(a) Key functional domains and structural organization of the human BK channel (hSol1). See main text for definition of domains; (b) Orientation of the pore lining S6 helices and C-linkers in the …
Data from electrophysiology experiments showing G-V curves for WT, K0, K2 and K7 hSlo1 channels in 0 [Ca2+] as depicted in Figure 1d.
Data from electrophysiology experiments showing Q-V relation of on-gating currents for WT and K0 as depicted in Figure 1f.
(a) Domain swapping arrangement of BK channels. Shown is the structure of the human BK channels (hSlo1) with chain A colored blue and C-linker colored green. Other domains are made transparent for …
(a) Segments highlighted are: C-linker (residue 329–343, green); RCK1 N-lobe (dark blue, residue 344–427); VSD S0’ (yellow, residue 92–107) and S2-S3 loop (magenta, residue 171–177). The orange …
(a) Overlay of the full-length structures aligned using core residues 100 to 600. The backbone RMSD of two structures 2.18 Å. (b) Overlay of the central pore region (including S6 helices), aligned …
(a) Root-Mean-Square Fluctuations (RMSF) profiles of residues 230–400 (PGD, C-linker and RCK1 N-lobe). C-linker RMSF is highlighted in the green dashed box and in insert. The Cα RMSD of (b) the …
(a) Side view; (b) top view. For clarity, only the C-linker and S6 helix (yellow) of chain A (colored as blue ribbon) are highlighted.
(a) The C-linker N-C Cα distance during a representative 800-ns MD simulations of the WT hSlo1. (b) Residue Root-Mean-Square Fluctuations (RMSF) profiles of PGD, C-linker and RCK1 N-lobe derived …
Data obtained from simulation studies (see Materials and method section structural and dynamic analysis) calculating C-linker N-C Cα distance for both metal-bound and metal-free states of WT hSlo1 channels as depicted in Figure 2a.
Data obtained from simulation studies (see Materials and method section structural and dynamic analysis) calculating residue RMSF for both metal-bound and metal-free states of the WT hSlo1 channels as depicted in Figure 2b.
VSD spans residues 45–250, where residues 45 to 53 belong to S0 helix, 92–107 to S0’, 171–177 to the S2-S3 loop, and 225–230 to the S4-S5 loop. The contact probabilities were calculated from …
See Materials and methods for additional details.
(a) The C-linker N-C distance (329–343 Cα) as a function of time during 800-ns MD simulations. (b) RMSF profiles of residues 230–400 (PGD, C-linker and RCK1 N-lobe) derived from the same MD …
The Cα RMSD of (a) the whole channel and (b) residues 100–500 (the Core region) as a function of time during 800-ns MD simulations. (c) Evolution of the number of pore water, showing that all hSlo1 …
Whole channel is shown as transparent ribbon with each chain colored differently. S6 and C-linker of chain C are colored in gray and shown with a cartoon representation. (a) Path between R514 …
The average distances were calculated from ABSINTH simulations of isolated C-linker peptides. The red dashed line shows the linear relationship derived from the C-linker insertion/deletion study (Niu…
(a) Macroscopic currents of WT, K0, K2 and K7 mSlo1 channels in 100 μM [Ca2+]i. The currents were elicited by voltage pulses from −200 to 100 mV with 20 mV increments. The voltages before and after …
Data from electrophysiology experiments showing the relation of the G-V curves to the position of the nearest C-linker Tyr as depicted in Figure 3b.
Only the S6 helix and C-linker from one subunit are shown for clarity. POPC molecules near the Tyr residue are shown in sticks, with the phosphorous atoms shown in spheres and colored according to …
(a) Average Tyr sidechain solvent accessible surface area (SASA) of burial by lipid tails, representing the level of hydrophobic contacts between the Tyr sidechain and aliphatic lipid tails. (b) …
Data extracted from simulation studies (see Materials and method section structural and dynamic analysis) of WT, K0, K2 and K7 comparing different interactions of Tyr with the membrane components as depicted in Figure 5a–d.
(a) Tyr side chain SASA (Solvent Accessible Surface Area) of burial by lipid tails. (b) Hydrogen bonding of Tyr OH with the lipid polar head groups. (c) Carbon-carbon contacts between the Tyr …
(a) Top view, (b) side view. The POPC phosphorous atoms have been colored according to their distances to the membrane center. S6 helices are colored in magenta and Tyr 330 side chains are shown as …
(a) Illustration of the structure of the Core-MT BK channel, where the whole CTD is absent. The mini-tail is omitted in the illustration for clarity. (b) Macroscopic currents of the WT Core-MT …
Data from electrophysiology experiments showing the G-V curves of the full-length and Core-MT WT, K0, K2 and K7 hSlo1 channels in 0 [Ca2+] as depicted in Figure 6c–e.
Data from electrophysiology experiments showing Q-V relation of on-gating currents for full-length and Core-MT WT and K0 as depicted in Figure 6g.
(a) Macroscopic currents of K0 (Y330G) mutant channel. The currents were elicited in 0 [Ca2+]i by voltage pulses from −30 to 250 mV with 20 mV increments. The voltages before and after the pulses …
Data from electrophysiology experiments showing G-V curves of the full-length K0 Y330G hSlo1 channels in 0 [Ca2+]i as depicted in Figure 7b.
(a) The HA model for BK channel activation, where L, J, and K are equilibrium constants to represent conformational changes in the PGD, VSD, and CTD domains respectively. D, C, and E are allosteric …
Data for HA model simulation parameters and results as depicted in Figure 8b,c.
The Core-MT constructs are based on the TMD, C-linker of mSlo1, and an 11-residue tail from KV 1.4 of the mouse Shaker family (Budelli et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2017). The location of the nearest …
Mutation | Sequence | V0.5 (mV) | ||
Full-Length | Core-MT | |||
0 [Ca2+] | 100 [Ca2+] | 0 [Ca2+] | ||
WT | EIIEL IGNRK KYGGS YSAVS GRK | 183.4 | 0.2 | 235.0 |
K0 | EIIEL IGNRY GKGSK YSRAV SKG | 89.6 | −66.7 | 192.6 |
K0(Y330G) | EIIEL IGNRG GKGSK YSRAV SKG | 169.8 | 47.5 | NM |
K1 | EIIEL RIGNK YGGSY KSAVR KSG | 136.2 | −4.2 | NM |
K2 | EIIEL IGRKN YKGGS YSARV SGK | 195.5 | 59.0 | 263.5 |
K4 | EIIEL IGRNY GGSYS AKKVR SKG | 94.6 | −50.4 | NM |
K7 | EIIEL IGNYG GSYSA VRKSK GRK | 48.7 | −63.7 | 167.5 |
NC: no current, channel could not be expressed; NM: Mutation Not Made |
Reagent type (species) or resource | Designation | Source or reference | Identifiers | Additional information |
Gene Mus musculus | mslo1 | GenBank GI: 47143 | ||
Gene Mus musculus | Core-MT | Dr. Lawrence Salkoff | PMID:24067659 | |
Biological sample (Xenopus laevis) | oocyte | Xenopus laevis | Xenopus laevis purchased from Nasco, Fort Atkinson, WI | |
Commercial assay or kit | mMESSAGE T7 Transcription Kit | Thermo Fisher | AM1344 | |
Software, algorithm | Igor Pro 4.0 | WaveMetrics | https://www.wavemetrics.com/products/igorpro | |
Sequence-based reagent | For site-directed mutagenesis | This paper | PCR primers | PCR primers seq for mutations made in this study (each mutation utilized two primers: b and c). K0 b: gCtctGCTgTActtGgaCCCcTtgccgTaGCGGTTTCCTATTAACTC c: cCaagTAcAGCagaGcTgtctccAagggGCACATTGTAGTCTGTG K1 b: cTtGtAcgaCCCGccaTaCTTgttGccgatCcTTAACTCTATGATTTCAG c: ggCGGGtcgTaCaAgAGCGCtGTccGcaagAGcggGCACATTGTAGTCTG K2 b: gagTAGctaCCgCCcTtgTagTTcttgcgTCCTATTAACTCTATGATTTC c: gGGcGGtagCTActcCGCcagggtctcAgGAAAGCACATTGTAGTC K4 b: ctTAgcGGAGtaCgaGccTccgTaGtttcTTCCTATTAACTCTATGATTT c: gCtcGtaCTCCgcTAagaaGGTTAGgaGcAaAggGCACATTGTAGTCTGT K7 b: CTAacGGcGCtgtaGctTccCccGtaGTTTCCTATTAACTCTATG c: gCtacaGCgCCgtTAGgaaGagTaagGGAAGAAAGCACATTGTAG K0 on Core-MT b: gCtctGCTgTActtGgaCCCcTtgccgTaGCGGTTTCCTATTAACTC c: cCaagTAcAGCagaGcTgtctccAagggtGGAGTCAAGGAATCATTA K7 on Core-MT b: gaaGagTaagGGAAGAAAGGGAGTCAAG c: GAAGAAAGGGAGTCAAGGAATCAT K2 on Core-MT b: CCTTGACTCCtTTTCcTgagaccctgG c: gGAAAaGGAGTCAAGGAATCATTATG K0 Y330G b: GCCGccGCGGTTTCCTATTAACTC c: GAAACCGCggCGGCAAGGGGTCCAAG |
Effects of C-linker insertion/deletion mutations on the voltage required for half channel activation (V0.5) of hSlo1 in absence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ (data extracted from: Niu et al., 2004).
The position of insertion (S337) is colored red.