Evolution of sexual conflict in scorpionflies

Baltipanorpa oppressiva sp. nov. (Panorpidae) from Baltic amber (middle Eocene), holotype MP/2711.
A-B, habitus, photograph of preserved portion (A) and explanatory drawing (B), with genital bulb in ventrolateral view magnified; C-E, notal organ: fully-clasped clamp formed by notal and postnotal organs (C), teeth inside the notal-postnotal clamp (D), detail of terminal clasp (E); F, life reconstruction of entire specimen (head and thorax, missing in this species, based on habitus of congeneric Baltipanorpa damzeni); G, forewing; H, hind wing (same scale in both wings). Abbreviations: Ep, epandrium; HP, horn-like process; Hv, hypovalve; NO, notal process; PO, postnotal process; Gs, gonostylus; Gcx, gonocoxite. Red colour: notal process.

Burmorthophlebia multiprocessa gen. et sp. nov. (Orthophlebiidae) from Kachin amber, Myanmar (Late Cretaceous), holotype MP/3721.
A, amber piece with habitus in lateral view; B, life reconstruction; C, forewing; D, hind wing, partially reconstructed; E-F, abdomen in lateral view, explanatory drawing (E) and photograph (F); G, detail of head in lateral view, antennae and rostrum; H, notal process and postnotal areas (on tergites III and IV, respectively). Abbreviations: AH, anal horns; PA1, PA2, postnotal areas 1, 2; other symbols as in Figure 1.

Photomicrographs of Cantabra soplao gen.
et sp. nov. (Cantabridae fam. nov.), from El Soplao amber, Spain (Early Cretaceous), holotype CES-437. A, ventral and lateral habitus, respectively; B-C, head, frontoventral view (B), lateral view (C); D, setae on anal area of forewing; E, postnotal organ seen in ventrolateral view (head is to the left), morphology distorted due to the skewed view; F, genital bulb in ventral view; G, detail of gonostylus, showing its inner denticles. Abbreviations: OB, ocellar bristles; PO, postnotal organ.

Explanatory drawings of Cantabra soplao gen.
et sp. nov. (Cantabridae fam. nov.) from El Soplao amber, Spain (Early Cretaceous), holotype CES-437. A, right forewing; B, right hind wing (same scale for both wings); C-D, reconstruction of abdomen in lateral view, with genital bulb shown in ventral view (C); inset (arrow) shows the genital bulb expanded, with elements tagged (D); E, life reconstruction, in resting position. Notal organ not visible in holotype and thus not depicted for caution. Length of antennae and rostrum are conjectural; morphology of legs is based on the preserved left foreleg, which is mostly complete. Abbreviations: Bp, basal process; Pm, parameres; other symbols as in Figure 1.

Spatial coupling between short male notal organs and female (fore)wings during mating in extant and extinct Mecoptera.
A–B, Panorpa amurensis MacLachlan, 1872 (Recent): A, photograph of notal organ in male, and diagram cross-section through the notal and postnotal processes with anterior fold of female forewing entrapped; B, photograph and diagram of anterior fold in female forewing; C-D, Orthophlebia heidemariae Willmann and Novokschonov, 1998 (Late Jurassic): habitus (C) and explanatory drawing (D, inset showing notal-postnotal system magnified); E, Burmorthophlebia multiprocessa, gen. et sp. nov (Late Cretaceous): diagram of abdominal modifications (bottom) and hypothetical spatial coupling between male notal organ and female wing (top). Abbreviations: SP, small process (tergite VII); other as in Figures 1 and 2. Colour legend of cross section through veins: black circle, C (Costa); blue circle, Sc (Subcosta); red circle, R1 (1st radial vein); red line, wing membrane.

Spatial coupling between long male notal organs and female (fore)wings during mating in extant and extinct Mecoptera.
A–D, Neopanorpa longistipitata Wang and Hua, 2018 (Recent): A, photograph of mating couple; inset (arrow) shows notal and hypovalves connection magnified; B, diagram of mating couple (notal organ depicted in red); C, photograph of male abdomen in lateral view; D, diagram of coupling mechanism between male notal organ and genital bulb; E, F, spatial coupling diagram between male notal-postnotal clip clasping the female wing in two species of Baltipanorpa (Eocene): B. damzeni Krzemiński and Soszyńska-Maj, 2012 (E); B. oppressiva sp. nov. (F). Abbreviations as in Figures 1, 2, 4 and 5.

Male abdominal modifications in extinct and extant Panorpoidea on a time scale: A, Orthophlebia heidemariae Willmann and Novokschonov, 1998 (Orthophlebiidae); B, Cantabra soplao gen et sp.
nov. (Cantabridae fam. nov.); C, Burmorthophlebia multiprocessa gen. et sp. nov. (Orthophlebiidae); D. Baltipanorpa damzeni Krzemiński and Soszyńska-Maj, 2012 (Panorpidae); E, Baltipanorpa oppressiva sp. nov. (Panorpidae); F-I, some examples of extant Panorpidae species: F, Leptopanorpa linyejiei Wang and Hua, 2018; G, Leptopanorpa jacobsoni van der Weele, 1909; H. Neopanorpa longistipitata Wang and Hua, 2018; I. Panorpa jinhuaensis Wang and Hua, 2019. Notal processes depicted in red. Drawings not at same scale.
Additional files
Supplementary file 1
Spatial match between the space created by the clasped notal and postnotal processes (NO-PO) and the anterior valley fold (from Costa to R1, measured across wing) of the wing in some recent panorpids.
T5, T6, tergites 5, 6. Measurements are approximate, based on scale bars in published figures as specified.
- https://cdn.elifesciences.org/articles/70508/elife-70508-supp1-v2.docx
Supplementary file 2
Remarks on the abdomen of fossil Panorpoidea.
AH, anal horn; NO, notal organ; PA, postnotal area; PO, postnotal organ; A5, A6, abdominal segments 5, 6.
- https://cdn.elifesciences.org/articles/70508/elife-70508-supp2-v2.docx
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