Smartphone screen testing, a novel pre-diagnostic method to identify SARS-CoV-2 infectious individuals

Phone Screen Testing and RT-PCR can identify individuals with high SARS-CoV-2 viral load.
(A) Schematic of smartphone sampling. Swabbing follows the dashed line indicated trajectory. (B, D) Histograms showing the distribution of individuals on ranges of clinical RT-PCR Ct value results for the pilot cohort (B, full dataset in Source data 1) and validation cohort (D, full dataset in Source data 2). For example, bar Ct value 11 corresponds to samples with Ct between [11–13 [interval]]. Whole bar, all individuals with positive nasopharyngeal RT-PCR result. Blue bar section, those individuals also PoST positive. (C, E) Bars represent the accumulated number of individuals with positive RT-PCR clinical results under the Ct value number associated with the bar for, (C) pilot cohort, and (E) validation cohort. Red line in both plots depicts the sensitivity observed relative to clinical nasopharyngeal RT-PCR testing at the corresponding accumulated Ct value results. Left axis, percentage of sensitivity; right axis, number of accumulated individuals under the corresponding Ct value.

Pilot and validation study cohort data analysis.
(A, B) Two-by-two tables for sensitivity and specificity of PoST method compared to nasopharyngeal RT-PCR results in the (A) pilot cohort (Source data 1) and (B) validation cohort (Source data 2). (C–E) Bar plots representing the number of individuals in the pilot (left bar) and validation (right bar) studies showing age distribution (C), sex distribution (D), and COVID-19 symptoms score (E). Each COVID-19 symptom (anosmia, coughing and fever) was assigned a value of 1. Score 1 = 1 symptom, score 2 = 2 symptoms.

SARS-CoV2-19 RT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) values in Chilean individuals.
(A–H) Histograms representing the Ct value distribution of the patients from Dávila Clinic (Santiago, Chile) between March and October 2020 (n = 7569, Source data 3).
Additional files
Source data 1
Tab 1 including all data generated by the 2020 cohort study.
Source data 2
Tab 2 including all data generated by the 2020 cohort study.
Source data 3
Tab 1 including all data generated by the 2020 cohort study.
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