(A) Schematic for microtubule nucleation from γ-TuRC. Biochemical features of γ-TuRC including the γ-/αβ-tubulin interaction affinity and conformation of γ-TuRC determine to MT nucleation activity …
(A) Protein gel of purified γ-TuRC was stained with SYPRO Ruby stain (left). Biotinylated sites on γ-TuRC was visualized with alkaline phosphatase conjugated to avidin (middle), and …
(A) Titrating tubulin concentration with constant the density of γ-TuRC. MT nucleation from γ-TuRC begins at 7μM tubulin. (B) MT plus-end growth speed increases linearly with tubulin concentration. …
Source data for Figure 2B–D.
Each excel sheet is labelled with individual figure panel. For Figure 2C, all three experimental replicates are supplied, and dataset one is plotted.
(A) Spontaneous MT nucleation (schematized) was measured with increasing tubulin concentration and high concentrations. 14 μM tubulin is required. (B) Number of MTs (N(t=τ)) nucleated spontaneously …
Source data for Figure 3 panels B, D, E and Figure 3—figure supplement 1C–D.
Each excel sheet is labelled with individual figure panel. For Figure 3D, all three experimental replicates are supplied, and dataset one is plotted.
(A) Representative kymographs of spontaneously nucleated MT is displayed, demonstrating that MTs grow from both the minus-end (dotted line) and the plus-end (solid line) and can be distinguished …
(A) Size-exclusion chromatography was performed with 150 nM of γ-tubulin alone (i) and with 35 μM and 10 μM αβ-tubulin in (ii) and (iii), respectively. Gel filtration fractions were analyzed via …
Source data for Figure 4C.
(A) Size-exclusion chromatography was performed with 35μM and 10μM αβ-tubulin alone in (i) and (ii), respectively. Gel filtration fractions were analyzed via SDS–PAGE followed by immunoblot with …
(A) MTs nucleate from high concentration of purified γ-tubulin efficiently and (B) minus-ends of γ-tubulin-nucleated MTs remain capped while the plus-ends polymerize. The experiments were repeated …
(A) Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of MT nucleation were performed. Helical MT lattice was simulated with 13 protofilaments and a pitch of 3 tubulin monomers across the seam. Native γ-TuRC was …
(A) MT plus-end assembly was simulated. Parameter values used: , . 20 simulations each were performed at tubulin concentration 2-20 μM. MT growth speed was obtained from each MT length versus …
(A) Simulations recapitulated experimental data for γ-TuRC-mediated MT nucleation. Parameter values used: , , , , and . 500 simulations each were performed for a range of tubulin …
(A) A constant density of γ-TuRC molecules were attached without (left) and with (right) 6μM CDK5RAP2’s γ-TuNA motif and 10.5μM tubulin ± 3μM additional γ-TuNA was added. Scale bar, 10 μm. (B) MTs …
Source data for Figure 6 panels B, D.
(A) A constant density of γ-TuRC molecules were attached without (left) and with (right) 6 μM NME7 and 10.5 μM tubulin ±1 μM additional NME7 was added. Experiments were repeated twice on different …
(A) γ-TuRCs were attached and 7μM tubulin (pseudo-colored in red) ± 20nM XMAP215-GFP (pseudo-colored in green) was added. Scale bar, 10 μm. Experiments and analyses in (A–B) were repeated thrice …
Source data for Figure 7 panels B, D, E, F and Figure 7—figure supplement 1 panels B, E.
Each excel sheet is labelled with individual figure panel. For Figure 7D, all five experimental replicates are supplied, and dataset one is plotted. Source Code. MATLAB code for Monte Carlo simulations used to model the dynamics of γ-TuRC-mediated nucleation. Materials and methods section details how the simulation was set up and performed. Figure 5—figure supplement 2 provide the parameters used to model our experimental data.
(A) γ-TuRCs were attached and 3.5-7μM tubulin ± 20nM XMAP215-GFP was added. Experiment was repeated identically two times with independent γ-TuRC purifications. One additional replicated was …
(A) γ-TuRC molecules were attached to coverslips and either 10.5 μM tubulin alone (left panels), 10 μM tubulin + 10 nM MCAK (top-right) or 10 μM tubulin + 5 μM Stathmin (bottom-right) was added to …
γ-TuRC was attached to functionalized coverslips and MT nucleation was observed upon introducing fluorescent αβ-tubulin (gray). MTs nucleated from individual γ-TuRC molecules from zero length at 14 …
Dual Alexa-568 and biotin-labeled γ-TuRC (green) was attached to functionalized coverslips and MT nucleation was observed upon introducing fluorescent αβ-tubulin (red). MTs nucleated from single …
Constant density of γ-TuRC was attached while concentration of fluorescent αβ-tubulin was titrated (3.5–21 μM) and MT nucleation was observed. γ-TuRC molecules nucleated MTs starting from 7 μM …
Concentration of fluorescent αβ-tubulin was titrated (7–21 μM) and spontaneous MT nucleation was assayed. MTs nucleated spontaneously starting from high concentration of 14 μM tubulin and MT …
MTs with blunt ends (seeds, cyan) were generated and attached to functionalized coverslips. Varying concentration of fluorescent αβ-tubulin was added (1.4–8.7 μM, pseudo-colored as magenta) and MT …
Top panels: γ-TuRC was immobilized on coverslips with control buffer (left) or with 6 μM γ-TuNA motif from CDK5RAP2 (right) and MT nucleation was observed upon introducing fluorescent 10.5 μM …
γ-TuRC was immobilized on coverslips and MT nucleation was assayed with low concentration of fluorescent αβ-tubulin (3.5 μM and 7 μM) without (top panels) or with 20 nM XMAP215-GFP (bottom panels). …
Triple-color fluorescence microscopy was performed to observe the molecular sequence of events during MT nucleation from γ-TuRC and XMAP215. γ-TuRC (blue) and XMAP215 (red) formed a complex before …
Top panels: γ-TuRC was immobilized on coverslips and MT nucleation was observed upon introducing fluorescent 10.5 μM αβ-tubulin without (left) or with 10 nM MCAK (right). Bottom panels: γ-TuRC was …
MATLAB code for simulations of γ-TuRC-mediated microtubule nucleation.