Metamorphosis of memory circuits in Drosophila reveals a strategy for evolving a larval brain

  1. James W Truman  Is a corresponding author
  2. Jacquelyn Price
  3. Rosa L Miyares
  4. Tzumin Lee
  1. Janelia Research Campus, United States
  2. Department of Biology, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, United States
  3. Life Sciences Institute, University of Michigan, United States
13 figures, 6 tables and 1 additional file


Comparison of the effects of direct development versus metamorphosis on neurogenesis and the establishment of neuronal phenotypes.

In a direct developing insect like a cricket, embryogenesis produces a hatchling with a miniature cricket body plan. Its neuroblasts (NBs) generate their entire lineages during embryogenesis so that at hatching the CNS has its full complement of neurons and they already possess their mature phenotypes. In the metamorphic development of Drosophila, by contrast, a shortened embryonic phase redirects development to produce a simplified, larval body plan. Their neuroblasts produce only their early-born neuron types and neuronal phenotypes are modified for larval morphology and behavior. During larval growth, the arrested NBs reactivate to produce the rest of their neuronal lineages, but their young neurons arrest development soon after their birth. The species-typical body plan of the fly finally arises at metamorphosis and, in the CNS, remodeling larval neurons and maturing postembryonic-born neurons combine to make the mature nervous system of the fly.

The organization and development of the larval and adult mushroom bodies (MBs).

(A) The larval MB has a core of γ Kenyon neurons whose dendrites project to the calyx (CA) neuropil and whose axons extend through the peduncle and bifurcate into a vertical and medial lobe. Projections from three clusters of aminergic neurons, the PAL, PPL1, and PAM clusters divide the axon array into 10 computational compartments: IP and LP: intermediate and lower peduncle; LA: lateral appendix; UVL, IVL, LVL: upper, intermediate, and lower vertical lobe; SHA: shaft; UT, IT, LT: upper, intermediate, and lower toe. PPL1 input largely indicates punishment, PAM input indicates reward, and PAL is unknown. The diagrams below highlight in gray (left) the compartments that lose contact with γ neuron axons during pruning and (right) the compartments that are not incorporated into the adult MB. (B) The adult MB has 16 compartments. It contains regrown γ neurons (gray) that lack the larval-specific vertical branch along with late developing α′β′ (green) and αβ (orange) Kenyon cells. These together form the medial (β′,β) and vertical (α′, α) lobe systems of the adult. Compartment designations are numbered and based on the Kenyon cell axons that they contain. (C) Projection of a multicolor flip-out (MCFO) image from a larval brain showing two MB input neurons that project bilaterally to the upper (UVL) and intermediate (IVL) compartments of the vertical lobes. Blue: neuroglian staining. (D) Schematic of the microcircuitry characteristic of larval and adult compartments. (E) Developmental timeline of the production of the three major classes of Kenyon cells that make up the mature MB.

Figure 2—source data 1

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons MBIN-b1 and -b2 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of line SS21716 late in larval life.
Figure 2—source data 2

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons DAN-c1 and DAN-d1 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of lines MB586B and MB328B, respectively, late in larval life.
Figure 2—source data 3

Examples of the adult anatomy of larval neuron OAN-e1 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of lines SS21716 and SS01958 late in larval life.
Figure 2—source data 4

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons MBIN-l1 and DAN-f1 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of stable spilt lines late in larval life.

The anatomy of the adult form of MBIN-l1 was revealed using lines SS04484 and SS01624; that of DAN-f1 using lines MB065B and MB145B.
Figure 2—source data 5

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons DAN-g1 and OAN-g1 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of stable spilt lines late in larval life.

The anatomy of the adult form of DAN-g1 was revealed using lines SS017164 and SS01755; that of OAN-g1 using lines SS20844 and SS4268.
Figure 2—source data 6

Table showing the success rate for maintaining expression of the various larval neurons through metamorphosis.
Figure 3 with 2 supplements
The metamorphic fates of the larval mushroom body input neurons (MBINs).

(A) The fates of the larval MBINs that innervate the calyx and the 10 compartments of the larval MB. For larval MBINs that remain with the MB, the arrows show the relationship of their larval compartment to the one that they innervate in the mature, adult MB. The remaining MBINs die (skull), trans-differentiate (T) to supply non-MB circuits in the adult, or their fate is unknown (?). For the MBINs whose transmitter is unknown, they express tyrosine hydroxylase but their final secreted transmitter has not been determined. Compartment designations as in Figure 2. (B) Images comparing the larval and adult forms of the MBINs that persist through metamorphosis. The images of larval cells from Saumweber et al., 2018 Nature Comm. 9: 1104. Adult names based on Aso et al., 2014, Li et al., 2020, or this study.

Figure 3—source data 1

Examples of the adult anatomy of larval neuron MBON-a1 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of lines SS01417 and SS00867 late in larval life.

The first line also revealed an occasional adult form of MBON-a2.
Figure 3—source data 2

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons MBON-a2 and MBON-b1,-b2 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of stable spilt lines late in larval life.

The anatomy of the adult form of MBON-a2 was revealed using lines SS00872 and SS02006; that of MBON-b1,-b2 using lines SS01708 and SS01959.
Figure 3—source data 3

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons MBON-d1, MBON-e2, and MBON-f2 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of stable spilt lines late in larval life.

The anatomy of the adult form of the three neurons was revealed using lines SS01705, SS04172, and SS04328, respectively.
Figure 3—source data 4

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons MBON-g1 and -g2 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of lines SS02130 and SS02121 late in larval life.
Figure 3—source data 5

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons MBON-h1 and -h2 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of line SS01725 late in larval life.
Figure 3—source data 6

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons MBON-j1 and MBON-j2 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of lines SS01973 and SS00860 late in larval life.
Figure 3—source data 7

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neurons MBON-i1 and MBON-k1 obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of lines SS01962 and SS04236 late in larval life.
Figure 3—figure supplement 1
Confocal projections showing the terminal, adult identity of larval mushroom body input neurons (MBINs) that undergo trans-differentiation at metamorphosis.

(A, B) Female and male versions of larval MBIN-b1 and -b2. Images to the right are a horizontal section at the level of the tick marks showing that in males the cell innervates the medulla (med) but in the female the medulla projection is reduced but it has extensive branching in the lobula (lob). Ot: optic tubercle. (C) Frontal projection showing the terminal adult morphology of larval cell OAN-e1. Image to right is a lateral section at level of the tick marks showing that the arbor is outside of the bundles of Kenyon cell axons. (C’) and (C”) are frontal slices at levels to relationship of arbor the γ, β', and β lobes of the medial loves (C’) and the α and α' lobes of the vertical lobes (C”). (D) Terminal adult anatomy of larval DAN-f1. (E) Terminal adult identity of larval MBIN-l1. Green: pseudo color representation of RFP; magenta: nc82. bi: bilateral, CRP: crepine, LAL: lateral accessory lobe, lob: lobula, med: medulla, OL: optic lobe, ot: optic tubercule, PAL: protocerebral anterior lateral, PPL: protocerebral posterior lateral, SMP: superior medial protocerebrum.

Figure 3—figure supplement 2
Confocal projections showing the terminal, adult structure of the larval neuron OAN-g1.

The adult cell is called OA-VPM3. FB: fan-shaped body, SP: superior protocerebrum. Green: pseudocolor representation of RFP; magenta: nc82.

Figure 4 with 1 supplement
The metamorphic fates of the larval mushroom body output neurons (MBONs).

(A) The fates of the larval MBONs that innervate the calyx and the 10 compartments of the larval MB. For MBONs that remain within the MB after metamorphosis, the arrows show the relationship of their larval compartment to the one that they innervate in the adult MB. The remaining MBONs trans-differentiate (T) to supply non-MB circuits in the adult, or their fate is unknown (?). Compartment designations as in Figure 2. Transmitters: green: acetylcholine; blue: glutamate; red: GABA; gray: unknown; checkered versions are presumed transmitters based on Li et al., 2020. (B) Images comparing the larval and adult forms of the MBONs that persist through metamorphosis. The images of larval cells from Saumweber et al., 2018 Nature Comm. 9: 1104. Adult names based on Aso et al., 2014, Li et al., 2020, or this study.

Figure 4—source data 1

Examples of the adult anatomies of larval neuron APL obtained by flip-switch-mediated immortalization of expression of line SS01671 late in larval life.
Figure 4—figure supplement 1
Confocal projections showing the terminal, adult identity of larval mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) that undergo trans-differentiation at metamorphosis.

Frontal views of the adult brain showing the terminal identities of (A) MBON-d2, (B) MBON-b1 and -b2, and (C) MBON-g1 and g2. (C') A magnified image of the boxed region of 'C' showing the terminals of the neuron in the intermediate section of the nodulus. Green: pseudocolor representation of RFP; magenta: nc82.

Figure 5 with 2 supplements
The metamorphic transformation of selected mushroom body input neurons (MBINs) during early metamorphosis and their mature phenotype in the adult.

Confocal images track the GFP expression through the first 48 hr after pupariation (P); the adult images show flip-switch induced expression of red fluorescent protein. Arrowheads: growth cones; P+#: # hours after pupariation. Background staining for the developmental series is for Fasciclin II (magenta); for the adult, it is Bruchpilot (nc82) (blue). Lines used for developmental timelines: DAN-c1: JRC-SS03066, DAN-d1: JRC-MB328B, DAN-g1: JRC-SS01716, MBIN-l1: JRC-SS04484, MBIN-b1,-b2: JRC-SS21716.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1
Confocal images following the degeneration of GFP-labeled larval PAM neuron early in metamorphosis.

The cells are reduced to GFP-labeled fragments by 24 hr after pupariation. Inset is an enlarged version of the boxed region for line SS01949 showing the discrete axonal tufts in the shaft (SHA), upper toe (UT), and intermediate toe (IT) compartments. P+#: # hours after pupariation. Background staining for the developmental series is Fasciclin II (magenta); lines used for developmental timelines: DAN-h1, -i1, and -j1: JRC-SS01949; DAN-k1: JRC-SS01757.

Figure 5—figure supplement 2
Confocal images showing the early metamorphic changes in line JRC-SS01702 driving GFP expression in two mushroom body input neurons (MBINs): OAN-e1 and DAN-c1.

The subsequent images track the axonal tufts of the two neurons. That of DAN-c1 persists as a cohesive tuft associated with the mushroom bodies while OAN-e1 tufts retract from the mushroom bodies form a diffuse arbor over the superior medial protocerebrum. The adult image shows an example of flip-switch-induced expression of red fluorescent protein (RFP) in the adult. Two adult neurons were found in flip-out samples of this line: the above cell interpreted as the adult version of OAN-e1 and the adult version of DAN-c1 as confirmed by a second, clean DAN-c1 line (Figure 5). P+#: # hours after pupariation. Background staining for the developmental series is for Fasciclin II (magenta); for the adult it is nc82 (blue).

Figure 6 with 3 supplements
The metamorphic transformation of selected mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) during early metamorphosis and their mature phenotype in the adult.

Confocal images track the GFP expression through the first 48 hr after pupariation (P); the adult images show flip-switch-induced expression of red fluorescent protein. *Expression due to nontarget neurons in some driver lines; filled arrowheads: axonal growth cones; open arrowheads: dendritic growth cones; P+#: # hours after pupariation. Magenta: Fasciclin II; blue: Bruchpilot (nc82). Lines used for developmental timelines: MBON-a1: JRC-SS00867, MBON-a2: JRC-SS02006, MBON-g: JRC-SS02130, MBON-h: JRC-SS01725, MBON-j1: JRC-SS01973.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1
The early metamorphic transformation in selected larval mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) that assume similar phenotypes in the adult system.

Confocal images track the GFP expression through the first 48 hr after pupariation; the adult images show flip-switch-induced expression of red fluorescent protein (RFP) in the adult. Open triangles: dendritic growth cones; filled triangles: axonal growth cones: growth cones; P+#: # hours after pupariation. Background staining for the developmental series is for Fasciclin II (magenta); for the adult it is nc82 (blue). Lines used for developmental timelines: MBON d1: JRC- SS01705, MBON j1: JRC- SS01973, MBON-i1: JRC- SS04244, MBON-k1: JRC- SS01980, APL: JRC- SS01671.

Figure 6—figure supplement 2
Pruning and outgrowth of MBON-j2 as it transforms into its adult form named MBON 05.

At pupariation (P 0h), MBON-j2 has a dendritic arbor in the ipsilateral medial toe (MT) compartment and a contralateral axon arbor (AA). By P+8 hr, the dendritic arbor is gone and the axonal arbor has severely reduced. At P+18 hr, the cell has formed contralateral outgrowth areas for new dendritic (filled arrowhead) and axonal arbors (open arrowhead). P+24 h: dendritic growth invades the γ4 compartment (filled arrowhead) while the axonal region splits into multiple growth cones, one of which invades the γ2 compartment (open arrowhead); By P+48 hr, a dendritic tuft fills the γ4 compartment and axonal arbor is in γ2, but the cell shows the delayed invasion of γ1. Adult version of the cell is a red fluorescent protein version obtained by flip-switch treatment of MBON-j2 in the larva. Blue: nc82; green: green fluorescent protein; magenta: fasciclin II.

Figure 6—figure supplement 3
The early metamorphic transformation of larval mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) that show major redirections to adult mushroom body compartments.

Confocal images track the GFP expression through the first 48 hr after pupariation; the adult images show flip-switch-induced expression of red fluorescent protein (RFP) in the adult. Top shows early stages in the metamorphosis of MBON-c1. This example of MBON-c1 has an atypical ectopic branch (e) that leads to the larval calyx. Most larval cells lack this branch. Subsequent images show the progression of arbor loss and outgrowth through the 24 hr after pupariation. The yellow and white triangles show comparable junctions in the cell through time. The inset at P+24 hr is a sub-stack projection through the calyx (CA) neuropil showing that growth cones have invaded this neuropil. p: peduncle; green: green fluorescent protein; magenta: fasciculin II; blue: N-cadherin. Bottom follows the changes in MBON e2 and MBON f2 as they are redirected from the larval vertical lobe to the adult medial lobe. Triangles: growth cones; P+#: # hours after pupariation. Background staining for the developmental series is for fasciclin II (magenta); for the adult it is nc82 (blue). Lines used for developmental timelines: MBON c1: JRC-SS21789, MBON e2: JRC-SS04559, MBON-f2: JRC-SS04320.

Figure 7 with 1 supplement
The phenotypes of neurons made by thoracic neuroblast (NB) 4–2 during its embryonic and postembryonic phases of neurogenesis.

Neurons are generated pairwise during both phases to produce the 13A and 13B hemilineages. (A) Four examples of embryonic born, 13B interneurons that function in the larva. All are commissural interneurons having ipsilateral dendrites and contralateral output sites. Boxed image shows the neurons overlapping in segment T1. (B) Example of a postembryonic clone of NB4-2 showing the neurons of the two hemilineages at the end of larval life. (C) Confocal projection of the adult form of larval-born, 13B interneurons expressed in the SS04739 driver line. (D, E) The larval and adult phenotypes of one of the embryonic born 13B interneurons, T13t. (D) shows the three pairs of T13t neurons as revealed by the SS02006 driver line. (E) shows Flip-switch clones of the same cells showing their adult phenotypes.

Figure 7—figure supplement 1
Confocal images of dorsal (top) and transverse (bottom) views of the early metamorphosis of the T3 pair of T13t cells: the dendritic arbor is gone by 8 hr after pupariation (P+8h), contralateral growth cones are evident by P+24h, and the arbor is near its maximal extent by P+48h.

Through this period, the expanding neuropil pulls the cell bodies (*) to their adult position near the midline.

The postembryonic-born mushroom body input neurons (MBINs) and mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) of the adult mushroom bodies.

(A) Summary of the origins of the adult MBINs that arise during the postembryonic period. Numbers give the number of neurons in each of the PAM groups (from Aso et al., 2014). (B) Summary of the origins of the adult MBONs that arise during the postembryonic period. NB: neuroblast; ?: adult MBONs whose origins are unknown. (C) Results of twin-spot MARCM approach showing the sequential postembryonic birth of FLAa2 lineage neurons that innervate α' and α compartments. (C), (C’), and (C”) images are produced by successively later heatshocks in the larva; green cells are produced after the heatshock while the red cells (shown only in C) are the remainder of the FLAa2 lineage. (D) Twin spot MARCM results from the type II DL1 lineage. The leftmost panel shows the progeny of an intermediate neural progenitor (INP) in green and the remainder of the lineage in red. The remaining panels show GMC clones with an MBON neuron and its paired sister fan-shaped body (FSB) neuron, both in green. The arbors identifying the individual MBONs are marked. Background staining (blue) is for Bruchpilot (nc82).

Stability and changes in mushroom body (MB) compartments during metamorphosis.

(A) Developmental fates of the larval compartments through metamorphosis. Larval compartments that are lost at metamorphosis are uncolored. Those incorporated into the mature structure share the same color in the two stages. (B) Summary of transmitter output from the MB compartments in the larval and adult stages. The larval LP (=adult ped) and LVL (=adult γ 2) compartments switch transmitters through metamorphosis. Compartment designations as in Figure 2. (C) Summary of the roles of mushroom body output neuron (MBON) compartment shifting, MBON trans-differentiation, and MBON recruitment in producing the output configuration of the mature MB. Persisting neurons in the lobe compartments are DAN-c1/PPL1 01, DAN-d1/PPL1 03, and MBON-d1/MBON 11; the new adult-specific neuron is MBON 12; and MBON-c1/MBE-CA shifts to the calyx.

Fate of circuit connections in the mushroom body (MB) through metamorphosis.

(A) Matrix showing the overlap of mushroom body input neuron (MBIN) axon terminals with mushroom body output neuron (MBON) dendrites in the same compartment. MBIN-MBON overlap only in the larval stage (blue), only in the adult stage (magenta), or in both stages (yellow). Rows and columns that are grayed out for cells whose identity is unknown for either the larval or adult stage. Larval/adult names are provided for each cell, with the red names being the terminal identity of neurons that do not innervate the adult MB. (B) Matrix showing the cells that make MBON-MBON connections only in their larval configuration (blue), only in their adult configuration (magenta), or in both configurations (yellow).

The lineage relationships of the major neuron types of the larval and adult mushroom bodies (MBs).

The four Kenyon cell neuroblasts (MBp) divide continuously from mid-embryogenesis until just before adult emergence. Three classes of Kenyon cells (different colors) are made in succession. The remaining neuroblasts have discrete embryonic and postembryonic phases of neurogenesis; neurons made during the first phase make the larval CNS. At metamorphosis, they are combined with neurons from the postembryonic phase to make the adult CNS. Origins and fates of MB neurons: (red) neurons that function in both the larval and adult MB; (blue) neurons that function in the larval MB but switch to non-MB circuits in the adult; (purple) postembryonic-born cells that function only in the adult MB: (white) neurons that function outside of the MBs. The name of the larval neuroblast and its embryonic lineage is paired with the most likely postembryonic lineage. Most postembryonic lineages are type I, in which progeny arise pairwise fashion from division of successive ganglion mother cells (shown as paired lines of cells). DL1 and DL2 show a type II pattern of division that increases the number of neurons produced because each neuroblast division produces an intermediate precursor cell that then divides to produce a small number of ganglion mother cells (shown as more disorganized clusters). See text for details.

The origin of spatial-temporal information used to determine neuronal phenotypes.

(A) The early neuronal phenotypes within a lineage are determined by birth order of the ganglion mother cells (GMC). Birth order is encoded by a temporal program of transcription factor expression in the parent neuroblast (NB) as it divides. Transcription factor expression at the time of division is inherited by the GMC and its daughter neurons. Differences between the daughters is established by Notch (N) signaling with one sibling expressing the Notch-on (‘A’) fate and the other the Notch-off (‘B’) fate. This information, along with lineage identity factors, acts through a battery of terminal selector genes to establish neuronal phenotypes. (B) A hypothetical scheme to explain the metamorphic pattern of mushroom body input neuron (MBIN) recruitment and loss in the PPL1 cluster of dopamine neurons. It proposes that the Castor (cas) expressing neurons that are born in the DL1 lineage just before and after the embryonic neurogenic arrest are fated to become MBINs. The earlier born Pdm expressing neurons are also dopaminergic but their adult function is outside of the MB. Larval specification factors, though, modify how they interact with the terminal selector genes thereby transforming them into MBINs while the larval stage is maintained. (C) A hypothetical scheme using neurons of the DAL-V2/3 lineage to illustrate how sibling fates might be temporarily altered to recruit larval MBONs. In this scheme, two successive GMCs divide to produce one daughter that is an MBON and one that innervates the central complex, a dichotomy established by Notch signaling. With the evolution of the larva, Notch signaling is suppressed in the daughters during embryogenesis, allowing both to assume a similar fate – that of a larval MBON. With the reestablishment of normal Notch signaling at metamorphosis, the transformed daughter loses her MBON features and becomes a central complex neuron.

Summary of the relationship of the function of embryonic-born adult neurons to their temporary functions in the larval mushroom body (MB).

Neurons that function in the MB of both larva and adults typically have similar positions in both structures, although some of the adult medial lobe mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) shift to the larval vertical lobes. Other neurons innervating the larval vertical lobes and the larval-specific intermediate peduncle compartment are fated for adult functions outside of the MB. CC: central complex; LAL: lateral accessory lobe; LH: lateral horn; OL: optic lobes; RIP: dead neurons; SMP: superior medial protocerebrum.


Table 1
Metamorphic fates of larval mushroom body extrinsic neurons.
Larval nameCompartmentLineage *Adult identityRef for adult identity
OAN-a1,a2CXVUMOA-VUM2aBusch et al., 2009
MBIN-b1,b2IPDPLdPAL-OLMao and Davis, 2009; this study
DAN-c1LPCPd2/3PPL1 01 (γ1pedc)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBIN-c1LPCPd2/3PPL1 01 (γ1pedc)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
DAN-d1LACPd2/3PPL1 03 (γ2α'1)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBIN-l1LABLV a3/4LAL>bi-CRPThis study
OAN-e1UVLCPd2/3PPL1-SMPMao and Davis, 2009; this study
DAN-f1IVLCPd2/3PPL1-bi-SMPMao and Davis, 2009; this study
DAN-g1LVLCPd2/3PPL1 02 (γ1)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
OAN-g1LVLUnknownOA-VPM3Busch et al., 2009
DAN-h1SHADAL CM-1/2DeadThis study
DAN-i1UTDAL CM-1/2DeadThis study
DAN-j1ITDAL CM-1/2DeadThis study
DAN-k1LTDAL CM-1/2DeadThis study
MBON-a1CXCPv2/3MBON 29 (γ4γ5)This study
MBON-a2CXCPv2/3MBON 22 (calyx)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-b1,-b2IPBLVa3/4LH-LNDolan et al., 2019
MBON-d1LADAL CM-1/2MBON 11 (γ1pedc>α/β)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-d2LABAmd2SMP>IBThis study
MBON-e2UVL, IVL, LVLDAM-d1MBON 03 (β'2mp)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-f2IVLDAL cl2MBON 30 (γ1,γ2,γ3)Li et al., 2020
MBON-g1,g2LVLDAL-V2/3LAL.s-NO2i.bWolff and Rubin, 2018
MBON-h1SHADAL-V2/3MBON 09 (γ3β'1)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-h2SHADAL-V2/3MBON 08 (g3)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-i1UTDAM-d1MBON 04 (β'2-bilat)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-j1ITDAM-d1MBON 02 (β2β'2a)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-j2ITDAL CM-1/2MBON 05 (γ4>γ1,γ2)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-k1LTDAM-d1MBON 01 (γ5β'2a)Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
APLUT,LT,LA,VL,CXBLV a3/4APLAso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
  1. CX, calyx; IP: intermediate peduncle; LP: lower peduncle; UVL: upper vertical lobe; IB: inferior bridge; IVL: intermediate vertical lobe; LVL: lower vertical love; LA: lateral appendix; OT: optic tubercle; SHA: shaft; SMP: superior medial protocerebrum; UT: upper toe; IT: intermediate toe; LT: lower toe.

  2. *

    Lineage designations from Saumweber et al., 2018.

  3. Lineage assumed to be from the ventral unpaired neuroblast because of position and nature of neurons.

Table 2
Developmental origins of adult mushroom body input neurons (MBINs) and mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) that do not come from remodeled larval, extrinsic mushroom body neurons.
PPL1_04 (α'3)1PostembryonicDL2Ren et al., 2016
PPL1-05 (α'2α2)1PostembryonicDL2Ren et al., 2016
PPL1-06 (α3)1PostembryonicDL2Ren et al., 2016
PAM 01 (γ5)19PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 02 (β'2a)8PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 03 (β2β'2a)4PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 04 (β2)16PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 05 (β'2p)10PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 06 (β'2m)15PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 07 (γ4<γ1γ2)5PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 08 (γ4)26PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 09 (β1ped)6PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 10 (β1)6PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 11 (α1)7PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 12 (γ3)11PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 13 (β'1ap)7PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 14 (β'1)8PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM 15 (γ5β'2a)3PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
PAM γ4/5?PostembryonicCREa1A, CREa2ALee et al., 2020
MBON 06 (β1>α]1Unknown
MBON 07 (α1)2Unknown
MBON 10 (β'1)8Unknown
MBON 12 (γ2α'1)2PostembryonicFLAa2This study
MBON 13 (α'2)2PostembryonicFLAa2This study
MBON 14 (α3)2PostembryonicFLAa2This study
MBON 15 (α'1)2PostembryonicDL1This study
MBON 16 (α'3ap)1PostembryonicDL1This study
MBON 17 (α'3m)2PostembryonicDL1This study
MBON 18 (α2sc)1postembryonicDL1This study
MBON 19 (α2p3p)2PostembryonicDL1This study
MBON 21 (γ4,γ5)1Unknown
MBON 23 (α2sp)1PostembryonicDL1This study
MB-DPM1PostembryonicUnknownMayseless et al., 2018
  1. Adult names according to Aso et al., 2014 and Li et al., 2020, except PAM γ4/5, which is based on Lee et al., 2020.

Table 3
Comparison of transmitter expression in larval and adult forms of mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) and mushroom body input neurons (MBINs).
Neuron: larva/adultLarval transmitterAdult transmitterLarval refAdult ref
OAN-a1,a2/OA-VUM2aOctopamineOctopamineSelcho et al., 2014Busch et al., 2009
MBIN-b1,b2/PAL-OLTH-positiveTH-positiveEichler et al., 2017Mao and Davis, 2009
DAN-c1/PPL1 01DopamineDopamineSelcho et al., 2009; Eichler et al., 2017Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBIN-c1/PPL1 01TH-positiveDopamineEichler et al., 2017Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
DAN-d1/PPL1 03DopamineDopamineSelcho et al., 2009; Eichler et al., 2017Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBIN-l1/TD_LAL >creTH-positiveUnknownEichler et al., 2017
OAN-e1/PPL1-SMPOctopamineTH-positiveEichler et al., 2017Mao and Davis, 2009
DAN-f1/PPL1-bilatDopamineTH-positiveSelcho et al., 2009; Eichler et al., 2017Mao and Davis, 2009
DAN-g1/PPL1 02DopamineDopamineSelcho et al., 2009; Eichler et al., 2017Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
OAN-g1/OA-VPM3OctopamineOctopamineSelcho et al., 2014; Eichler et al., 2017Busch et al., 2009
MBON-a1/MBON 29AcetylcholinePutative AChEichler et al., 2017Li et al., 2020
MBON-a2/MBON 22AcetylcholinePutative AChEichler et al., 2017Li et al., 2020
MBON-b1,b2/LH-LNGABAPutative GABADolan et al., 2019
MBON-c1/MBE-CalyxAcetylcholineUnknownEichler et al., 2017
MBON-d1/MBON 11GABAGABAAso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-e2/MBON 03GlutamateGlutamateEichler et al., 2017Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-f2/MBON 30UnknownPutative glutamateLi et al., 2020
MBON-g1,g2/LAL.s-NO2i.bGABAUnknownEichler et al., 2017
MBON-h1/MBON 09GABAGABAEichler et al., 2017Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-h2/MBON 08GABAGABAEichler et al., 2017
MBON-i1/MBON 04GlutamateGlutamateEichler et al., 2017Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-j1/MBON 02GlutamateGlutamateEichler et al., 2017Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-j2/MBON 05GlutamateGlutamateSaumweber et al., 2018Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
MBON-k1/MBON 01GlutamateGlutamateEichler et al., 2017Aso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
APL/MB-APLGABAGABAAso et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020
  1. TH, tyrosine hydroxylase.

Table 4
Split GAL4 lines used to determine fates of larval mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) and mushroom body input neuron (MBINs).
Cell nameSplit lineSplit lineSplit line
MBIN-b1,b2SS21716 [FS, TL)
DAN-c1SS03066 (FS, TL)MB586B (FS)SS01702 (FS)
DAN-d1MB328B (FS, TL)
MBIN-l1SS04484 (FS, TL)SS01624 (FS)
OAN-e1SS36923 (FS)SS01958 (FS)
DAN-f1 (+DAN-c1)MB065b (FS, TL)MB145 (TL)
DAN-g1SS01716 (FS, TL)SS01755 (FS)
OAN-g1 (sVPMmx)SS25844 (FS)SS04268 (FS)
DAN-h1SS01949 (NC,TL)SS01696 (NC)MB440B (NC)
DAN-i1SS01949 (NC,TL)MB196C (NC)
DAN-j1SS01949 (NC,TL)MB316B (NC)MB340C (NC)
DAN-k1SS01757 (NC,TL)MB198B (NC)SS00616 (NC)
MBON-a1SS00867 (FS,TL)SS01417 (FS)
MBON-a2SS02006 (FS)
MBON-b1,b2SS01708 (FS, TL)SS04112 (FS)SS01959 (FS)
MBON-c1SS21789 (FS, TL)
MBON-d1SS01705 (FS,TL)
MBON-d2SS04231 (FS)
MBON-e2SS04559 (FS, TL)
MBON-f2SS04328 (FS, TL)SS36248 (FS)
MBON-g1,g2SS02130 (FS, TL)SS02121 (FS)
MBON-h1,h2SS01725 (FS, TL)
MBON-j1SS01973 (FS,TL)SS01972 (FS)
MBON-j2SS00860 (FS,TL)
MBON-k1SS01962 (FS)SS01980 (TL)
APLSS01671 (FS, TL)
  1. Bold lines are the best lines for each cell.

  2. FS, flip-switch immortalization; NC, no adult counterpart; TL, developmental timeline.

Table 5
Split GAL4 lines used in study.
Split lineTarget cellADDBD
MB065bDAN-f1 (+DAN-c1)TH-p65ADZp in attP40R72B05-ZpGdbd in attP2
MB145DAN-f1 (+DAN-c1)R15B01-p65ADZp in attP40R72B05-ZpGdbd in attP2
MB 196CDAN-i1R58E02-p65ADZp in attP40R36B06-ZpGdbd in attP2
MB198BDAN-k1R58E02-p65ADZp in attP40R71D01-ZpGdbd in attP2
MB316BDAN-j1R58E02-p65ADZp in attP40R93G08-ZpGdbd in attP2
MB328BDAN-d1R82C10-p65ADZp in attP40R32F01-ZpGdbd in attP2
MB340CDAN-j1R93D10-p65ADZp in attP40R12G04-ZpGdbd in attP2
MB440BDAN-h1R30G08-p65ADZp in attP40R17D06-ZpGdbd in attP2
MB586BDAN-c1TH-p65ADZp in attP40R72G06-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS00616DAN-k171D01-p65ADZp in VK0002717D06-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS00860MBON-j2w; R89G07-p65ADZ; MKRS/TM6BR24E12-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS00867MBON-a1w; R93G12-p65ADZ; MKRS/TM6BR52E12-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01417MBON-a1w; R52E12-p65ADZpR93G12-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01624MBIN-l1w; R84D07-p65ADZR37G09-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01671APLR21D02-p65ADZpR55D08-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01696DAN-h176F05-p65ADZp in attP4095H02-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01702DAN-c1VT054895-p65ADZ in attP40R53C05-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01705MBON-d1R11E07-p65ADZp in attP40R52H01-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01708MBON-b1,b2R12G03-p65ADZp in attP4021D02-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01716DAN-g1R14E06-p65ADZp in attP40R27G01-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01725MBON-h1,h2R20A02-p65ADZp in attP40; MKRS/TM6BR28A10-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01755DAN-g1R46F09-p65ADZpR14E06-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01757DAN-k1w; R48F09-p65ADZp; MKRS/ TM6BR27A11-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01771MBON-i1w; 65A05-p65ADZ; MKRS/TM6B14C08-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01949DAN-h1, -i1, -j1VT026700-p65ADZp in attP40VT058464-ZpGDBD in attP2
SS01958OAN-e1VT023826-p65ADZp in attP40R75F01-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01959MBON-b1,b2VT027952-p65ADZp in attP40R26A02-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01962MBON-k1VT033301-p65ADZp in attP40R27G01-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01972MBON-j1VT057469-p65ADZp in attP4012C11-ZpGdbd/ TM3 in attP2
SS01973MBON-j1VT057469-p65ADZp in attP40R18D09-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS01980MBON-k1VT020613-p65ADZp in attP40VT033301-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS02006MBON-a2w; 93G12-p65ADZ; MKRS/TM6B71E06-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS02121MBON-g1,g2R21D06-p65ADZp in attP40R23B09-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS02130MBON-g1,g2w; R23B09-p65ADZp; MKRS/ TM6BR21D06-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS03066DAN-c1VT054895-p65ADZ in attP40VT057278-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS04112MBON-b1,b2VT027952-p65ADZp in attP40HAV5; CyO/Sco; 21D02-ZpGDBD in attP2
SS04231MBON-d2VT032899-p65ADZp in attP40HAV5; CyO/Sp; 87G02-ZpGDBD in attP2
SS04268OAN-g1 (sVPMmx)VT012639-p65ADZp in attP40VT016127-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS04328MBON-f2VT033301-p65ADZp in attP40VT029593-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS04484MBIN-l1R37G09-p65ADZp in attP40VT007174-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS21716MBIN-b1,b2VT048835-p65ADZp in attP40VT026664-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS21789MBON-c1VT050247-p65ADZp in attP40VT050247-ZpGDBD in attP2
SS25844OAN-g1 (sVPMmx)VT040569-p65ADZp in attP40VT061921-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS36248MBON-f2VT016795-p65ADZ in attP40VT029593-ZpGdbd in attP2
SS36923OAN-e1VT054895-p65ADZ in attP40HAV5; CyO/Sco; 75F01-ZpGDBD in attP2
SS04559MBON-e2w; 65A05-p65ADZ; MKRS/TM6BVT045663-ZpGDBD in attP2
Table 6
Reagents used in this study.
ReagentSourceCatalog #
Mouse anti-bruchpilotDevelopmental Studies Hybridoma BankNc82-s
Rat anti-N cadherinDevelopmental Studies Hybridoma BankDN-Ex #8
Mouse anti-neuroglianDevelopmental Studies Hybridoma BankBP 104
Mouse anti-Fasciclin IIDevelopmental Studies Hybridoma Bank1D4
Rabbit anti-DsRedClonTech#632496
Normal donkey serumJackson ImmunoResearch#017-000-121
AF488 donkey α-rabbitJackson ImmunoResearch#711-545-152
AF488 donkey α-mouseJackson ImmunoResearch#711-585-151
AF594 donkey α-rabbitJackson ImmunoResearch#711-585-152
AF594 donkey α-mouseJackson ImmunoResearch#711-585-151
AF649 donkey α-ratJackson ImmunoResearch#711-605-153
Mifepristone (RU-486)Sigma-Aldrich#M8046-100mg
S2 – Schneider’s Insect MediumSigma-Aldrich#S01416
DPX mountantElectron Microscopy Sciences#13512

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  1. James W Truman
  2. Jacquelyn Price
  3. Rosa L Miyares
  4. Tzumin Lee
Metamorphosis of memory circuits in Drosophila reveals a strategy for evolving a larval brain
eLife 12:e80594.