We group simulations by relationships between minor allele frequency (MAF) and local linkage disequilibrium at an SNP on effect size (MAF-LD coupling): BASELINE, COMMON, RARE, HIGH, LOW. In each … see more
RHE-mc results in simulated data.
We grouped the simulations by the five different MAF-LD coupling: BASELINE, COMMON, RARE, HIGH, LOW, as labeled on top of each column. In each group, there are 12 simulations with different levels … see more
We performed simulations under an ULTRA RARE genetic architecture in which SNPs with MAF <1% account for 90% of the causal variants. We plot the distributions of two Z-scores (y-axis), one on each … see more
Empirical cumulative distribution functions of (a) MAF and (b) LD scores of NIMs (in solid green line) and MH SNPs (in pink dashed line) estimated in the UK Biobank (UKBB). (c) Boxplots of MAFs of … see more
(a) Estimates of NIM heritability (h2^NIM) and (c) the Z-score of h2^NIM (testing the hypothesis that NIM heritability is positive) for each UKBB phenotype. Analogously, (b) estimates of Δ^h2 and Z-score (d) … see more
UKBB phenotype annotation.
RHE-mc results with Ancestry+MAF+LD annotations and NIM PCs included in covariates applied to 96 UKBB phenotypes.
Each phenotype is shown with one dot colored by the phenotypic category it belongs to, on the y-axis based on its point estimate and standard error (estimated by RHE-mc with Ancestry annotation) and … see more
RHE-mc results with Ancestry only annotation and NIM PCs included in covariates applied to 96 UKBB phenotypes.
This figure is plotted in the same way as Figure 4. The trend that not controlling for minor allele frequency (MAF) and LD leads to underestimation of (a) total heritability h2^ , (b) NIM … see more
(a) Fine mapping pipeline to identify NIMs that aims to identify genomic regions at which NIMs are likely to modulate phenotypic variation (credible NIM regions). (b) Comparison of approaches for … see more
Fine mapping FDP in simulated data.
(a) Distribution of credible NIMs across the genome. (b) High and moderate impact credible NIMs annotated by SnpEff software (Cingolani et al., 2012). A total of 26 credible NIMs have high (marked … see more
112 credible NIM sets and credible NIMs.
SnpEff annotation of all unique credible NIMs.
Plot of 200 kb region surrounding rs9427397 (marked in black diamond; hg19 coordinates), a credible NIM in FCGR2A that introduces a premature stop codon and is associated with increased levels of … see more
(a) Plot of 300 kb region surrounding rs17134592 (marked in black diamond; hg19 coordinates), a non-synonymous NIM in AKR1C4, that is associated with increased serum bilirubin levels. The plot … see more
The x-axis lists the tissues where credible NIMs are found as eQTLs, and the y-axis is the number of eQTLs observed in the tissue that is a credible NIM.
We group the simulations by the MAF-LD coupling: BASELINE, COMMON, RARE, HIGH, LOW, and ALL, as labeled on the x-axis. We plot the distributions of three Z-scores (y-axis), one on each panel: (a) … see more
PC-1 from the whole genome genotypes (released by UK Biobank [UKBB]) is shown on the left, and Neanderthal Informative Mutation (NIM) PC-1 is shown on the right. We used a 20-by-20 grid along the … see more
This figure is plotted in the same way as Figure 3. Heritability estimates are largely similar, but fewer phenotypes are significant. Three phenotypes have significant positive NIM heritability … see more
Empirical cumulative distribution functions of (a) MAF and (b) LD scores of NIMs identified by Sprime (in solid green line) and MH SNPs (in pink dashed line) estimated in the UK Biobank (UKBB). (c) … see more