(A) The fractions of kinetochore pairs with bridging fibers (dark gray) and with undetectable bridging fibers (light gray). The fractions are obtained from the tubulin intensity measured in STED images (left), by visual inspection of STED images (middle) and from SiR-tubulin intensity measured in confocal images (right) of control, HAUS6- and HAUS8-depleted cells. (B) The fractions of kinetochore pairs with bridging fibers (dark gray) and without bridging fibers (light gray) depending on the projected distance from the long (pole-to-pole) spindle axis in confocally imaged HAUS6- (left) and HAUS8- (right) depleted cells. (C) Live images (single z-plane) of SiR-tubulin (gray) stained metaphase spindles in control (left), HAUS6- (middle) and HAUS8-depleted (right) RPE1 cells stably expressing CENP-A-GFP and Centrin1-GFP (both in yellow). The enlarged boxes show bridging fibers affected by HAUS6 or HAUS8 depletion compared to the bridging fiber in control cell. The positions of kinetochores are marked with yellow circles. (D) Univariate scatter plot of the tubulin signal intensities of bridging and k-fibers in control (gray), HAUS6- (yellow) and HAUS8-depleted (orange) RPE1 cells stably expressing CENP-A-GFP and Centrin1-GFP. Schematic representation of the method for measuring tubulin intensity of a bridging fiber and corresponding k-fibers (kinetochores are shown in yellow and tubulin signal in white). For the analysis, the average of two k-fibers is calculated and the average of background is subtracted from the tubulin intensity values of the bridging and k-fiber. N=30 bridging and sister k-fibers in 10 control cells and N=60 bridging and sister k-fibers in both 10 HAUS6- and 10 HAUS8-depleted cells. (E) Intensity profiles of SiR-tubulin signal along the bundles in control cells (gray) and after HAUS6 (yellow) or HAUS8 (orange) depletion. The center of the bridging fiber is set at a distance zero and the minimum intensity of the central part of the spindle was subtracted from the values of intensity profiles. N=10 cells and 50 bundles for control and HAUS6 siRNA-treated cells, N=10 cells and 48 bundles for HAUS8 siRNA-treated cells. Mean ± SEM (thick black line and shaded area, respectively). The method for measuring the tubulin intensity of the bridging fiber and the corresponding k-fibers is depicted in the inset; the average of two k-fibers was calculated whenever both k-fibers resided in the same-z plane. (F) Univariate scatter plot of the tubulin signal intensities of the bridging fiber (Ib), the bundle consisting of the k-fiber and bridging fiber (Ibk), and k-fiber (Ik) in control (gray), HAUS6- (yellow) and HAUS8-depleted (orange) cells. (G) Reduction of the tubulin signal in the bridging fiber (Ib), the bundle consisting of the k-fiber and bridging fiber (Ibk), and the k-fiber (Ik) following HAUS6 (yellow) or HAUS8 (orange) depletion. Values are shown as mean ± SEM. P-values were calculated using the absolute values of tubulin signal intensity of bridging or k-fibers following HAUS6 or HAUS8 depletion, compared to the absolute values of tubulin signal intensity of corresponding fibers in control cells. (H) Intensity profiles of SiR-tubulin (gray) and GFP-tubulin (yellow) signal in HeLa cells stably expressing GFP-α-tubulin (yellow) and stained with SiR-tubulin (gray). The values of two intensity profiles are adjusted to observe the level of overlapping between them and the minimum of the SiR-tubulin signal is set as a distance zero. This method was used as a control to validate SiR-tubulin labeling. (I) Bundle contours from RPE1 cells stably expressing CENP-A-GFP (yellow). Examples of each bundle type are shown in insets. From left to right: the outermost bundle in control cells, the outermost bundle with a bridging fiber, the outermost bundle without a bridging fiber and the outermost bundle without kinetochores in HAUS6-depleted cells; mean ± SEM is shown in black. (J) Univariate scatter plot of contour lengths and (K) radii of curvature in control (gray), HAUS6- (yellow) and HAUS8-depleted (orange) cells. N=120 outermost bundles from 30 control cells, 54 bundles with a bridging fiber, 40 bundles without a bridging fiber, and 36 bundles without kinetochores from 30 HAUS6-depleted cells. (L) Time-lapse images of control (top) and HAUS6-depleted (bottom) U2OS cells stably expressing CENP-A-GFP (yellow), mCherry-α-tubulin (gray) and PA-GFP-α-tubulin, before (–10 s), at the time when photoactivation (yellow) was performed (0 s), and after photoactivation. (M) Univariate scatter plot of the poleward flux speed in control cells (gray) and after HAUS6 depletion (yellow). N=30 measured photoactivation spots in 30 cells for both conditions. (D, F, J, K and M) Boxes represent standard deviation (dark gray), 95% confidence interval of the mean (light gray) and mean value (black). All results were obtained from three independent experiments. Images in (L) are adjusted for clarity (see Materials and methods). Statistical analysis; (D, F, G, J and K) ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey test; (M) t-test, p-value legend:<0.0001 (****), 0.0001–0.001 (***), 0.001–0.01 (**), 0.01–0.05 (*), ≥0.05 (ns). Scale bars, 2 µm.