challenge that neither static sensory models nor traditional memory models can address. Here, we demonstrate that these evolving errors, maintaining characteristic shapes, require network interaction between two distinct modules. Each module fulfills efficient sensory encoding and memory maintenance, which cannot be achieved simultaneously in a single-module network. The sensory module exhibits heterogeneous tuning with strong inhibitory modulation reflecting natural orientation statistics. While the memory module, operating alone, supports homogeneous representation via continuous attractor dynamics, the fully connected network forms discrete attractors with moderate drift speed and nonuniform diffusion processes. Together, our work underscores the significance of sensory-memory interaction in continuously shaping stimulus representation during working memory.