(A) Germline resistance allele formation occurs first in drive heterozygotes during reproduction. Remaining alleles can undergo drive conversion. If the mother has a drive allele, wild-type alleles …
Using default parameters, each drive was released into a panmictic population at 0.5% initial frequency (1% heterozygote release). The average allele frequency as estimated over 100 replicates per …
Using default parameters, a low-density growth rate of 10, and with 200 replicates per drive, each drive was released into the middle of a wild-type population. The outcome was recorded after 1000 …
The color of each square represents the outcome from among 20 simulations, after adjustment to show the most representative outcome. The adjustment counts pairs of ‘suppression without chasing’ and …
The color of each square represents the outcome from among 20 simulations after adjustment to show the most representative outcome. The adjustment counts pairs of ‘suppression without chasing’ and …
Using default parameters and with 20 replicates per drive, each drive was released into a panmictic population. The average allele frequency for each week is displayed. Offspring were artificially …
Using default parameters, a low-density growth rate of 6, and with 200 replicates per drive, each drive was released into the middle of a wild-type population. The outcome was recorded after 1000 …
Drive-carrying individuals were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The proportion of simulations in which suppression occurred either before a chase or within 10 generations of the …
Drive-carrying individuals were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The proportion of simulations in which suppression occurred after a chase that lasted a minimum of 10 generations …
Drive-carrying individuals were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The proportion of simulations in which a long-term chasing outcome (defined by a chase continuing for 1000 …
Drive-carrying individuals were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The proportion of simulations in which the drive was lost from the population is shown. Each point represents the …
Drive-carrying individuals were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The number of generations between the start of chasing and population elimination is shown. Each point represents …
Drive-carrying individuals were released into the middle of a wild-type population consisting of an average of 25,000 females when at equilibrium. The average number of fertile females during …
Drive-carrying mosquitoes were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The proportion of simulations in which suppression occurred either before a chase or within 32 weeks of the start …
Drive-carrying mosquitoes were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The proportion of simulations in which suppression occurred after a chase that lasted a minimum of 32 weeks is …
Drive-carrying mosquitoes were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The proportion of simulations in which a long-term chasing outcome (defined by a chase continuing for 3167 weeks …
Drive-carrying mosquitoes were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The proportion of simulations in which the drive was lost from the population is shown. Each point represents the …
Drive-carrying mosquitoes were released into the middle of a wild-type population. The number of generations between the start of chasing and population elimination is shown. Each point represents …
zpg promoter Shared characteristics: Female HDR cut rate = 0.99 Male HDR cut rate = 0.96 Female germline resistance rate = 0.01 Male germline resistance rate = 0.02 Maternal embryo resistance rate = 0.08 | nos promoter Shared characteristics: Female HDR cut rate = 0.99 Male HDR cut rate = 0.98 Female germline resistance rate = 0.01 Male germline resistance rate = 0.01 Maternal embryo resistance rate = 0.14 |
zpg drive Paternal Cas9 deposition rate = 0.69 Female somatic fitness cost = 0.3 | nos drive Female somatic fitness cost = 0.45 Male somatic fitness cost = 0.45 |
zpg2 drive Female somatic fitness cost = 0.5 | nosF drive Female somatic fitness cost = 0.45 |
zpgX drive Paternal Cas9 deposition rate = 0.69 Female somatic fitness cost = 0.3 X-shredding rate = 0.93 | nosF2 drive Female somatic fitness cost = 0.15 |
zpg2X drive Female somatic fitness cost = 0.5 X-shredding rate = 0.93 | nosF3 drive No somatic fitness costs. |
All models Low density growth rate = 6 or 10 (or varies from 2 to 12) Release amount = 500 new adult male heterozygotes Competition distance = 0.01 Drive release radius = 0.1 |
Discrete generation model Time step = one generation Capacity = 50,000 Maximum offspring = 50 Migration and mating distance = 0.04 (or varies from 0.01 to 0.06) |
Anopheles model Time step = one week Adult female capacity = 25,000 Female remate chance = 0.05 Fraction of females that reproduce per week = 0.5 Average offspring in one batch = 50 Old larva relative competition contribution = 5 Migration and mating distance = 0.0307 (or varies from 0.008 to 0.046) Adult female mortality rates (listed by age) = [5/6, 4/5, 3/4, 2/3, 1/2, 0] Adult male mortality rates (listed by age) = [2/3, 1/2, 0] |