(A) Representative images of a high and low Pax7+ stem cell (SC) on a freshly isolated muscle fiber that has corresponding high and low levels of Ddx6 protein. (B) A density map of Pax7 intensity in …
Adult QSCs exist in diverse cell states.
Adult QSCs exist in diverse cell states.
Adult QSCs exist in diverse cell states.
Adult QSCs exist in diverse cell states.
Adult QSCs exist in diverse cell states.
Adult QSCs exist in diverse cell states.
Adult QSCs exist in diverse cell states.
(A, B) Fluorescence-assisted cell sorting (FACS) strategy of obtaining GFP+ stem cells (SCs) from a Pax7-nGFP transgenic reporter line (in A) and isolation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) low, …
(A) Representative images of regions of muscle fiber expressing heterogeneous levels of Dll4 protein, which corresponds to the amount of Dll4 captured by the adjacent SC and the expression of Pax7. …
Heterogeneous expression of Dll4 on the muscle fiber correlates with SC diversity.
Heterogeneous expression of Dll4 on the muscle fiber correlates with SC diversity.
Heterogeneous expression of Dll4 on the muscle fiber correlates with SC diversity.
Heterogeneous expression of Dll4 on the muscle fiber correlates with SC diversity.
Heterogeneous expression of Dll4 on the muscle fiber correlates with SC diversity.
Heterogeneous expression of Dll4 on the muscle fiber correlates with SC diversity.
Heterogeneous expression of Dll4 on the muscle fiber correlates with SC diversity.
Heterogeneous expression of Dll4 on the muscle fiber correlates with SC diversity.
(A) Heatmap of Notch ligands from microarray of muscle fibers isolated from postnatal day 3 (p3), day 7 (p7), and adult Extensor Digitorum Longus (EDL) muscle (n = 2), The expression values are log2 …
(A) Low magnification Spinning Disk images of WT fibers showing heterogeneous Dll4 expression and the adjacent stem cell (SC) expressing variable Pax7 expression. (B–U) Each graph represents the …
(A) Schematic representation of the experimental design. (B–F) Representative images of Dll4 and Pax7 expression in Control and MF-Dll4fl/fl fibers and stem cells (SCs) (in B), quantification of …
Muscle fiber derived Dll4 maintains a continuum of diverse states in the QSC pool.
Muscle fiber derived Dll4 maintains a continuum of diverse states in the QSC pool.
Muscle fiber derived Dll4 maintains a continuum of diverse states in the QSC pool.
Muscle fiber derived Dll4 maintains a continuum of diverse states in the QSC pool.
Muscle fiber derived Dll4 maintains a continuum of diverse states in the QSC pool.
Muscle fiber derived Dll4 maintains a continuum of diverse states in the QSC pool.
Muscle fiber derived Dll4 maintains a continuum of diverse states in the QSC pool.
(A) Representative images of Pax7+ SCs in tissue cross sections of Control and MF-Dll4fl/fl tibialis anterior (TA). (B) Quantification of the number of Pax7+ SCs in Control and MF-Dll4fl/fl fibers (n…
(A) Schematic representation of the experimental design. (B) Quantification of the number of Pax7+ stem cells (SCs) in tibialis anterior (TA) muscle cross-sections of Control and SC-Dll4fl/fl fibers …
(A–C) Quantification of the number of Pax7+ stem cells (SCs) (in A), Dll4 intensity in muscle fibers (in B), Pax7 intensity in SCs (in C) of Control mice compared to MF-Dll4fl/fl mice that were …
Reduction of Dll4 in the niche causes a shift in the continuum towards lower Pax7 levels.
Reduction of Dll4 in the niche causes a shift in the continuum towards lower Pax7 levels.
(A) Schematic representation of the experimental design. (B) qRT-PCR for Pax7, MyoD, and Myogenin transcripts in freshly isolated stem cells (SCs) from Control and MF-Dll4fl/fl fibers (n = 2). (C) …
Niche derived Dll4 constrains the proliferative and commitment potential of the QSC pool.
Niche derived Dll4 constrains the proliferative and commitment potential of the QSC pool.
Niche derived Dll4 constrains the proliferative and commitment potential of the QSC pool.
Niche derived Dll4 constrains the proliferative and commitment potential of the QSC pool.
Niche derived Dll4 constrains the proliferative and commitment potential of the QSC pool.
Niche derived Dll4 constrains the proliferative and commitment potential of the QSC pool.
Niche derived Dll4 constrains the proliferative and commitment potential of the QSC pool.
Niche derived Dll4 constrains the proliferative and commitment potential of the QSC pool.
Niche derived Dll4 constrains the proliferative and commitment potential of the QSC pool.
(A) Number of Pax7+ SCs at t0, t30, and t48 in cultured Control and MF-Dll4fl/fl fibers, depicted as a dot plot (each dot represents a single fiber) (n = 3 mice). (B) Control and Dll4 deleted fibers …
(A) Schematic representation of the experimental design. (B) Mean cross-sectional area of Control and MF-Dll4fl/fl tibialis anterior (TA) fibers, injured and regenerated for 40 days (n = 3). Error …
(A) Representative images of WT fibers showing regions of high and low Mib1 protein expression and the adjacent Pax7+ stem cell (SC). (B) A bivariate plot showing Mib1 intensity in the fiber and …
Niche-derived Mib1 directs spatial patterning and activation of Dll4.
Niche-derived Mib1 directs spatial patterning and activation of Dll4.
Niche-derived Mib1 directs spatial patterning and activation of Dll4.
(A) Schematic representation of the experimental design. (B) qRT-PCR for mib1 transcripts in fibers of Control and MF-Mib1fl/fl normalized to GAPDH (n = 3). (C) Number of Pax7+ stem cells (SCs) in …
Niche-derived Mib1 directs spatial patterning and activation of Dll4.
Niche-derived Mib1 directs spatial patterning and activation of Dll4.
Niche-derived Mib1 directs spatial patterning and activation of Dll4.
Niche-derived Mib1 directs spatial patterning and activation of Dll4.
Niche-derived Mib1 directs spatial patterning and activation of Dll4.
Niche-derived Mib1 directs spatial patterning and activation of Dll4.
(A) Top: During tissue homeostasis, Notch ligand Dll4 is present in a heterogeneous manner along the length of the muscle fibers that maintains the size of the SC pool and a continuum of quiescent …
Microarray expression of Notch ligands in p3, p7, and adult muscle fibers (log2 values).
This table includes the expression (as log2 values) of Notch ligands in postnatal day 3, postnatal day 7, and adult. Related to Figure 2—figure supplement 1.
Primers used for quantitative RT-PCR.
This table includes the forward and reverse primer sequences of genes amplified by qRT-PCR. Related to Figure 2—figure supplement 1, Figures 5 and 7.