(A) The four embryo domains defined by longitudinal and radial axes at stage 16C (longitudinal view): apical/basal × outer/inner. (BC) Invariant patterns in embryos up to generation 4 (16C). (DE) …
(A) Summary of 3D image analysis pipeline: 3D cell segmentation of confocal image stacks and cell lineage reconstruction by recursive merging of daughter cells. At 32C and 16C stages, some cells are …
Cell shape measurements.
(A) Classification of cell division patterns (illustration in the apical outer domain) based on mother and daughter cell shapes and on the absolute orientation of division planes within the embryo. …
Frequencies were computed based on observed patterns and patterns reconstructed at intermediate generations when rewinding lineages back to 16C stage from observed configurations. Numbers in …
Frequencies were computed based on observed patterns and patterns reconstructed at intermediate generations when rewinding lineages back to 16C stage from observed configurations. Numbers in …
Distance was measured in mother cells reconstructed from identified sister cells at the immediately following generation.
Volume-ratio of each division was computed as the ratio of cellular volumes between the smallest daughter cell and the mother cell.
(A) The three main cell shapes and their corresponding polyhedral graphs shown as Schlegel diagrams. Dots in the graphs correspond to cell vertices and lines correspond to cell edges. (B) Cell …
Theoretical and observed frequencies of daughter cell shapes.
Starting from a sample division, the mother cell is reconstructed and a large number of divisions at various volume-ratios is simulated. The distance from the cell center and the surface area of the …
The matching score is computed based on the maximum overlap between observed and daughter cells.
(A) Left: distribution plot of simulation results in a basal outer cell (N=1000). Simulated planes are positioned based on their surface area and distance to the mother cell center. The dot color …
Five independent runs are illustrated. The model was run on the mother cell shown Figure 6A.
The simulations were run in a basal outer mother cell reconstructed at G4. Each simulated division is represented as a point. The color code indicates the match score between simulated and observed …
A basal outer mother cell was reconstructed at G4. Simulations were run in its raw 3D binary mask (No opening) or in its mask filtered with a mathematical morphological opening with radius R=1, 2, …
Each plot corresponds to a mother cell at generation 4 that was reconstructed by merging two observed sister cells at generation 5. Each dot corresponds to a simulated division in the mother cell. …
These shapes were used for the simulations reported in Figure 6—figure supplement 4. Cells are shown from the outside of the embryo and displayed as transparent surfaces.
Each plot corresponds to a mother cell at generation 4 that was reconstructed by merging two observed sister cells at generation 5. Each dot corresponds to a simulated division in the mother cell. …
Each plot corresponds to a mother cell at generation 4 that was reconstructed by merging two observed sister cells at generation 5. Each dot corresponds to a simulated division in the mother cell. …
Each plot corresponds to a mother cell at generation 4 that was reconstructed by merging two observed sister cells at generation 5. Each dot corresponds to a simulated division in the mother cell. …
(A) Left: distribution plot of simulation results in a basal inner cell (N=1000). Simulated planes are positioned based on their surface area and distance to the mother cell center. The dot color …
Each plot corresponds to a mother cell at generation 4 that was reconstructed by merging two observed sister cells at generation 5. Each dot corresponds to a simulated division in the mother cell. …
Each plot corresponds to a mother cell at generation 4 that was reconstructed by merging two observed sister cells at generation 5. Each dot corresponds to a simulated division in the mother cell. …
Each plot corresponds to a mother cell at generation 4 that was reconstructed by merging two observed sister cells at generation 5. Each dot corresponds to a simulated division in the mother cell. …
Each plot corresponds to a mother cell at generation 4 that was reconstructed by merging two observed sister cells at generation 5. Each dot corresponds to a simulated division in the mother cell. …
(A) Measured lengths of outer (Left) and inner (Right) mother cells. : length along the longitudinal direction; and : lengths along the left and right radial directions. (B) Radial asymmetry. …
Left/right length ratio measurements.
Longitudinal/radial length ratio measurements.
(A) Similar cell patterns observed at G6 in the apical outer domain that have been reached through distinct cell division paths from G4. (B) Main (Left) and rare (Right) division patterns in the …
A deterministic selection of division plane orientation, combined with noise in the precise positioning of the division plane, can generate variable orientation patterns. (A) In rotationnally …
Note that in these representations (Schlegel diagrams), the outside counts as one face of the corresponding polyhedron.
The division on the left corresponds to the edge cut shown in the middle. Completing the two subgraphs of this cut with nodes and edges (Blue) yields the two subgraphs of the daughter cells. The …
1/3 | 2/2 | |
4 | 3 | |
-shape | 4.6.4 | 6.9.5 |
-shape | 6.9.5 | 6.9.5 |
refers to the case where the -subgraph is acyclic, to the case where it is cyclic.
1/5 | 2/4 | 3/3α | 3/3β | |
6 | 9 | 12 | 1 | |
-shape | 4.6.4 | 6.9.5 | 8.12.6 | 6.9.5 |
-shape | 8.12.6 | 8.12.6 | 8.12.6 | 6.9.5 |
refers to the case where the -subgraph is acyclic, to the case where it is cyclic.
1/7 | 2/6 | 3/5 | 4/4α | 4/4β | |
8 | 12 | 18 | 4 | 3 | |
-shape | 4.6.4 | 6.9.5 | 8.12.6 | 10.15.7 | 8.12.6 |
-shape | 10.15.7 | 10.15.7 | 10.15.7 | 10.15.7 | 8.12.6 |