(A) Photographs of typical normal and degenerative meniscus specimens. (B) The overall workflow of the single-cell sequencing. Inner and outer meniscal parts are collected separately from patients …
(A) Jittered violin plots show the number of UMI counts observed per cell grouped by the sample. (B) Jittered violin plots show the number of features observed per cell grouped by the sample. (A) …
(A, B) The cluster marker genes expression levels are shown on the uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) plots with colors. Inner samples: up; outer samples: down.
(A) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) visualization of the chondrocyte and PCL class cells. (B, C) UMAP visualization of the distribution of chondrocytes at different anatomical …
(A) Pearson correlations of chondrocyte/PCL subclusters’ expression across all meniscus specimens. (B) The expressions of subcluster signatures genes across all meniscus specimens. The two heatmaps …
(A–G) Pathway enrichment analysis of seven subpopulations of chondrocytes and pericyte-like cells. The gene set overrepresentation enrichment analysis (GSEA) enrichment was performed using gene set …
(A) Binarized activity scores of GRN modules in chondrocytes and pericyte-like cells. Each row represents a GRN module, while each column represents a cell. The activation status of the module in …
(A) GSE133449’s normal group marker genes of fibrochondrocytes (FC), regulatory chondrocytes (RegC), prehypertrophic chondrocytes (PreHTC), proliferating fibrochondrocytes (ProFC), cartilage …
(A) A volcano plot shows differentially expressed genes with high fold-change values. The comparison was made between (1) degenerated chondrocytes/PCL cells and (2) normal chondrocytes/PCL cells. (B)…
(A) Expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) decomposition-related genes and anti-decomposition-related genes in chondrocyte subpopulations. (B) Expression of genes associated with angiogenesis and …
(A) Differentially expressed genes in osteoarthritis (OA). The heatmap shows the differential gene expression of articular cartilage in normal and OA states by reanalyzing public data (GSE114007). (B…
(A) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) of in-house data as an integration reference. (B) UMAP of public data (GSE133449) after integration. Coordinates and reference labels were …
The heatmap shows the z-score-scaled expressions of DEGs in the degeneration group and the normal group. The DEG analysis was conducted on the total chondrocytes and total pericyte-like cells. Cell …
(A) Lists of selected top DEGs with absolute fold changes >2. (B, C) Enrichment analysis of DEGs in (A). The enrichment was performed using gene set overrepresentation analysis using clusterProfiler.
(A) Changes in the composition of the seven chondrocyte subclusters of a meniscus in different statuses and different samples. Left: summarized changes, error bars stand for standard deviations. …
(A, B) Kernel density estimation of data points in normal inner/outer and degenerated inner/outer samples. Color darkness represents the kernel density estimation of the data points. Isoclines are …
Representative immunofluorescence staining images. Color settings: MMP14 for Ch.2 cells (orange), SERPINA1 for Ch.1 cells (magenta), ACTA2 for PCL cells (white), CDON for Ch.3 cells (cyan), CYP1B1 …
(A) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) visualization of the immune cell types in the meniscus. (B) UMAP visualization of the statuses of samples (degenerated/normal). (C) …
(A) Signature genes that were used to define the immune cell subpopulations. (B) Finding DEGs in macrophages/monocytes (normal vs. degenerated). (C) Finding DEGs in T cells (normal vs. degenerated). …
(A–L) The heatmaps reported ligand–receptor pairs that have significant differences across all sender and receiver cell types.
The left side visualizes the homeostasis meniscus, where Ch.1 is the dominant chondrocyte population. In this situation, the extracellular matrix (ECM) decomposition and synthesis reach a dynamic …
Donor and sample information.
A table contains the descriptions of sample names, cell counts, cell viabilities, sample volumes, estimated numbers of cells loaded, donor states, donor genders, anatomical locations, estimated numbers of cells after filtering, body mass index (BMI) of donor, and ages of donor.
Differentially expressed genes of each cluster.
A list of differentially expressed genes of each cluster. The table contains gene symbols, corresponding clusters, average log2 fold-change values, percents of cells expressing this gene in groups 1 and 2, p values, and adjusted p-values.