(A) An example frame from a video. Identified whiskers are highlighted in green. (B) Example traces of juxtasomal POm recording and whisking. The median angle of all whiskers in each video frame …
(A, B) POm juxtasomal recording locations labeled with DiI in two example wild-type mice. (C) POm juxtasomal recording location in an example Emx1-Halo mouse (Green: GFP; Orange: DiI). (D) VPM …
(A) Individual (gray) and mean (red) power spectra of mouse whisking (n=11 mice). (B) Mean coherence between POm spiking activity and whisking (green) compared to shuffled data (black). Shaded: SEM …
(A) The buccal and upper marginal branches of the facial motor nerve were severed unilaterally, preventing whisker motion on the right side of the face. Adapted from Heaton et al., 2014. (B) Motion …
(A) Experimental setup. M1 was optogenetically silenced while recordings were made from M1, POm, or VPM. Adapted from The Mouse Brain Atlas in Stereotaxic Coordinates (Paxinos and Franklin, 2019). (B…
(A) Experimental setup. S1 was optogenetically silenced while recordings were made from POm or VPM. The Mouse Brain Atlas in Stereotaxic Coordinates (Paxinos and Franklin, 2019). (B) Individual …
(A) Sample coronal section showing bilateral electrolytic lesion of SC. (B) Scatter plot of POm firing rates during whisking and quiescence in lesioned (red) and intact animals (black, data from Figu…
(A) Sample recording of POm activity (middle, black) with concurrent ipsilateral pupil diameter (blue, top), median whisker angle (middle, gray), and whisking amplitude (green, bottom). (B) …
(A, B) Sample recordings of two LP cells (black) recorded in normal light (A) or low light (B), with corresponding median whisker angle (gray) whisking amplitude (green), and pupil diameter (blue or …
(A) Mean spiking-whisking coherence for each POm and LP cell in the frequency ranges 0–5 Hz and 8–13 Hz. Green circles: POm (n=22 cells from five mice, same as in Figure 1). Blue diamonds: POm with …